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Miranda Kerr always looks so happy – and why wouldn’t she? She’s gorgeous and she’s the proud mum of a beautiful little baby – but she’s also been getting some help in the happiness department.

The maca plant, which is found in South America, was fed to mice over six weeks and amazingly, those given the highest dose were found to exhibit the least depressed behaviour. According to research at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, their levels of cortisol (stress hormone) decreased, while their levels of dopamine (happy hormone) increased.

Miranda Kerr is among a selection of celebs who include this miracle plant in their diet – so no wonder she looks so happy! You can buy this as a supplement in health food shops and not only is it found to help depression, but also IBS symptoms, acne and it’s also said to boost your energy and libido!

We’ll have what Miranda is having!



Miley Cyrus said she was bullied at school for having acne.

The Wreaking Ball singer said she was picked on by her classmates for having “really bad skin”. The singer also opened up about her battle with depression at that time.

”I went through a time where I was really depressed. Like, I locked myself in my room and my dad had to break my door down,” said Miley. ”It was a lot to do with… I had really bad skin and I felt really bullied because of that.”

”But I never was depressed because of the way someone else made me feel. I just was depressed,” she said.

Miley has had an emotional few days after her beloved dog Floyd passed away last Tuesday.

The star posted a series of distressed messages on Twitter last weekend writing, ”I wanna sleep but all I can do is cry I never wanna go home to a house where Floyd isnt running & playing how do I get thru this.”


They say that our diet is reflected in our skin and it’s no lie.

If you go on a junk food binge the chances are you will soon see the effects on your face.

If your skin is dull, dry or spotty, try eating more of these foods to clear it up in no time.

1. Water

2. Oily fish

3. Brown rice

4. Kale

5. Avocado

6. Dark berries

7. Green tea

8. Peppermint

9. Garlic

10. Nuts

OK, we know that water and green tea technically are not food but their impact on clearing up skin cannot be underestimated.



Instead of spending your days hiding in your room, take control of your life and tackle your skin issues head on.

Here are some of the most common skin issues and how you can tackle them:

Breakouts from stress

  • Join a yoga class or take up some sort of physical exercise.
  • Use a cleanser with salicylic acid to help reduce breakouts and visible spots.

Acne from unbalanced lifestyle

  • Switch up your diet and eat more fruit and veg with a high water content.
  • Try getting more sleep at night.

Red bloodshot eyes

  • Apply eye drops before anything else.
  • Use a hydrating cream on your face to get rid of the tired look.

Brown spots on skin

  • Load up on the SPF.
  • Rain, hail or snow – you need to use a moisturiser with SPF of some sort.

Flaky skin

  • Apply moisturiser straight after the shower.
  • Stay hydrated internally so it can show externally.


Leaving your make-up on for too long doesn’t end well, especially if you fall into the habit of keeping it on while you sleep.

Of course we’re all guilty of sleeping with make-up on every now and again. But, it’s important that it doesn’t become a routine and here’s why.

The pores that cover our skin are a passage way for sweat and sebum to make its way to the top of your skin.

Sebum, which is a waxy liquid that helps keep the skin moisturised also helps get rid of dead skin cells and other dirt that shouldn’t be on your skin.

Wearing make-up for too long will clog your pores and stop the sebum from doing its job. Instead, the sebum will build up in your skin and cause acne – every girl’s nightmare.

So if you don’t fancy waking up to unwanted pimples, it’s always a good idea to wash your face before bedtime.

Don’t forget the eyes, ladies, (unless of course you want to wake up with an eye infection).



Removing your make-up the right way is more important that you think. If you don’t do it properly, you could end up going to bed with traces of product on your face – the perfect way to invite acne.

Here’s how we take off our make-up after a long day:

  • Use a cotton pad to remove any eye make-up you have on. If you don’t have a gentle eye make-up remover, you could use olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Use a different removal cream for the rest of your make-up and gently wipe it over your face with a new cotton pad.
  • Drape a warm towel over your face to open your pores and make it easier for cleansing.
  • Gently wash your face with your usual cleanser.
  • You might have some eye makeup running at this stage. Use a cotton bud dipped into oil to remove this.
  • Close your pores by splashing cold water over your face.
  • Pat your face dry with a towel.

You must feel pretty good now!
