This cake was banned from Insta because it thought it was a BOOB
Ah, Instagram. We love it and hate it all at the same time. Love it because, well, Instagram. And hate it because it's rammed so many changes down our throat that we don't even know how to use it anymore.
But one baker was shocked to find out that her mother's page was disabled because the app thought she posted a BOOB.
Yep, chef Fiona Moseley tweeted on Monday that her mam's account was shut down because of pornographic content… But, really it was just an Easter cake.
According to Mashable, Fiona's mam appealed the decision at first because she hadn't a notion why her IG was shut down in the first place. They messaged her back saying that she'd violated community guidelines and the app "disables accounts that post content that is sexually suggestive or contains nudity."
The site claims that the day after, IG realised the mistake and reactivated her account. What an ordeal for a little bit of cake!