48 annoying things girls deal with regularly
We know that guys have their problems too (peeing with a boner seems to be the height of it to be honest) but there are so many things that can ruin a girl’s day. It’s a wonder we find time to smile at all quite frankly!
In the wise words of Beyonce: if I were a boy, I would never have to worry that I forgot to shave my legs. Yep, that’s pretty much how the song goes.

1. When your skirt gets caught in your knickers

2. When your heel breaks
3. When you’ve JUST put your tights on and this happens…

4. When your new shoes REALLY hurt and you’re in total denial about it
5. When you seem to have forgotten how to walk in heels

6. When your ex suddenly texts you

7. When you drop your bag and all its contents fall out

8. When your tights are too big and the crotch just shimmies down your legs. You end up having to waddle

9. When you’ve got a wedgie but you just don’t know how to deal with it in public
10. When some joker thinks it’s hilarious to undo your bra
11. When mother nature strikes and you have NO supplies on you

12. When you act grumpy and some idiot says: you must be on your period

13. When you step outside with your freshly blow-dried hair and it starts to rain

14. Your make-up droops…

15. When you notice you’ve got mega VPL

But you’ve already left and there’s nothing you can do about it

16. When you’re just about to take your clothes off all sexily for that lucky person…

…and you realise you haven’t shaved

17. When you hastily put lipstick on in a club

Five hours later you realise you’ve been walking around looking like this…

18. When your stomach grumbles and it sounds like a fart

19. It’s definitely not a fart but HOW are you going to explain that?

20. When you’re on a packed bus, a seat FINALLY becomes free and some jerk who just got on steals it from you

21. When you realise your skirt is actually a lot shorter than you initially anticipated

22. You spend the WHOLE time worrying about it and tugging it down

23. When you’re period is late and your brain goes straight into assuming the worst

24. When cystitis comes a knockin’

25. When you go to the loo and you figure out far too late there’s no loo roll

26. When you take you ring off to wash your hands and you FORGET your ring

27. When you go home after a long day, really looking forward to that big bar of chocolate…


28. When you’ve already put shampoo in your hair and the hot water runs out
29. When your hair and make up is perfect and you decide to put on liquid eyeliner and it just ruins everything
30. When you plan a trip away with your boyfriend and you get your period on the morning of departure…
31. …and when your boyfriend says ‘Oh well, at least you can still give blow jobs’
32. When you realise you completely misjudged your fake tan
33. When you get red wine on white jeans
34. When you think the hot guy is waving at you so you wave back, only to realise it’s not you he was waving at
35. When you try and do your ‘other’ hand with nail varnish and it looks like this
36. When you realise you forgot to put on deodorant
37. When you try to cut your own hair and it looks like this
38. When you shave your legs and cut yourself
39. When you decide to do your own bikini line and it itches
40. When your period is late and you automatically assume you’re pregnant even though it’s fully impossible
41. When you have to get a smear test
42. When you feel drunk from your first glass of wine and you just know you’re going to be hammered in 20 minutes
43. When you’re talking to a hot guy and you get word vomit
44. When you get beard rash from whoever you’re kissing
45. When you have to do the post sex waddle to the toilet
46. When you’re wearing a jumpsuit or one piece and going to the bathroom is an absolute ordeal
47. When you get asked to help in the kitchen at family functions purely because you have a vagina
48. When you have to say goodbye to your favourite bra
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