Vicki Pattison shocks fans with her comments about Charlotte
Just last month, Geordie Shore star Vicky Pattison left fans stunned when she said she was "petrified" her frenemies Charlotte Crosby and Holly Hagan were going to get "skinnier and better looking" than her, and now she's made some even more scathing comments.
The three reality stars have all slimmed down dramatically over the last couple of years, and have profited greatly from their image overhauls. Vicky was the first to change her eating and fitness habits, dropping from a size 16 to a size 6 between 2013 and 2014 and releasing a best-selling fitness DVD, Vicky's 7 Day Slim.
Charlotte and Holly soon followed suit, both slimming down by three stone each last year. Charlotte's own DVD, 3-Minute Belly Blitz, has become so popular in the UK since its release before Christmas that it has outsold Disney's Frozen across the country.
Now that Vicky has some competitors in the success stakes, her claws seem to be coming out. In a recent interview with the Daily Star, Vicky claimed that Charlotte was copying her own career moves. "You'd have to be blind not to notice that Charlotte is emulating parts of my career," she said.
As well as following on with her own fitness DVD, Charlotte also has plans to release an autobiography and is currently appearing in MTV's Ex On The Beach – two things Vicky did herself last year.
But the 27-year-old says she doesn't feel threatened by Charlotte's copycat ways. "I have lots coming up which I know Charlotte definitely won't do," she said.