12 reasons your Christmas Day strop was totally justified today
Christmas is all about family time… and family time is all about stress, right?
While you spent weeks looking forward to some much-needed time off work and college, and daydreamed about the sheer amount of food and drink you would get to consume in the family home, you also forgot how annoying your family can be, didn't you?
They mightn't intend to wind you up (well, not all the time anyway), but that doesn't mean they're not pretty damn good at it.
And here, ladies, are just 12 things your family did to stress you out on Christmas day.
1. Your mam insisted on leading the entire family to the front of the church at that morning's service.
"If I wanted the whole parish to see my hungover head, I'd say Mass myself."
2. Your sibling clearly tuned into a last-minute-merchant, and you're now the proud owner of a scented candle in an aroma that gives you a whopper headache.
"Cheers. Do you mind if I light it outside?"
3. Your mam forgot at least one component of Christmas dinner, despite the fact you reminded her at least three times.
"If Siobhan had asked for potato croquettes, you wouldn't have forgotten to buy them."
4. Your sibling got a better haul than you on Christmas morning.
"She earns more than all of us! Why did she get MAC brushes AND a Kylighter?
5. Your contribution to dinner prep reminded you of your Home Ec practical for the Leaving.
"Who in the name of Jaysus taught you to cut carrots like that? Give me that knife."
6. Your dad told you your hangover was self-inflicted (which it obviously wasn't because how were you to know Mahons would have a lock-in?)
"Look at the cut of ya. Anyone with an ounce of sense would have drawn a line by midnight."
7. Your sibling laughed at the truly unique present you got a family member.
"Yeah 'cos after a year working hard, all Dad wants for Christmas is to provide a family he doesn't know with a goat."
8. Your mam threw a fit because you weren't helping, then threw a fit because you were helping.
"Get out from under my feet unless you can do it right. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you'll have me in an early grave."
9. Your mam made you knock next door to the neighbours with their present despite the fact you've only met them twice in the last two years.
"Ah, I'm grand and how are you…eh… Dennis? Donal, I mean Donal!"
10. Your sibling hogged the best seat in the living room and you had to sit beside the dog basket.
"The arse of my dress is covered in dog drool."
11. Your mam tried to break with tradition and suggested presents would be done after mass from now on.
"If I'm not allowed open all my presents in the next ten minutes, I'll get the first train out of here."
12. Your sibling got the blow-up mattress, and you were left sleeping on a makeshift bed in your parents' room last night after a serious night on the sesh.
"Tell Dad if he keeps snoring, I'll call the police."