Kim Kardashian is set to give a speech on empowering women

Next month the reality TV star will speak with the public about the media's problematic objectification of women. As someone who has spent the majority of her adult life in front of a camera lens, we couldn't think of anyone better! 

In light of Kim's hotly anticipated talk, we decided to take a trip down memory lane and revisit those moments when we thought Kim really exemplified what it means to be a feminist in modern society.

It's not easy, but she has certainly always been true to herself.


She's already proved herself to be an author, not just a model (with a book of 352 pictures of herself).


She promotes positive self-image (by endorsing a product that makes your waist resemble a Barbie doll).


She empowers working moms, like when she brought North along to the swimwear photo shoot.


She never flaunts her wealth (just casually wearing diamonds diving off the coast of a private island, NBD).


She does really selfless things for fans who are seriously ill (eg she takes another photo of herself).


She is always all about supporting her sisters.