McGregor’s the champ! 10 things we WISH we could do in 13 seconds
Conor McGregor knocked out Jose Aldo in just 13 seconds in a great victory in Las Vegas last night.
Conor and Jose's first battle was cancelled back in July, so last nights fight was well awaited, and the Irish were as proud as ever to name McGregor our champion.
We like to think we're champions ourselves sometimes, but there's somethings we only wish we could do in only 13 seconds:
1. Apply our make-up
This can take up SO much time in the morning and a 13 second routine would really make life much easier.
2. Take OFF our make-up
Just as much effort as putting on your make-up, is taking it off. It's honestly one of the most daunting bedtime tasks, am I right?
3. Dry our hair
Especially women with long hair, it seems like it can take a whole day to get our hair bone dry.
A magical 13-second hairdryer would come in handy here.
4. Ordering take-away
When hunger strikes, theres nothing better than ordering a tasty Domino's straight to your door. But the minute you hit that order button, it seems like it takes an ETERNITY for your food to get to you.
Domino's have made it a bit quicker now, though.
5. Travel to work
Having a long commute to work sometimes feels like it takes up your whole day.
How much easier would it be to skip the grimy public transport and teleport to work in a few seconds? If only dreams came true.
6. Cook
Even though a home cooked meal sounds delish, the last thing you want after a long day is to slave over a hot oven.
Microwaves are grand, but a roast chicken dinner in 13 seconds sounds way more awesome.
7. Gym time
We all know the healthy way to achieve a hot bod is to put in some gym time, but an hour on the treadmill… really?!
8. Nail polish
The bottles that reads, 'Dry in 60 seconds' lie, because it honestly feels like HOURS until your nails are dry again. #Struggles.
9. Pick out clothes
No matter if it's for work, date night ot your Christmas party, choosing an outfit can take anywhere between a week to an hour.
If only we could make decisions that bit faster.
10. Getting out of bed
The 20 minutes we all spend convincing ourselves to get up in the morning could be used way more productively.