The top 5 wonder foods that will clear up your complexion
While creams and washes can keep acne at bay, you can actually help clear up your skin through your diet.
What you put into your body reflects how it looks on the outside, after all.
So if you want to keep blemishes at bay, try incorporating the following foods into your diet.
Your skin will be glowing and clear in no time.
Oily fish
Oily fish like salmon or tuna provides your body with biotin, a B vitamin that produces fatty acids and metabolises amino acids. A deficiency of biotin can cause – among other things – scaly skin, which clearly, no one wants.
Chia seeds
Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain cell membranes by protecting the skin and also providing it with moisture. Chia seeds are rich in these fatty acids – so chomp down on a few a day.
Almonds are packed with vitamin E, which helps you maintain healthy skin. As well as keeping your skin glowing, vitamin E also protects your skin from damage caused by the sun (just don't replace it for sun screen!).
Sweet potatoes
Eating a produce-rich diet provides your body with lots of water, which keeps your skin and cells hydrated. Loading up on colourful veg, such as sweet potatoes, has been shown to enhance your skins colour, making it bright and radiant.
Sunflower seeds
These little seeds provide excellent nutrients to help your skin recover from free radicals in the environment. Eating a handful of these a day will help keep your skin glowing, while fighting away any nasty infections.