EXCLUSIVE: Daniella Moyles on family, food and her childhood
We all remember a time when we thought we were too mature to be at home and have our mammy feed us – but honestly, how many of us wish we could go back home and have our dinner handed to us every evening?
The gals at SHEmazing! HQ gave a unanimous hands up, as did Spin 1038 presenter, Daniella Moyles.
The model and DJ spoke to us about growing up in Ireland and her favourite family meal times.
"I don't miss [family meal times] because we still have them. I miss having someone cook for me every night!" she said as her mam, Pauline, sat by her side.
"Family meals were really important in our house," said Pauline. "It was a chance for us to all get together and have a chat."
However, Daniella realises that family time is very different nowadays.
"It's a totally different scenario. We grew up differently to kids that are growing up now. My dad was a chef and he worked long hours so it was always, me, my brother and my mam at the table for dinner.
"I didn't realise it, but they were great times. And at the weekends my dad would be there, so it was great to have everyone together."
If you grew up with siblings, then you'll know that dinner time wasn't always peaceful, and it was the same for Daniella.
"My brother is four years younger than me so I always saw him as the baby.
"I'm sure we had terrible fights at the table growing up, but the worst I can remember is pulling a rug from under him and he cracked his head on a plug," to which Pauline sighs, "Oh God yeah, I remember that."
But even with all the fights (and head-bashing), Daniella says that they were still a "special" time.
We all remember these family meal times so fondly, it's a wonder why they aren't so popular now, but Daniella puts it down to one sole thing; our phones.
"I don't think the biggest distraction is TV or anything because we live in a world where everything is on demand.
"It's our phones that are getting in the way now. Mine is practically glued to me no matter what I'm doing," she said.
We think it's time to put the phones away, have the chats with our family, and enjoy meal times once again.
As Daniella's mum said, "it was a priority then," and still should be today.