‘I’m old enough to remember when’: Our favourite viral nostalgia posts
When we saw that #I'mOldEnoughToRememberWhen was trending, we panicked. While we adore being offered reminders of the good old days, nobody enjoys being reminded of the daily passing of time.
Some of the gems we found gave us a good laugh, so we've curated a list of our top 20 favourite nostalgia thirst posts, and if you can't relate to any of them then get OUT of this article immediately.
No young ones allowed. We're off to play Crash Bandicoot on our Playstations and message weird fonts to our friends on MSN. If we get time, we'll send our friends 'luv' on Bebo too.
1. The infamous Nintendo DS in soft pink
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen The Nintendo DS was my best friend. pic.twitter.com/FsPVuYfdYI
— Tamia Moss (@tamiiaxx) August 2, 2019
2. Windows XP was the bomb
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen Everyone and their mother had computers running Windows XP in the 2000s. pic.twitter.com/G6ZYxAvVn0
— Tanzim K (@DJACFan) August 1, 2019
3. Videotapes were 'taped over' with new shows or films on TV every other weekend
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen people still recording on VHS. Oh wait im the only person who does that now pic.twitter.com/De0gIAqUiS
— Vance (@koolpageofcrap) August 1, 2019
4. Rewinding your cassette tapes with a pencil was perfectly acceptable
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen this made sense: pic.twitter.com/8NZO8w8vJt
— Bugsy Meadows (@BugsyMeadows) August 1, 2019
5. The DVD symbol changing colour and whizzing around your screen was strangely hypnotic
When the dvd sign bounces on your tv screen. #ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen pic.twitter.com/6dH2a8X3q6
— T (@T1dactyl) August 1, 2019
6. We'd have laid down our lives to get Bratz dolls, Tamagotchis, Razor scooters or a Nintendo Wii
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen Bratz, the Nintendo Wii, Razor Scooters, and Tamagotchis were the most popular toys kids wanted. pic.twitter.com/6UoM7cP8q6
— (@SuperGrobanite) August 1, 2019
7. This one hurts.
When Donald Trump was just another hotel guest #ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen pic.twitter.com/fYUACyXZvI
— Lynette Shaw (@lynnie_shaw) August 1, 2019
8. We desperately needed every one of those Disney movie plates
if he doesn’t remember or have these then he’s too young for you bb #ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen pic.twitter.com/lwMCry4tWT
— (@ivnsays) August 1, 2019
9. Cartoon Network was where all the good TV was at, especially Power Puff Girls:
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen Cartoon Network had some good shows on. pic.twitter.com/1KxKYMZoTW
— Billy Smith (@BillySm15887640) August 1, 2019
10. The world premiere of High School Musical on Disney Channel changed our lives
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen Disney Channel didn’t suck pic.twitter.com/8CHw37uoCe
— emilia (@aamileee) August 1, 2019
11. Polly Pockets were our handbags
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen your toys were to-go sized pic.twitter.com/YQ0m9j7NFJ
— Chelsea (@chels0_) August 1, 2019
12. Apple hadn't achieved world domination yet, and Steve Jobs was alive and well:
When this Mac computer model was poppin. pic.twitter.com/SQpmaQgXqj
— (@vinadvinson) August 1, 2019
13. You couldn't just Google someone's contact number, you had to show dedication:
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen the yellow pages actually were yellow pages. pic.twitter.com/IX068Omqtt
— Helle Eskildsen (@helleeskildsen) August 1, 2019
14. We can still see the ad for Bop It on Nickelodeon, it haunts us to this day:
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen these were in play, you knew you were going to have a good time. pic.twitter.com/xH1m4HozGg
— Rob (@GetMeAColdBeer) August 1, 2019
15. Netflix wasn't instantaneous streaming:
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen Nexflix came in the mail and it took three days to get a movie pic.twitter.com/sWoF54RUaN
— Tom Fitzgerald (@FitzFox5DC) August 1, 2019
16. Weapons were made in your mouth:
They banned push pops in school because people were sucking them into pointy weapons pic.twitter.com/cyHfH8c7N1
— My Fashion Sales (@myfashionsales) August 1, 2019
17. Limewire was all the rage, and YouTube converter was used to illegally download tunes and burned it onto a CD:
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen you had to give your computer cancer just to make a playlist pic.twitter.com/e2gIqzhMae
— dean (@DeanSWilliams) August 1, 2019
18. Legends of the Hidden Temple was the highlight of TV, and we wanted to join in SO BADLY:
Legends of the Hidden Temple pic.twitter.com/pg8hfyerIt
— Dumb Jokes (@dumjokesig) August 1, 2019
19. There was no under the table Whatsapp message-sending going on, that's for sure
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen passing notes in class was like sending a text message. pic.twitter.com/DKplkCQ9C6
—(@EST_1989_) August 1, 2019
20. Paint was the pinnacle of entertainment:
#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen I would spend HOURS a day entertaining myself with paint pic.twitter.com/h8WBwMdhpx
— Emma (@Emmss189) August 1, 2019
Those were the days…No Trump, no Brexit, no problem. Just lusting after Zach Morris without knowing what lust actually was, and dialling up the broadband internet to play PC games for hours at a time.
Feature image: Instagram/@retrobabiess