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A wedding in Sydney this weekend took a rather unexpected turn.

According to local station 9News a wedding guest, fuelled by alcohol and cannabis, tried to the wedding… but crashing into the bridal party. 

By all accounts, Tenille Eyles and Adam Bradley's nuptials started off beautifully at Camden's Harrington Grove Country Club in Sydney. 

However, over the course of the ceremony a fight broke out between some of the wedding guests. 

Warren Donovan, the wedding photographer on duty at the time, said that at first and amid the confusion, most of the other attendees were confused as to what was going on – hence Warren continued shooting photographs. 

He explained, however, that suddenly he spotted someone driving at high speed in a car towards the crowd. 

After reaching the first gathering, the individual in question next reversed into a second crowd of wedding-goers – despite serveral attempts to take the keys from the ignition. 

"When he took off the second time that's when he came straight towards us and we jumped out of the way," Warren also told 9News. 

Australian police said afterwards that the suspect is a 55-year-old man who was the new partner of a relative. Following his arrest, the man was charged with drink and dangerous driving, as well as possession of cannabis. 

He is due in court on September 29. 

Thankfully, no one was injured in the incident. 



One Australian couple woke up to something quite unexpected in their bed recently. The pair awoke to find that a stranger was sleeping in the bed next to them. 

Chris and Katie jumped when at 1:45 am they realised they were not the only ones in the bed, a naked Irish man had climbed in to catch a few Zzz's beside them. 

When speaking to a Sydney news company, Katie said: " Chris is on one side, I'm in the middle and then our stranger on the end right in with us… It was terrifying."

They reacted quickly once they were aware of their house guest and they ordered him to gather his clothes and get out of their apartment. Chris followed him out the door, but once they kicked him out, he climbed back inside the window. 

Police services quickly arrived at the scene and the man was arrested. However it was sadly found that the man was not of sound mind and he was treated for drug related issues. 

The couple have definitely learned their lesson about leaving a window open in future however, which they did to allow their cat to enter the apartment. 

Chris and Kate have no idea how long the man was in the bed with them for: "That's kind of the scary part, how long he might have been looking at us thinking it's a good idea to get into bed with these guys."

Chris said the intruder appeared to be significantly distressed when they woke him up.


When you wake up on Sunday morning with a raging hangover, you'd probably shell out half your pay cheque for a fast-track cure. But next time you're planning a big night, the hangover solution could be sitting in your kitchen.

Hangover cures come and go (with many of them rarely working), but scientists in Australia may have found the cure… pear juice.

The research found that consuming pear juice, or one whole pear, before a night on the tiles can dramatically reduce hangover symptoms, in particular memory loss (bye-bye blackouts) and trouble with concentration. People who drink pear juice before consuming alcohol also experience less sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds. 

The new study was only tested on Asian pears which are commonly used in the Far East and known as the best cure for a night out in those parts. Researchers want to widen their search though and see if the same results can be achieved with Western pears. But fear not, because most Irish supermarkets do stock Asian pears too. PHEW.

Manny Noakes, research director at CSIRO and leader of the new findings said the wonder cure was all down to a decrease in a toxic chemical thought to be behind those dire hangover symptoms. "Reductions were seen in blood acetaldehyde levels, the toxic metabolic thought to be responsible for hangover symptoms, with pear juice consumption," Mr. Noakes revealed in a statement.

"Overall hangover severity was significantly reduced in the pear group compared to having a placebo drink," he continued. However before you go running to the fruitmonger next time you wake up hungover, it's worth noting that pear juice ONLY has a chance of working if you consume it before alcohol… and be sure you drink at least 220ml in order to gain the full effect.

We just hope this one works!


She began a healthy eating regime and committed exercise programme more than a year ago in the aftermath of the breakdown of her four-year marriage to Lamar Odom. 

And certainly the results are impressive: Khloe Kardashian has never looked better. 

Now, the 31-year-old has revealed just how much weight she's lost: a cool 35lbs from her heaviest! That's two-and-a-half stone.

Ms Kardashian recently posed on the front of Complex magazine in a fitness-inspired shoot and in an interview broadcast on Australian radio show NOVA FM, she revealed that she loves hitting the gym.

"I'm so into it," she explained. "Even this morning, I've been up since 2.30 because I was jetlagged and couldn't sleep, and I still went to the gym this morning." 

The Californian furthermore stated: "It wasn't that intense because I'm still jetlagged, but I make sure that I go.

"Even 30 minutes you feel, 'Okay, I feel good about myself.'" And she added that when she's in LA she goes "hard".

"I know how I want to feel in clothes, and it does become addicting," Ms Kardashian admitted. "Once you start losing weight and seeing results, you're like, 'I want to see more!'" 

It emerged today that Khloe reportedly plans to release her own line of gym gear.

"Khloe's been looking around the gym and noticing what people are wearing, and she knows she can come up with a better fashion line," a source told The Fix.

They also said: "She wants to design a line that is dry fit clothing, but better, sexier and a bit wild. She thinks people should show a certain side of themselves while working out.

"She thinks the current stuff is so boring. She thinks that if the workout clothes were sexier, it would make people want to work out more."



A beach cleaner has stumbled upon wreckage which may be part of MH370 – Malaysian Airlines’ missing aircraft.

The Boeing 777 plane vanished from the sky 16 months ago and despite an international search, no trace of it has been found since.

However, it seems that Johnny Begue – in discovering a 1.8metre long wing flap on the shore on the French island of Réunion – has made gone some way in solving the greatest aviation mystery of modern times.

The wreckage was half covered in sand and has barnacles stuck around its edges, and Mr Begue also came across battered luggage nearby his initial find.

Mr Begue manages a team of eight people charged with cleaning up the coastline around the town of Saint-Andre in the east of Indian Ocean territory. 

Réunion itself is located east of Madagascar, some 175km southwest of Mauritius – and also some 5,600km away from the doomed jet's last-known location.

Yesterday morning, Mr Begue spotted the wreckage and with the help of his colleagues he was able to pull it away from the shore so it didn’t get swept out to sea again.

Meanwhile, Malaysian officials have now said they are “almost certain” the wing flap came from a Boeing 777 and aviation investigators are currently heading to the island to verify the findings.

It is expected that they will know whether the wreckage came from MH370 within days.

Locals will furthermore be questioned over the weekend in case they have picked up items – now potentially vital clues – on the beach over the last few months.

Aerial and sea support is likely to come from France, Australia, Malaysia and China, as authorities scramble to collect more debris. 

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 vanished on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board while travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

A comprehensive report earlier this year into the plane's disappearance revealed that the battery of the locator beacon for the plane's flight data recorder had expired more than a year before the jet vanished. 


To all those Nutella lovers out there, we have some bad news. There is currently a Nutella shortage! But don't worry, this is just confined to Australia, for now..

So if you were planning on sending a care package with some Barry's tea over to your pals in Oz, make sure to add in some of that chocolatey goodness. 

As you can well imagine, Nutella lovers in Australia have been sent into panic by the news of a nationwide shortage of the good stuff. 

Ferrero Australia, the company responsible for the hazelnut spread, confirmed the bad news saying Nutella-based desserts are to blame. 

With cheesecake, cupcakes and croissants in many places now using the spread as it's main ingredient, it has put a serious strain on the Australian stash. 

The country has completely sold out of the industrial sized 3kg tubs as the chocolate filled desserts gain popularity in cafes and bakeries. 

According to Ferrero, the next shipment isn't due to arrive until some time in August so there could be some dark days ahead for Nutella addicts out there!



It’s been 20 years since pop icon Madonna has performed in Australia. It seems that her fans aren’t keen on having her despite the time apart, apparently.

Her upcoming Rebel Heart tour is having difficulty getting fans to purchase tickets despite previous predictions that her shows down under would sell out in minutes.

Tickets for the 3 city tour went on sale earlier this month and kicks off in March of next year. So far however, it has only been the cheapest of seats which have managed to sell.

In Brisbane the tickets start at €130 and fans have been slow to come forward and make any purchases.

While Melbourne and Sydney fans have been more inclined to splash out, they have yet to snap up the more exclusive tickets retailing for €330.

If they were willing to really go all out for the Devil Pray VIP experience, fans could expect to be shelling out over €500. Included in the package is prime seating, drinks a pre-show party and tour memorabilia.

The last time the 56-year old singer toured Australia in 1993 she cut her Girlie Tour short due to her children’s schooling.

According to the Daily Mail, there is speculation that her set list is what may have turned fans away, as well as the high ticket prices.

Those wanting to hear some of her greatest hits would have been left waiting as apparently her new material is the focus of her latest tour. 


It is the video that everyone is talking about: surfer Mick Fanning filmed fighting off a shark attack in the middle of a competition in South Africa.

The 34-year-old only noticed the animal at the last moment; as terrified spectators looked on from the beach, Mick attempted to paddle away from the fish – only to be dragged off his board. 

Mr Fanning was understandably shaken following the incident, which took place over the weekend. "I just had this instinct that something was behind me," he said afterwards. "And then all of a sudden, I felt like I started getting pulled under water.

"Then the [shark] came up, and I was on my board and it was like right there, and I saw the whole thing thrashing around."

He added: "I was getting dragged under by my leg [rope], and then I felt like it kicked me off, but it was still there, and I was still attached to my board. I felt like it was dragging me under water, and then my leg rope broke, and I started swimming and screaming."

The New South Wales native also explained that he punched the fish in the back in self-defence – an action which might well have saved his life.

The competition was subsequently called off – with Mick and his rival Julian Wilson (who had been battling it out for first place) agreeing to share the prize money.

Here, we bring you everything you need to know about Mick Fanning…


1) Michael Eugene Fanning was born in New South Wales on June 13 1981 – but his parents both hail from Ireland. His dad, John, is originally from Malin Head; he left for Australia in 1970.


2) His nickname is White Lightning – and he is a three-times world champion. He was just four when he first took to the waves on a board. 


3) He is the youngest of five siblings, and Mick and his brother Sean developed a love for surfing together. Tragically, Sean was killed aged 20 in a car accident in 1998. 

Mick now has a tattoo dedicated to his late brother, along with another inking of the Fanning family crest, on his inner left arm. After the weekend's incident in South Africa, his mother, Liz, said she believed Sean was looking out for Mick.


4) Mr Fanning has been married to model Karissa Dalton, 31, for seven years. They started dating more than a decade ago and were engaged on October 17, 2006 when he proposed with a square diamond solitaire ring set in white gold.

He describes Karissa saying 'yes,' as the best moment of his life. They married on March 15, 2008 in Queensland. She now works as an events stylist and planner and the couple share a love of dogs: they currently own a chocolate Lab, Kona, and a black Lab cross, Harper.


5) He trains hard out of the water too – regularly hitting the gym and working up a sweat. "I like being in shape," he's said previously, adding: "I like being able to eliminate my doubts by trusting that my body and mind are up to the challenge.

"If I do lose a heat, I don’t like wondering whether I could have done more to get the result I wanted. That’s why I train."


6) Mick is passionate about protecting the ocean environment – and thinks all surfers should strive to do the same.


7) He badly tore his hamstring in the early stages of his career back in 2004. He subsequently had to have it surgically repaired, but Mick bounced back to become one of the world's greatest surfers.


8) He seriously consider retiring at the end of 2011. "I was over it. I was truly over it. I had injuries and I had a lot on my mind that year," he explained. "It was a tough year personally." 

However, after taking a time-out and surfing less regularly, he reignited his love for the sport – and found he couldn't stay away for long. 



Queen Bee is the inspiration for many things in life – but this we were definitely NOT expecting.

Yes, a new skyscraper is going up in Melbourne and it's shaped like, well, like Beyonce. 

The building is inspired by Beyonce's curves in one of her music videos, Ghost.

In a statement the building's architect said that "the form does pay homage to something more aesthetic," which we think is architect-speak for '"it'll be lovely".

And while the so-called Premier Tower building may looks like Beyonce's hourglass figure, it serves a purpose too: it will function as retail and residential space and will contain some 660 apartments, as well as a 160-room hotel. 

Computer-aided design even let's us see a generated image of what the 226metre high structure is expected to look like.

This isn't the first time a building is based off a celebrity body, mind. The Toronto towers were modelled off the hourglass figure of Marilyn Monroe. 




At first glance, you might be forgiven for assuming that the naked man appearing on Justin Bieber's Instagram account is a friend or uninhibited relative. 

But no – upon further examination, there can be no doubt that the nude body in question is that of the Canadian singer.

For one, there are his many, unique tattoos to consider. Then there's also his trademark toussled sun-kissed hair and toned physique.

Yes, it's Biebs alright… and he seems to have forgotten his pants.

There is no indication as to what prompted the 21-year-old to strip off, but evidently he thought it a good idea to add to the tropical surroundings of Bora Bora by showing off his bits 'n' pieces.

He captioned the snap, which has now garnered some 1.3million likes of approval, with a simple "look".

The as-yet unidentified photographer has a keen creative eye also: they lovingly captured Mr Bieber's firm buttock as the sun gently hit off his bare skin.

The Baby singer is currently holidaying with friends – including Joe Termini, who was attacked by a shark in Australia during the same trip. 

It's not the first time Justin's stripped off either: two years ago photographs of him posing up with only a guitar to protect his modesty surfaced – promoting widespread hysteria among Beliebers.




Johnny Depp hasn’t been watching too much Border Security recently, that’s for sure.

The ever-so-sexy actor found himself in trouble earlier this month when he was caught bringing his two Yorkshire Terriers into Australia on his private jet, without declaring them.

Johnny had been returning to Queensland to continue the filming of the new Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

The dogs had already been smuggled into the country and it was only when pictures of them at a groomers made the rounds on social media sites that the authorities were alerted.

It has just been announced that if the actor is brought to court he could face up to 10 years in prison or a fine of  €245,000 – don’t mess with Australian quarantine laws, ay?

Barnaby Joyce, the Australian Minister for Agriculture, defended their tough stance in an interview with ABC Australia:

“If we start letting movie stars – even though they’ve been the Sexiest Man Alive twice – come into our nation and break the laws, then why don’t we just break the laws for everybody?”

While Johnny hasn’t made a comment on the situation, it has been reported that his wife, actress Amber Heard, has flown the dogs back to California to avoid them being put down under Australian law.

Let’s hope he can pull a Jack Sparrow and slip out of this one! 


In a week that saw her announce the arrival of Cocoa Brown into Australia, cosmetics entrepreneur Marissa Carter has exclusively shared yet more exciting news with SHEmazing!

“We’re landing in 400 stores in Sweden,” she reveals. “Cocoa Brown tan from next week will be hitting Coop, which is one of the largest retails there.”

Incredibly, the announcement represents the fourth international expansion for Cocoa Brown: the Irish brand is already available in the US and UK, as well as Australia. Celebrity fans include Rosanna Davison, Millie Mackintosh, and Vogue Williams.

Still, Marissa explains that she made the Swedish distributor work hard before signing a deal with him.

“A young Swedish guy set up his distribution company two years ago and he’s been fighting and fighting with me for Cocoa Brown exclusivity for ages.

“I kept fobbing him off, but he kept at it. Eventually I told him bluntly: ‘Look, I only do business with people I trust, so before we sign anything I’ll have to meet you. But I’m also nine months pregnant, so if you want to make this happen, you’re going to have to come to me. And I’ll probably only have an hour to spare as my schedule is pretty hectic right now.’

“I’m sure he thought I was a right so-and-so, but he jumped on a plane to Dublin regardless. We met for an hour at the Hilton hotel by the Grand Canal and by the end he had persuaded me that this was a good deal to make.”

The 31-year-old, who lives with her husband, toddler son, newborn baby daughter, and pet dog in south county Dublin, also explains that the response to Cocoa Brown’s launch in Australia earlier this week has been incredible. “There are so many expats over there, so there’s been a warm welcome, certainly.

“One young woman sent me a Tweet telling me that she’s delighted – last time she was at home in Ireland she had to drag ten bottles of Cocoa Brown back to Australia with her!”

She’s hoping to launch there properly in September, and says she’ll make a holiday out of the trip too. “My husband, Ronan, has family in Australia, and I have two uncles and cousins there, so we’ll combine work with a little break.”

In the meantime, Ms Carter, who only gave birth to her daughter Isabelle last month, says she fully intends on stepping away from the business for a few months.

“Everyone thinks I’m back at the desk but I’m not – I’m definitely taking maternity leave. 

"I’ve worked really, really hard over the last two years so I won’t be rushing back.”

Until then, Marissa’s looking forward to embracing her heels again. “It’s been an age since I’ve worn heels – but just today I put on a pair again. I’m definitely back in that sense!”
