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beauty sleep


We've all heard that sleeping on silk pillowcases is good for you, whether it's from your granny, mum or favourite Instagram influencer.

We could do with some beauty sleep as the mid-week slump is hitting us hard, so we brushed up on some of the best benefits of sleeping on silk. 


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1. Anti-ageing purposes

Ever wake up with a crumpled complexion thanks to your cotton pillows? Silk can prevent those unsightly red ridges that can appear from sleeping on creased bedding.

Having less stress and creasing on your skin can help to prevent the deepening and acceleration of wrinkles. 

2. Save that skin

'If you’re prone to breakouts, whether it’s because of hormones, genetics or stress, (pillowcases) can exacerbate an already delicate situation and cause micro-irritation,' Ellen Clark, the founder and president of Control Corrective Skincare Systems told The Huffington Post.

This can happen regardless of the material of your pillow, but for those with breakouts already, the lack of friction in silk can help prevent further irritation, and the cool temperature of silk can give some momentary relief to hot, irritable skin. 


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3. De-frizz that bed head

'Cotton is a material meant to absorb moisture, and it will do just that to your hair,' hair stylist Ali Batista told In The Style.

'Hairstyles that lack moisture tend to appear frizzy, lifeless, and more prone to static.'

'Silk is a material that will allow hair to slide around more smoothly so you will have less breakage, and no more bed-head.'

4. Tangle teaser

As well as minimising frizz, the lack of friction can also prevent tangles in your hair.

If you are one to wake up with a bird's nest of tangles on the back of your head, a silk pillow could definitely help rectify the issue. 

5. Hypoallergenic is better

Silk pillows are hypoallergenic, so better for your overall health whether you suffer from allergies or not. 

Hypoallergenic pillows minimise the risk of dust mites and other nasty bedding nuisances. 

Pass us the silk pillowcase please!

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We have all heard of the term beauty sleep with many of us thinking it is just an urban myth, but this video shows just how important getting adequate shut-eye actually is.

In the video, a make-up artist asks people how much snooze they get in any given night, they then use make-up to show them what they’ll look like if they keep going this way.

If you are prone to surviving on just a few hours of sleep you will definitely change your mind after looking at this.



We all know how important sleep is for keeping us looking our very best. Unfortunately, with the busy lives we all lead, there just never seems to be enough hours in the day to get it. Thankfully, you can always fake it…

Try these tricks and no one will ever know you had a late one last night!

Eye cream
Eye cream is your best friend! Dab a little over the dark circles for instant de-puffiness.

Open your eyes by applying a light coat of mascara. Don’t apply too much, otherwise it just gets clumpy and your eyes will look too heavy.

White eyeliner
White eyeliner can be a little scary but sometimes it is definitely needed! Apply a little on your lower eye rim from left to right.

Lack of sleep can leave you looking withdrawn so pop a little blusher to make you look a little brighter.

Make sure your eyebrows are plucked and defined so fill those brows in.


A hectic work and social life can mean that sleep sometimes feels like a luxury.

However, the next time you pull an all-nighter, whether in the library or while letting your hair down, here are the multiple benefits of beauty sleep.

Faster healing skin

Your skin uses sleep hours to heal itself from the day’s damage. When you drift off, your skin gets the chance to improve. That’s why you may wake up looking fresh and rosy. Pulling an all-nighter can make your skin look pale or blotchy while sleep encourages healthy blood flow to your skin.

Fewer breakouts

More sleep, clearer skin. A lack of sleep can lead to stress, which causes pimples and blackheads, even in adults.

A healthier appetite

Sleep deprivation is directly linked to obesity. When we’re super tired, we are more likely to reach for comfort food or sugary treats to give us the energy we’re lacking.

Brighter eyes

A lack of sleep will create dark circles under your peepers and leave them dull and dreary. A decent night’s kip will revitalise weary eyes and give you back that sparkle.



The term “I need my beauty sleep” is actually a real thing as sleep plays a huge role in how you look. Not only is it important for good skin it will also make your hair and eyes look younger and healthier.

Follow these steps to get the most out of your beauty sleep:

Sleep on your back
Avoid sleeping on your stomach as it causes you to put pressure onto your skin which results in wrinkles. Try to sleep on your back.

Use a moisturiser
Apply an anti-ageing night cream to your face before you go to sleep. This will help to smooth down wrinkles and keep your face soft and supple. Creams and moisturisers work better at night so make sure you rub a little balm onto your lips as well.

Tie your hair up
The oils in your hair can transfer onto your face if you sleep with your hair down so tie it up. Don’t pull it too tightly though as you will just end up with split ends.

Sleep on a silk pillowcase
If you can, try to sleep on a silk pillowcase as it glides along your skin rather than bunching. Remember to change your pillowcases regularly so you’re not sleeping on a build up of bacteria.


Women are generally known to over think and over analyse everything, but now it looks like things have escalated to another level. It seems like our brains just never stop working – even when in bed.

A new study showed that women bring the hustle and bustle of daily activities with them to the bedroom and we’re left tossing and turning for most of the night.

The study showed that the average person gets up to 8 hours and 41 minutes in bed, but almost two hours of that is spent fretting.

Although women generally spend more time in bed than men do, that fact that we’re prone to all kinds of worries means that we spend most of the time counting sheep rather than getting some beauty sleep.

It’s bad enough that we don’t get enough sleep as it is, but the worse part about the findings  is that women are willing to lose sleep over their significant other as well – maybe we ought to be a bit more selfish, don’t you think?
