Man posts totally cringey ad online to find a guy for his sister
It's awkward enough putting yourself out there on dating sites and Tinder to find a man, but it's another level of cringe entirely when your little brother does it on your behalf.
26-year-old Adam Clarke decided he'd had enough of his sister Natalie moaning about being single, and he decided to take matters into his own hands by posting an ad to Facebook and Gumtree for potential dates.
"She hasn't had a boyfriend for a long while," he says in the video. "Don't know whether it's because she's infertile, she's too old, whatever… I'm not going to go into that because she'll kick off."
He finishes by saying, "If anyone's interested, she's 33, she's got her own car, runs her own business, she's… I've run out of things to say… Anyway, if you're interested, add her on Facebook." Charming!
Natalie features in the video briefly, but she claims she thought her brother made it as a joke and deleted it soon afterwards. Nope – he posted it online and it's already had around 8,000 views.
Things didn't work out too badly for Natalie though, as she's had almost 100 responses so far and has narrowed them down to eight potential dates.
After all that embarrassment we really hope she finds someone!