Some things are simply not acceptable once you leave college. For students, anything goes, so you better get these things crossed off your college bucket list!
1. Eating Straight From the Saucepan
Grown-ups do not eat beans from a saucepan. Think about what your mother would say if you did it at home. Exactly.

2. Leaving Dirty Dishes
If you do this as a 20-something professional, expect to have a bad time with your housemates.

3. Having a Naggin Wall
It just looks messy outside of college accommodation. Not to mention slightly alarming.

4. Midday Television
It’s not fair, we know. We miss it too. Getting to see Home and Away four hours before everyone else? Suuccckkahs!

5.Free Rent
The ride stops here kids.

6. Drinking Milk Out of the Carton
Drinking anything out of the carton in fact.

7. Not Going to College
Gone are the days when you wake up late and just decide, not today.

8. Pizza For Breakfast
Time to buy porridge, oldie

9. Morning Trips to McDonald's

10. All Day Drinking
Unless it's a Saturday.

11. Crashing Parties
‘I hear the nurses are having their class party tonight. I know Mary, we can definitely get in.’

12. Playing Like Kids
There’s no more time for rounders or water fights anymore.

13. Mid-Week Hangovers

14. Rainbow Hair Dye
There is a very small gap in life when this is acceptable

15. Sharing A Lightbulb in a House With 5 People

16. Not Paying For Bin Collection

17. Midday Naps

18. Wearing Tracksuit Bottoms Everyday

19. Practical Jokes
Never quite as funny…or appreciated.

20. Getting Naked When You’re Drunk
There comes a time when it’s no longer hilarious to dance on tables with your tights down.

21. Midnight Munchies
Ice cream with Nutella. Pizza and chips.

22. Making Excuses for Not Having Your Life Together
Not really going to work in front of your new boss.

23. Drinking for One Consecutive Week Straight

24. Not Going Grocery Shopping Once a Week
Unless you want to starve or spend a fortune?

25. Forfeiting Food Money for Drink Money

26. Binging on Your Favourite TV Show for 2 Days Straight

At least we’ll have the memories! Don’t wish away your college years, use that fast metabolism to it's full potential. You don’t get it back when it’s gone!
via our content partner CT