When a beauty product comes recommended by a celeb, it's usually likely to either A) be impossible to find anywhere or B) cost the same as a new car.
But there's one celebrity-approved beauty buy that we bet you'll have no problems tracking down. Why? You probably have a tub of it in your bathroom cabinet, that's why.
Long a favourite of baby's bums everywhere, the Irish-made Sudocrem is actually a pretty amazing skin-care treatment too.

Indeed, both Cheryl Fernandez-Versini and TOWIE star Chloe Sims count themselves as fans, with both ladies swearing by the stuff for spot-busting.
Plus, it now also comes in a cute handbag-sized tube for just €2.40, meaning you won't have to go robbing your mammy's supply.
Here are just a few of the ways celebs and beauty bloggers alike use this Irish favourite…
Killing spots
A quick dab of Sudocrem before bed for a couple of nights on the trot and you should notice that nasty red pimple fading into nothingness. "It really works," says Cheryl.

Night cream
If you've been struggling with redness and breakouts, a thin layer of Sudocrem applied before bed will work wonders. Em from MyPaleSkinBlog says she uses the stuff "a couple of times a week" to help calm her sensitive skin. Just be prepared for white-coated pillowcases the next day!

After shaving
Shaving pro or not, you probably still experience redness and irritation on your legs, underarms or bikini line from time to time. "After you shave, put on some Sudocrem and you'll be fine," says beauty blogger Petite Sal.

Beating dry patches
Elbows, ankles, knees… Apply a good helping before bed to help those pesky dry patches to become silky soft. Do this 24 hours before applying fake tan and you'll be streak-free.

Helping with sunburn
Burning-hot sunshine is most definitely not a problem we currently have in Ireland, but as well as soothing sunburn, Sudocrem is also good for minor burns. Blistering and peeling, be gone.

As a primer
Go for a very thin layer before foundation to mattify the skin and keep make-up in place. "Since I have combination skin, Sudocrem absorbs the little oil I usually have on my nose, forehead and upper lips," says beauty blogger Hinnah Khalifa.

For more tips and tricks, follow Sudocrem on Facebook and Twitter!