Drum roll, please: the five cities vying for 2024 Olympic glory are…
We're already on the cusp of Rio 2016 – while the 2020 Games have now been awarded to Tokyo.
And this morning, the short-list for the 2024 Olympics was announced, and FOUR out of the five cities are in Europe.
Close to home Budapest, Hamburg, Paris and Rome all fancy their chances, while Los Angeles takes up the final spot.
There will now be a period of intense lobbying before the International Olympic Committee makes its decision in 2017.
As the announcement was made earlier today, IOC president Thomas Bach said the five cities were all “outstanding” candidates.
They're not all novices either: LA held the Games in 1932 and 1984, while Paris also has the same experience: it played host in 1900 and 1924.
Rome was the location for the 1960 Olympics, although Budapest and Hamburg have yet to hold the sporting spectacle.
London spent around €15bn hosting the Olympic Games in 2012 – with security alone costing around €750m.