Student goes make-up free for 200 days
Imagine putting down your beauty brushes, putting away your foundation and saying goodbye to your blusher for 200 days. Well that’s exactly what American student Annie Gauru did – the aspiring journalist set herself a challenge to not wear make-up for seven months. Wanting to look at her own perception of beauty and of those around her, the Born With It Beauty Project was born.
After one final make-up faced night out on New Year’s Eve, Annie put away the slap and spent the next 200 days attending parties without make-out on.
Obviously it wasn’t as easy as it all sounds: “I was often tempted to quit. As a 20-year-old college student at Indiana University, I spent many weekends at fraternity parties surrounded by intimidatingly beautiful young women. My friends were right that no one would really know if I cheated. Even if they did, they probably wouldn’t care.”
Annie completed the project this month and says: “I am not against makeup, but I am against the feeling that I have to change my face to feel good about myself. If you think you couldn’t possibly try my experiment, then it would probably be a good experience for you too, even if just for a week,”
We all did the #nomakeupselfie but going outside for 200 days without our face on, well, let’s just say – Annie is one brave girl.