Redheads of Ireland unite this weekend!
The 5th annual Irish Redhead Convention is getting started this evening in Crosshaven, Co. Cork, and it sounds like it’s going to be LOADS of craic.
They have a carrot tossing competition, the best red eyebrows competition and let’s not forget the most freckles per squared inch competition. There’s even speed dating if you fancy bagging yourself a redhead!
The festival is a fundraiser for the Irish Cancer Society, so it’s for a good cause too. And all you non-redheads are more than welcome too, by the way.
We wonder if any of our famous friends will be showing their faces… Here are some of our favourite celebs with red hair – sorry, we mean strawberry blonde!
When Christina Hendricks was told to dye her hair red for her modelling career, she wasn't so sure, but it worked out pretty well! "I booked two or three jobs, because were a lot fewer redheads than blondes, and I was like, this is working for me, I’m keeping this!"
We love Emma Stone, and she loves being a redhead! "I’m blonde at the roots but red at heart.”
We were always so jealous of Debra Messing's red, curly hair!
Thank God Nicola Roberts stopped dying her hair brown and wearing fake tan – she looks WAY better when she goes natural!
Ed Sheeran is another one who says his red hair helped his career! "Being ginger can seem like a bad thing when you are young but as a musician it has been my saving grace – because if you see a ginger kid on TV and there is only one messy-haired ginger kid who plays guitar, it is very easy to find them on YouTube."