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annoying people


The gym is very busy around this time of year, as people attempt to get some last minute abs before they go away for their two week sun holiday. Spending more time in the gym, you can observe certain types of people who share the floor with you, and grow to hate them.

The Grunter
Whether the weights are actually too heavy or they just want to make it look like they’re working ridiculously hard, there is absolutely no need to be grunting like a woman in her 37th hour of labour.


The Overly Sweaty Guy
People sweat different amounts, and I accept that, but why is it that the sweatier a person is, the less likely they are to wipe down a bench or a machine after they use it?


The Shouter
Self-motivation is really important in the gym, for obvious reasons. But it’s called self-motivation, meaning that it can be done inside your own head. There is absolutely no need to shout at yourself for everyone else to hear when you’re struggling to complete your set, or congratulate yourself once you have finished said exercise.


The Social Media Addict
I’m totally against any posting of pictures or checking in at the gym, but as long as you do it without disrupting anyone else I suppose it’s not that bad. Doing it while sitting at a machine, however, is not acceptable.


The Naked Changing Room Girl
We’re all for people being comfortable in their own skin, but we don’t want to see naked girls ambling around the changing room.

naked shower guy

The Talker
In the changing room, or out in the reception area, by all means talk to as many strangers as you like. They might not be up for a chat, but it’s far less annoying for them than going up to them during an exercise that they’re probably struggling with enough without having someone trying to become their new best friend.


The ‘Expert’
No one has ever actually seen one of these people do any exercise. Instead, they prowl the gym floor looking  for people who look like they might be struggling and providing some ‘helpful’ advice about how what they’re doing is wrong and what they should do to maximise their workout.

Warning: NEVER follow any advice you get from one of these people.


The Machine Hogger
Much like at a hotel on holiday, this person will put their towel on a machine and then wander off to the water fountain or something, as if they are the only person who wants to use this particular piece of equipment for the next 20 minutes.


The Poser
Mirrors are installed in a gym to allow you to see your form while doing an exercise, to avoid injury and maximise the effectiveness of the exercise. They are not there to tense your muscles or strike poses.


The Inconsiderate Asshole
Why is it so hard to put the free weights you were using back on the shelf where you found them?


The Beautiful People
It’s not really their fault that they’re distracting everyone of the opposite gender from whatever exercise they’re doing, but productivity just drop significantly when a particularly attractive person is in your eye-line.


The Inappropriately Dressed Person
I once saw a guy trying to do a workout in jeans and hiking boots. It annoyed me way more than it should have.

wrong clothes

The Show Off
Doing some ridiculously complicated exercise that would be impossible for the average gym-goer just because they’ve practised it for six months straight. They’re also usually in pretty good shape, which is also annoying.

show off



Almost everybody has, is, or will work in an office for some period of their life. You see your co-workers more than you see your actual family or friends. Here are the 11 worst things about working in an office.

1. Infectiously ill people coming into work
The worst of the worst. Chest infection, diarrhea or tonsillitis, this person will be in at 9am ready to start the day. Your boss loves him but the rest of the staff hate him. He arrives in spluttering everywhere, sending snot rockets flying in every direction. Go home for feck’s sake!


2. The guy who eats his smelly lunch beside you
He comes in with his packed lunch from three nights ago, nukes it in the microwave and then opens it up at his desk in front of you. At least your nose will only be doing backflips while his stomach will be the thing to suffer most!


3. Surviving a full Friday while hungover
Arriving in on a Friday after soaking up a happy hour and full night of drinking the night before is a mammoth task to overcome. Hanging on for dear life from 9am to 5:30pm only to go and repeat it all over again. Why do we do it?


4. Time going really, REALLY slowly
Staring up at the clock from your desk and watching the seconds tick – we’ve all been guilty of it, whether out of tiredness, boredom or near-insanity!


5. Having a cubicle
Working alone inside of a 8×10 cubicle can be as grim as your office life will get.


6. Awkward elevator rides
Making awkward small-talk in an elevator with a co-worker you barely know is excruciatingly painful! Nobody wants to talk about how windy it is outside or how many centimetres of rain fell over the weekend. Leave it out!


7. Noisy typers
The button-basher who proceeds to smash his keyboard out of it as loudly as possible with his gigantic sausage fingers.


8. Co-workers who are clueless about technology
Those co-workers you have to teach how to send an email, use the photocopier, and how to delete their web history for some reason? You really should know this stuff by now.


9. Being the new guy
Walking into your new job on the first day can be a daunting task. Awkwardly saying hello to everyone, trying to remember everyone’s name and pretending that you know what you’re doing.


10. The guy who stands behind you staring at your computer screen
The creepy guy who hovers above you from behind, breathing on your neck, and staring at your computer screen, without saying a word… You know who you are.


11. Meetings that drag on with no end in sight
Boring meetings which seem to trawl on for hours making you daydream about doing this…



If you’re not lucky enough to have your own set of wheels, you’re probably well acquainted with the useful but sometimes infuriating service that is Irish public transport.

Whether it’s a bus, train or tram, there’s a good chance your journey to work or college will be ruined by certain types of people. These people make you wish you stayed at home and studied for that drivers theory test. They leave you irritated and considering whether you should get off two stops before your original stop. 

1. The Music Blarer 

So there you are, happily settled in your seat. You’re gazing out of the window and despite the fact that it is very early in the morning, you’re pretty content. That is until some dude in a beanie sits across from you and now you’re peaceful morning commute has some erratic trance music as a soundtrack. Lovely…

public transport

2. The Over-Sharer

This is the person that has an incredibly loud conversation on their phone or with their friends about incredibly personal matters. The bus is silent. She is the only one talking but yet it is at that moment that she decides to talk to her friend about the details of last night’s drunken escapade. Now you and the entire bus know that she cheated on her boyfriend. No one cares about your infidelity or that he was a good kisser. Shut up. I’m trying to read my free Metro.

Irritating people on public transport.

3. The Space Invader

There are plenty of seats around you. This was the only morning you did not put your bag on the seat next to you in an anti-social fashion and what happens? The Space Invader seizes this moment to sit beside you even though there are many other free seats dotted around the bus. This is beyond irritating. You now have someone breathing on top of you and impeding on your alone time. The space invader has no concept of personal space. Yes that it is my arm. Please do not touch it again….


4. The Screamer

Your iPod is on full blast, trying to drown out this person. The screamer does not understand what an indoor voice is and the loud hyena like laughter is actually cutting through you. Silence is severely underrated. Somebody pass the Panadol because you can feel a serious headache coming on.

public transport

5. The Snacker

Eating on public transport is sometimes necessary and early morning/evening commutes may require some sustenance. However it is not okay for you to be forced to sit beside someone for forty minutes who is eating a wrap that definitely has tuna in it with cheese and onion crisps. This will have you regretting that you picked the window seat. You are now trapped with The Snacker and are forced to embrace their food choices. Oh the smells…

public transport

6. The Chatty Cathy..

It is pretty damn early. You’re still unsure whether getting out of bed was the best decision and then you are met with that person who believes sitting beside someone requires small talk. The weather, the traffic and where you bought your shoes are topics up for grabs. Smiling through gritted teeth and responding with generic answers, you inwardly wonder why life must test you in this manner and briefly consider crawling under the seats to escape the mind numbing conversation.

public transport

7. The Smelly Person

Don’t think your silent farts are being unnoticed. Or that we don’t know you haven’t had a shower. It’s extremely obvious.


via our content partner CT




1. The Person In The Queue That Gives Away The Ending

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema

2. The Person That Comes In Late

2. The Person That Comes In Late
Just because you’re doing that shuffling half-crouch thing doesn’t mean you’re not STILL BLOCKING THE SCREEN AND ANNOYING EVERYONE.

3. The Whisperer

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
Yes, you’re whispering but I can still hear you. Everybody in the room can hear you.

4. The Loud Reactor

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
You’re going to need to tone that laugh down.

5. The Sweet Rustler

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
I’m about this close to doing something very, very unpleasant. Put the Maltesers down.

6. The Noisy Chewer

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
My patience is wearing thin.

7. The Slurper

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
Yes, you got it all. I’m pretty sure you got it all. Now please shut up.

8. The Texter

8. The Texter
Just because your phone is on silent doesn’t mean I can’t see the STUPID LIGHT FROM YOUR SCREEN.

9. The Person Whose Phone Rings

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema

10. The Person Who ACTUALLY ANSWERS When Their Phone Rings

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema

11. The Heavy Breather

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
Breathe normally, you sound like a sex criminal.

12. The Armrest Hog

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
Half each, that’s the fair amount. Half. Each.

13. The Sniffler

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
Sick people shouldn’t be allowed in cinemas.

14. The Cougher

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
They really, REALLY shouldn’t be allowed in cinemas.

15. The ‘Handsy’ Couple

15. The 'Handsy' Couple
Nobody wants to see that.

16. The Questioner

16. The Questioner
If you spent less time asking questions and more time CONCENTRATING then you might understand what’s going on….

17. The Mess Maker

17. The Mess Maker
No, strangely enough I don’t want your popcorn stuck in the sole of my shoe.

18. The Person With Gigantic Hair

18 Incredibly Annoying People You Find In Every Cinema
via our content partner CT