The Christmas Nitelink is BACK! Here are 7 things we love about it
It's easy to dismiss the Nitelink's humble merits (namely saving us a small fortune on taxis) but it's actually been the venue for some of our absolute favourite memories after a night out.
The time the whole upper deck took Fairytale of New York to the next level and the night we fell asleep and woke up wearing Santa hats courtesy of our fellow passengers, to name but two.
Not only that but it's often a beacon of a late-night romance – as one driver recently revealed when asked to recount his favourite festive season memory.
After seeing the kindling of a couple’s romance aboard his Nitelink route; a year later he was driving the wedding bus and explained that it was only after arriving at the wedding venue, he realised it was the same couple’s special day!
Now, as Nitelink season kicks off once again in earnest – here are just 7 things we love about it.
1. The spontaneous sing-songs
All you need is someone to kick it off at the top, and someone else to chime in from the back, and you're away in a hack.
"Jaysus, does anyone know anything other than the chorus?"
2. The sense of comradery
Piling onto a bus with a group of strangers – some of whom have lost their mates, others of whom have lost their dignity – is your chance to home your agony aunt skills.
"I don't know how he managed to pull and you didn't, but a few more bites of that Spice Box and you'll be laughing."
3. The sneaky chipper
You know you're not meant to have it, but there's no way you'll make it through the entire journey if you don't get at least one burger into you before bed-time.
"It's grand, I'll just put my head in my handbag and eat it in there."
4. The frantic sprint
No matter how many times you check the timetable and terminus, you always find yourself sprinting through the city centre in stilettos to make it on time.
"I swear to God, it moves stops every single time."
5. The awkward encounter
While it might be hideous at the time, filling your mates in on the couple who broke up in full view of everyone on the top deck makes for serious hangover fodder.
"First he was crying and then she was crying and then this fella laughed and then I cried."
6. The six degrees of separation
It doesn't matter how alone you feel before hopping on board, you can be guaranteed you will, in some capacity, know half the bus within five minutes.
"I knew you looked familiar! I think my older sister used babysit your cousin! And c'mere to me, are you still big into the GAA?"
7. The home stop
It's taken all your willpower not to fall asleep on the lap of a stranger, and now the end is in sight.
"I'm home. Oh God, I'm home! Suck it €30 taxi fare!"