Travelling solo? Here are 5 vital tips before you book that flight
Sick of the same pubs, the same people, conversations, bus routes and seemingly never-ending days that blur into each other?
You, my friend, are not alone.
And the answer? Travel.
Travelling alone might seem like this big, daunting, terrifying thing – and in this day and age, no-one could blame you.
But what about those visions of sitting on a side-street cafe in Paris having your Instagram-worthy morning croissant and black coffee?
Or trekking through the Grand Canyon or swimming in the sea on one of the many Greek islands?
I can see the crystal-clear sparking water in my mind as I write this.
So what are you waiting for?If you find yourself single and your mates are doing their thing then don't sit at home and wait for someone to be free.
Pack a suitcase and be that free-spirited person you always wanted to be – life is short, right?
The essential tips for travelling alone are important and as follows:
1. Screw the itinerary (kinda)
It might sound cool and spontaneous to just go wth the flow and not plan anything but when you're flying solo, it ain't so clever.
Do you really wanna arrive in a foreign place and, tired and with no idea how to get around and have no bed sorted for the night?
Didn't think so.
Always have accommodation arranged and a rough idea of what city is to come while still keeping your plans loose.
Better to safe than sorry, right?
2. Be careful with the booze
All-you-can-drink-in-two-hours might sound tempting and if you're flanked by mates then go for it.
But when you have to watch your own back, maybe skip Margarita Hour.
I'm not saying you can't enjoy a glass of local vino or try out he popular beers in whatever city you're in, but don't get hammered.
It's easy to lose your bearings, your possessions or become a target for crime.
Also, nursing hangovers alone is plain old depressing tbh.
3. Curiosity killed the cat
A little mystery never hurt anyone, right?
While it might seem like you've known the people you've met on your travels for years as you laugh at dinner together but they are also strangers.
So when it comes to talking about where you're staying, keep scutum.
Ditto on where you're planning to go – be breezy and vague.
No-one needs to know you're every move and the info might end up falling into the hands of someone, let's say….undesirable.
4. Don't take everything and the kitchen sink with you
You don't need to bring that much shit.
One of everything is enough – are you really gonna wear three pairs of runners and four pairs of heeled boots?
Obvs not.
And remember that you're gonna be lugging all this stuff around with you so if you don't mind carrying your entire wardrobe on your back, go for it.
This is your time to be whoever you want to be, approach anyone you want and not having to worry about seeing them again.
The world is full of interesting people and you – go forth and meet them.
And think of all the funny stories you'll have to tell your mates in the pub when you're back not to mention the KILLER Instagram feed that will have everyone frothing at the mouth with jealousy.
Now we're off to buy some tickets…
Feature image credit: solofemaletravel/Instagram