This restaurant offered discounts to women depending on their bra size
Remember the last time you were offered a discount on your meal based on the size of your bra?
Yeah, us neither, but that's probably because we don't have the misfortune of living in the vicinity of a restaurant named Trendy Shrimp.
The eatery, which is located in the Zhejiang province of China, has been on the receiving end of considerable backlash after they chose to objectify their female customers with a hugely insulting promotion.
According to the BBC, the restaurant advertised the sexist promotion with a cartoon illustration of women with varying bust sizes.
"The whole city is looking for BREASTS," read the advertisement alongside guidelines specifying the discount a woman can hope to 'enjoy' depending on her physical appearance.
While the backlash resulted in the removal of the posters, it seems the criticism barely touched the restaurant's general manager, Lan Shenggang, who insisted that those who participated in the promotion were proud to do so.
"Once the promotion started, customer numbers rose by about 20 per cent," Lan said. "Some of the girls we met were very proud – they had nothing to hide".
Well, as long as your sales rose by 20 per cent, right Lan?
Centre image: Qianjiang Evening Post