GENIUS: Study finds people with HIGH IQ’s watch ‘trashy’ films
'Trashy' films are considered to refer to low budget movies, badly made flicks and those which include explicit features within.
Think 21 Jump Street, John Tucker Must Die, Sharknado and pretty much any films featuring Adam Sandler.
For a long time, it has been assumed that people who enjoy watching films such as these were of low intelligence… rude much?
Luckily for us 'trashy' flick fans, a study published in Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts has reversed the idea that only uncultured souls binge watch Mean Girls all day.
The research carried out investigated how the phrase 'trashy movies' in terms of pop culture could be utilised in a better way.
The online survey collected data from regular viewers of films considered trashy, and measured their intelligence and IQ. The result? They're darn ACADEMICS.
One reason why these films appealed to people with high IQ's was the ironic value of the badly made films, as well as the culturally subversive elements.
Trashy films can be less cautious with its use of plot-lines and execution, less rigid in structure, which is enjoyable for smart folk allegedly.
More original ideas and less clichés seemingly feature in badly made movies…interesting. *strokes chin* Trashy dramas with absurd plots and terrible acting can also be plain GAS to watch, it's so bad that it's good.
There's a reason why the world and it's mother watched A Christmas Prince, and it ain't because of the acting lads.