It happens in every office, you spend your days battling erratic weather conditions owing to the heating system.

An endless cycle of being either too hot, or too cold, politely asking if the setting can be adjusted, AGAIN.

You either end up swimming in a pool of sweat, that leaves you feeling like you’re burning from the inside out, or freezing to the bone, so you can't feel your fingers tapping the keyboard anymore.

Then the heating goes back up, and five minutes later you’re melting onto the desk, having worn your woolly jumper today… because it was freezing yesterday.

You wait until said colleague has left the immediately surround area and then fly like a Ninja to adjust the settings.

Here are the five very real stages of falling out with your coworker over the heating…


1. You spend your day throwing daggers into your unsuspecting colleague’s back, because the conditions are so unbearable.

2. Or diving into the fridge to cool down…

3. Olaf has nothing on you!

4. You eventually develop Ninja skills just to get near the thermostat.

5. Momentary relief when the temperature is – finally! – just right (yeah that won't last).