Lauren Conrad is rejecting body shamers in the BEST way
Here at SHEmazing! we love hearing about women embracing a truly positive outlook when it comes to health and fitness.
Gone are the days when the media's idea of "healthy" meant catwalk-skinny legs and concave stomachs. Today, more and more women are choosing strong over skinny, both in our own circles of friends and in the world of celebrities.
That's why we were delighted to see entrepreneur and reality star Lauren Conrad taking the time to speak out against "body shaming terms" in the media and to ensure such terms were not used as part of her own business.
The former Hills star's lifestyle site, LaurenConrad.com, has millions of followers, and from this week on, the site's editors have set down a few new rules.
In a letter posted on the site yesterday, Lauren wrote, "When we’ve talked about getting in shape in the past, words like 'skinny,' 'slim,' and 'thin' have often come up. Starting this month, we’ll be banning any body shaming terms from the site, and replacing them with words like 'fit' 'toned,' and 'healthy.'"
Lauren says the decision came after a number of discussions with her team about what attitude the site was promoting to readers.
My editorial team and I had a long talk about it, and we want to make sure that the focus is on being fit as opposed to a number on the scale. Every body is created differently—and healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes," she wrote.
We're loving Lauren's decision to speak out and take action – it's something others can learn from for sure.