Behold, the FIRST pictures of the drool-inducing Creme Egg Café
There are just two days left until Cadbury opens its pop-up Creme Egg Café in London, and the first photos are in.
The verdict? Well, we can already tell we're going to spend the next month in a puddle of our own drool, staring at other peoples' photos on Instagram.
Look at that tray bake, for God's sake, posted to the official Cadbury Facebook page yesterday:
Other options on offer will include Creme Egg and toast soldiers, a combination we'll have to try out at home ourselves:
And finally, the famous Cadbury Creme Egg toastie, oozing with fondant and chocolate *swoon*:
Builders in Soho have been busy putting the final touches to the café's exterior, which is decked out in Cadbury-tastic shades of purple and red.
And thanks to some wily passers-by, we've managed to get a good look at the place ahead of the Jan 22 opening.
No snaps of the inside have emerged yet, but a closer look at that blackboard confirms it will indeed have two floors and a BALL PIT in the basement as rumoured last week.
The café is open until March 6, but you might want to reconsider before hopping on a flight to London as tickets for entry sold out instantly.
However Cadbury have said there will be a limited amount of walks-in each day, with opening hours of 5pm – 9pm on Fridays and 2pm – 6pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
Creme Egg brunch? Yes please.