Lost for words? 72 new emojis have arrived and they are so AWESOME
Soon there will be no need for words at all as we’ll be able write in pure emoji.
Well, that’s how it seems anyway since 72 new emojis have been added to the emojipedia.
The flamingo dancers and the princess will finally have their happy endings with the new dancing man and prince additions.
You no longer have to be plain old sick as you can now choose a sneeze emoji or a green nauseated face.
You can subtly imply someone is telling porkies with a long-nosed Pinocchio or go all out with a full on facepalm.
And clearly taking note of the new universal love of brunch there’s pancakes, avocados, croissants and bacon. Thank God for that!
According to the New York Times that's not all Apple has planned for emoji lovers.
They have reported that the tech giant is adding a very special texting feature to their phones – an emoji button which will highlight all the “emojifiable” words in your messages and convert them to emoji for you.
So when you think a picture would do the job of a thousand words, your phone will find that picture for you.