9 reasons we’re secretly delighted that autumn is FINALLY here
Today marks the first day of autumn, and while some might consider the end of summer a sad time, here at SHEmazing HQ we've been feeling giddy all morning.
Yes, the evenings are getting darker and there's a chill in the air, but we secretly can't WAIT to start getting properly cosy. Fire, cup of tea, fluffy socks… that's basically our perfect night in right there.
Here are just a few of the reasons we're excited to embrace autumn in all its crunchy-leafed glory…
1. Scarves, hats, gloves and COATS
Shorts are cute and all, but autumn fashion is where its at. We'll see your bikini and raise you a tartan scarf and camel coat.
2. Autumn/winter TV schedules are the best
Thank you, TV gods, for recognising that we're ready to embrace couch time. Autumn TV schedules always feature great new shows AND of course, The X Factor, Strictly Come Dancing and Celebrity Big Brother. Yaaaas.
3. Cold weather = a great excuse for hot chocolate
Three trips to Butler's in one day? We regret nothing.
4. We get to feel like kids again jumping in piles of leaves
Sooo many leaves, all just waiting to be stomped on. Heaven.
5. We can finally start describing the weather as 'brisk'
That cold, crisp feeling in the air that you only get when autumn comes around? That's 'brisk' weather and we LOVE it.
6. Halloween is on the way
Costume. Party. Need we say more?
7. Plus, we're one step closer to the C-word
It's only three months and 24 days til Santa arrives…
8. The clocks go back next month
An extra hour in bed? YES TO THAT.
9. Personal grooming can now fall by the wayside
Okay, it's NEVER acceptable to stop looking after your eyebrows, but you can definitely forgo leg shaving until at least February. We won't tell if you won't…