Five deadly Irish craft beers you should definitely try this weekend
Craft beer is having a moment.
Nearly every new bar around town is lugging them in from far and wide, and we must say, we're totally loving it.
With a range of styles and fabulous taste, here are five Irish craft beers to try this weekend (just please, don't try them all at once):
Kinnegar Rustbucket
Yep, we know the name 'Rustbucket' sounds a bit odd, but if you want something a little different, this is definitely the beer to try. Coming from Donegal, the hoppy red rye ale is packed with flavour and has a sharp edge.
If you fancy trying Kinnegar Rustbucket out, here's a list of bars and shops that stock it.
O'Hara's Leann Folláin
Coming from one of Ireland's largest craft breweries, Leann Folláin has flavours of dark chocolate and a hint of vanilla, so the opaque black booze is pretty high on our taste scale.
And the proof is in the name, with Leann Folláin literally meaning 'wholesome stout'. Want to try it out? Check here.
Hilden Headless Dog
This medium bodied hoppy ale is a great way to start off your night. The pale beer is made from North American Cascade hops and Munich malt, which makes it perfect for a low-key night down.
Fancy trying this one out? Check out Hilden's Tap Room here.
Franciscan Well Rebel Red
Rebel Red prides itself in being different than any other craft beer. Appealing to the Irish taste buds, Rebel Red has a caramel and biscuit finish which is prefect to share with friends over some nibbles.
If you feel like having a night in with your matess and this delish beer, check out where you can get a few cans here.
Galway Bay Brewery Of Foam and Fury
This double IPA is full of flavour with hints of tropical fruits, like mango and lemon and prides itself with being great alongside a hefty steak dinner.
Perfect for a date night, here's where you can get your hands on Galway Bay Brewery Of Foam and Fury.