Feeling hangry… having the bants: It’s the Oxford English Dictionary
Every year, the famed Oxford English Dictionary introduces new and popular words to its online database – and this year, ALL the best ones made it.
From manspreading, bruh and even awesomesauce, here are the great new additions that made the final cut:
Awesomesauce, adj.: (US informal) extremely good; excellent
Bants (also bantz), pl. n.: (Brit. informal) playfully teasing or mocking remarks exchanged with another person or group; banter
Beer o'clock, n: an appropriate time of day for starting to drink beer
Brain fart, n: (informal) a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly
Bruh, n: (US informal) a male friend (often used as a form of address)
Cakeage, n: (informal) a charge made by a restaurant for serving a cake they have not supplied themselves
Fat-shame, v: cause (someone judged to be fat or overweight) to feel humiliated by making mocking or critical comments about their size
Fur baby, n: a person's dog, cat, or other furry pet animal
Hangry, adj: (informal) bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger
Manspreading, n: the practice whereby a man, especially one travelling on public transport, adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat or seats
Mkay, excl: (informal, chiefly US) non-standard spelling of OK, representing an informal pronunciation (typically used at the end of a statement to invite agreement, approval, or confirmation)
Pocket dial, v: inadvertently call (someone) on a mobile phone in one's pocket, as a result of pressure being accidentally applied to a button or buttons on the phone
Wine o'clock, n: an appropriate time of day for starting to drink wine