Here are 26 New Year’s resolutions that are actually worth making
2025 is nearly here at last and we’re excited to see what the next 12 months have in store for us.
Everyone has been vowing to make changes to better their lives, but we have to admit we never stick to our resolutions. Mainly because they’re always a bit miserable.
Losing weight is always one of the most popular resolutions, but we need to remember that we don’t exist to shed pounds once the clock strikes 12 on December 31.
We’re never going to achieve our resolutions if we dread them so we’ve conjured up a list of 30 things that will make your life a lot better in 2024. And none of them involve giving up your bi-monthly trip to the chipper.
Here are 26 resolutions that will ensure you have a happy, rich and joyful 2024.
Cut down your screen-time
Walk somewhere every single day
Stop watching the same TV show over and over again
Drink more water
Buy a Keep Cup
Less fast-fashion
Stop wasting money on taxis
Go to the beach once a month
Call your best friend
Donate blood
Throw out clothes that don’t fit you anymore
Always wash off your make-up at night
Read more books
Put your phone on the other side of the room before bed
Don’t feel guilty for eating a bloody biscuit
Stop working through your lunch break
Buy fresh flowers once a month
Go to your local coffee shop instead of Starbucks
Unfollow people who make you feel unhappy
Go to the doctor when you’re worried about something
Stop apologising when you’re not in the wrong
Accept compliments
Cancel plans if you don’t feel up for them
Change your pillowcase once a week
Don’t keep your toothbrush in the bathroom
Tell your friends and family how much you love them