Irish Xmas: Here’s 22 things you’ll encounter over the festive season
Christmas is LESS than a week away, so naturally we've complied the things you'll probably encounter over the festive period.
Deep breathes lads, grab a drink and see how many you and your mates relate to on this list.
Sure, it wouldn't be an Irish Crimbo without them.
1. The relative that asks you what 'Santa got you' even though you're 25 – and don't forget the wink if there’s a child around.
2. Hiding Roses wrappers – you have no idea how many you've managed to eat without vomiting and you're hiding the wrappers of shame from the fam.
3. Being woken up to go to early mass or trying to stay awake for midnight mass – and the church is always freezing, WHY?
4. Having to fake liking a gift – they've no clue what you're into or what you like and haven't bothered to find out. This one will definitely be re-gifted, thanks Linda.
5. Getting to the age when gifts of socks and shower gel are exciting presents – sure, we can't afford the luxuries anymore when we are forking out an arm and half for rent in Dublin.
6. Your siblings that have well and truly moved out of the house are back for the Christmas period and this means war. Reverting back to childhood roles and fighting over the remote is just a rite of passage.
7. Board games are broken out and they start off well, until someone gets WAY too drunk, starts a fight or storms off.
8. It wouldn't be Christmas without your drunk uncle singing RA songs in the corner.
9. The unwanted comments on your fashion choices – "that skirt is a bit short, did you forget your trousers?" "Are you not cold wearing that?" "Do you know you have holes in your jeans?" – EYE ROLL.
10. Trying to find your glass of wine; It's come to that time in the evening when everyone is tipsy and nobody knows who's glass is whose.
11. You've been looking forward to your FAVE soap Christmas special all year. The writers are going ALL out and the plot is just divine…and then you have that one person who has never seen an episode since last Christmas asking who every character is – breathe, just breathe.
12. It isn't a family gathering without this question and we suggest a shot of bourbon every time it's asked – DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND YET? When the answer to that question is you have a better relationship with wine than the male species – just smile and walk away.
13. It wouldn't be the silly season without the grandparents being slightly racist – just look at the ground, deep breathes.
14. Spicy comments about any of this year's referendums – my body, my choice, Declan – don't start.
15. Or any political comments that you just don't have the strength to argue about after a year of working your ass off at work.
16. Same conversation again and again – yes I'm still single, yes I'm still working there, yes, nothing has changed.
17. Having to watch the Angelus bells on RTE, although you have no religious beliefs, but you know your mother is watching and she'll disown you otherwise.
18. The one relative that always loses or misplaced their glasses – cue the entire room looking for them, when they realise they were sitting on them in whole time.
19. The person who said they aren't drinking but ends up getting hammered.
20. The hungover person: the one who was way too ambitious with the drink on Christmas eve, and they're trying not to vomit as they force the Christmas dinner down.
21. Waking up at crack of dawn for the Christmas sales, being abused by the crazy crowds for a bargain and then being shamed by the family for going out on the holy days and ruining tradition.
22. Acting surprised as money from the Christmas card falls into your lap – ah, Jesus that's a lovely card Mary, OOHH and €50 too – ah you shouldn't have.