Easy meals to make up when your fridge is running low on food
We all know the feeling of an empty fridge.
Whether you forgot to do the food shopping or didn't have time, it's an awful feeling to open your fridge or presses, only to find they're half-bare.
When this happens, a lot of the time we will resort to a takeaway – and while that may be grand every now and again – it can't happen everytime you forget to do the food shopping.
So, to save you the pennies (and the pounds), here are five easy meals to whip up out of nothing! You're bound to have a few of these ingredients lying about!
Rice bowl
We all have that packet of rice that just never seems to leave the cupboard, so a rice bowl is the perfect dish to whip up as it's so easy and versatile. Simply just cook the rice and then add to it whatever you fancy – leftover meat, vegetables, beans or sauce – and your meal is ready to go!
This is probably one of the easiest meals to make, but also really tasty. Have some tortilla wraps lying about? Great. Splash on some cheese, vegetables, meat, salsa, fold over the wrap and then grill for about five minutes. Easy!
Sandwich bar
We all know the dreaded feeling of the parents stopping by unannounced and you have NO food in the fridge. You don't want them thinking you're ultimately failing at life – so make them a fancy sandwich bar!
Cut up whatever you have left – lettuce, cucumber, cheese, tuna, chicken, tomatoes – and lay them out into fancy bowls for them to make up.
Not only will it seem like you have loads of food in the house, but they will also think you put in a lot of effort into fixing it up… even though we know you didn't.
Tortilla pizza
Need a good, hearty meal but haven't a clue what to do? Tortilla pizza is your new best friend. Lay out the tortilla wrap flat, and you can add, whatever sauce you have – tomato, BBQ, pesto – then some cheese, vegetables or meat if you fancy it. Pop in the oven for ten minutes and your meal will be made.
Chicken noodle soup
Like rice, we all probably have a packet of noodles lying about in the kitchen. And as well as that. we might have some leftover chicken from Sunday dinner too. Add in some onions, carrots and stock, and you have a warm yummy dish for any cold nights in.