How to make a vase, from a pumpkin according to Bloom & Wild
October is officially here and we are so ready to embrace the autumn time. The bright evenings have left us so trips to the beach are few and far between, but we'll still be kept busy in October. We're talking Hocus Pocus movie night, reading books by the fire and drinking way too much hot chocolate.
We'll also be turning the house into an autumn treasure trove. There'll be pumpkins and colourful leaves everywhere you look and nothing can stop us. We're nearly tempted to follow in Zoe Sugg's footsteps and buy an autumn wreath and some hay bails for the front porch.
Too much?
One creative project we're dying to try is revamping pumpkins into pretty vases. Thankfully, this isn't half as complicated as it sounds and the final product looks adorable.
Bloom and Wild reveal how you can revamp your Halloween decorations with these pretty pumpkin vases. It's time to invite a friend over and get crafty together.
Make your flowers really stand out with a vase like no other.
Floral stylist, Amelia Christoffers said, "Pumpkin vases are a fun autumnal alternative to a classic vase"
Step 1: Cut a hole in the top of your pumpkin
Step 2: Scoop ut the innards, replace with wet floral foam
Step 3: Add your blooms and foliage
Et voila…