5 reasons why humidifers are CRUCIAL in the winter months
With winter quickly approaching, most families dread the onset of seasonal ills. From contracting the common cold to coming down with a serious case of the flu, there is nothing as frustrating as a blocked nose and a sore, scratchy throat when you’re trying to sleep during a long cold night.
Why does the air become so dry in the winter? When the cold winter weather sets in, we tend to crank up our heating system which causes overly dry indoor air. While your heater increases the temperature in your home, there is no moisture added to the air. As a result, the relative humidity drops considerably.
If you haven’t thought about the benefits of using a humidifier, here are five reasons why you should consider humidifying your household when the cold winter weather sets in.
1. Reduction in the Spread of Viruses
Unlike those old wives’ tales, there is research behind why you should keep your air moist. There was a time when doctors would suggest leaving windows open for those suffering from colds and flu. Although they didn’t have the science yet to prove it, we now know that influenza viruses hate moist air and are less likely to spread throughout the household if you use a humidifier. No, you don’t need to open a window to let the snow in, get a humidifier!
2. Relief from Sinusitis
While you may not come down with a cold or flu—sore, dry noses are prevalent in winter months. Most households are heated with dry heat and, as a result, many people suffer from what is called sinusitis. It’s simply an inflammation of the sinuses, but you can find a great deal of relief from a humidifier.
3. Hydrates Dry Skin
The same dry heat that causes an inflammation of the sinuses can create havoc on your skin. If you find that you suffer from dry skin, humidifying your household can bring you relief. Some people have reported that they can even cut back on the amount of moisturizer they apply during the winter because the moist air in their homes helps to protect their skin.
4. A Better Night’s Rest
As silly as this might sound, humidifiers can offer the benefit of improved sleep, especially if your partner is known for those loud snores that keep you from drifting off. Considering that humidifiers keep the air moist and moisture keeps the nasal passages clear, a humidifier just might offer the relief you are looking for.
5. Promotes Faster Healing
A humidifier can help reduce the symptoms of a common cold, influenza or even allergies.A humidifier keeps your nasal passages clear which helps speed up the healing process if you’re feeling under the weather. For people with bad allergies, there are even humidifiers which can help purify the air.
When all is said and done, keeping the home humidified in the winter months can truly be beneficial to your health. However, if you don't want to spend the money on a humidifier and would like to use natural solutions to combat dry air this winter, try these alternative ways to increase humidity at home.
Keep in mind, if you’re struggling to fight the dry air in your home, it is vital not to overuse your heating system, especially when a simple jumper may suffice. It will obviously take intervention on your part, but these are five very important reasons to use a humidifier during those long, cold winter months.