So, this is how sleep effects you and your boyfriend differently
We all know that sleep is needed for our well-being, but scientists are just figuring out how important it is for our brain power.
According to a new study, a good night's sleep can help increase women's brain function, but the same cannot be said for men.
A study, which was carried out in the Munich Max Planck Institute found that sleep can give you major intelligence capabilities. However, as we all know, having a good night's sleep is easier said than done.
The study monitored the sleeping patterns of a group of 160 adults.
The scientists used intelligence tests to evaluate the participants' problem solving skills and reason abilities.
They also paid close attention to the candidates' 'sleep spindles' which are small bursts of brain activity which occur during sleep.
'Sleep spindles' are often linked to high IQs, and large amounts were recorded when the female participants entered a dreamless sleep state, which in turn boosts brain power when awake.
However, 'sleep spindles' were only found in males when they napped.
Head researchers of the study, Professor Martin Dresler told Grazia: "Our results demonstrate that the association between sleep spindles and intelligence is more complex than we have assumed until now.
"There are many factors involved in intellectual abilities, and sleep is just one of them.
"This large study of men and women gives us a more accurate framework for the next face of research, which will involve differences in individuals’ sleep patterns."