Oh no! Ten really WEIRD things Irish guys wear on a first date
We love our Irish men. And to hand it to them, some do follow up-to-date fashion and style… But then, some do not.
Guys may be able to get away with these things on a third or fourth date; but on a first date, these things are a definite no-no:
1. Bootcut jeans and dress shoes
Who are you trying to look like, Billy Ray Cyrus? And if you're going to wear bootcut jeans, wear them with boots as god and denim manufacturers intended.
2. Workout shirts
We get it. You workout. And while this is great, there's no need to wear a sweaty gym shirt to our date. Gross.
3. Over-sized polo shirt
This is another shirt that is just not OK. A polo shirt is fine, but an over-sized one makes you look like you want to be from the gansta town… even though you're from a very posh side of South Dublin.
4. Your favourite team's jersey
We totally applaud your devotion to your favourite team, but we're on a date, so maybe the jersey can sit out.
5. Runners
Just wear nice shoes, please.
6. DIRTY runners
Even worse than runners are dirty, worn-out, ripped runners. They just look shabby and in the words of Summer Roberts, "Ew!"
7. Chains hanging from your trousers
We get you don't want to lose your keys or whatever, but you don't need a metre-long chain hanging from your bum pocket.
8. Weird grandad-style jumpers
We think it's cute you're trying to dress your best, but a grandad jumper isn't going to impress us. Sorry to let you know.
9. Flip flops with jeans
We. Are. Not. In. Spain.
10. Way too much Lynx
Ah, Lynx. The smell of every Irish man. For some reason you guys can't get enough of it. But spraying too much on yourself before a date will not only kill our sense of smell, it'll kill the mood too.