Irish Twitter has no time for April Fool’s and honestly, we’re with them
Ah, April Fool's. That one day of the year the when some the world's least funny people unite over a love of bad jokes and ridiculous fibs.
Sure, we loved the chaos it cause when we were children – after all, what seven-year-old doesn't get a kick out of telling their mother they put bleach in the washing machine – but as we grow up, the mischievous air around the first day of April is replaced by copious amounts of eye-rolling and sighing.
At the end of the day, it's all a bit of fun, and perhaps we're just too old and cynical to see the pint in any of it, but after a quick scroll through Twitter, it's safe to say we're not the only ones who feel this way.
Here's some of our favourite anti-April Fool's tweets so far.
1. … yay!
Just realised it’s April Fools tomorrow.
The day when already unfunny people think they’re absolutely gas …..
Can’t wait pic.twitter.com/3m44krrUqE
— Suzanne Kane (@SuzanneKaneFM) March 31, 2018
2. It's the best way.
After getting done by April fools crap 5 times today get me back to bed
— david (@davidnowlan) April 1, 2018
3. Ruining it for everyone.
Shout out to the people replying ‘that’s an April fools joke’ to April fools posts. Well done, you dry, dry, dry shites
— Dodge (@seidodge) April 1, 2018
4. Just the tip of the iceberg tbh.
Things that aren't funny on April fools day:
Your Da
White Guinness
Pretending to be pregnant— Pobby (@ASAP_POB) April 1, 2018
5. We'll all get caught out sooner or later.
God people will believe anything on April Fools Day hahaha
*Sees ad for single ladies looking for fun in your area*
Oh boy where do I sign up!
— Jonny (@Firtinho) April 1, 2018
6. He's got a point.
April Fools Day is much less fun when the news is made up every other day too
— John O'Connor (@johnoc1993) April 1, 2018
7. It's honestly not even worth it.
The absolute effort of coming up with an April fools prank
— Aimee-Laura Flanagan (@AimeeLaura_) April 1, 2018
8. Let's just do away with the old tradition altogether
April Fools Day by far one of the worst traits of humanity. Mostly because I am as gullible as anything
— Simon Cox (@SimonCox2611) April 1, 2018