Charlize Theron has a plan to make Gone Girl 2 happen
It’s hard to believe that it was three summers ago that all we could talk about was the thrilling summer read, Gone Girl.
And for a refreshing change, the movie was almost as good as the book. This was in no small part thanks to the stellar cast and the brilliant direction from David Fincher.
While author of the novel, Gillian Flynn, has remained sceptical on whether or not she may get down to writing a sequel, we do have one ally on our side – none other than Charlize Theron.
The Oscar-winning actress stars in another on-screen adaption of Ms Flynn’s, Dark Places. And it appears that Charlize is as eager as to try and get Gillian to write the next instalment of Gone Girl as we are.
In an interview with E!, the Mad Max: Fury Road star joined reporter Marc Malkin in attempting to woo the author into telling us what happens next to Amy and Nick Dunne.
“Come on,” Charlize urges. “You have to.”
To which Ms Flynn replied, “I don’t know if I can go back to the Dunnes quite yet – those diabolical Dunnes. I think about it every once in a while… I do. It’s hard to shake sometimes.”
Well, at least that didn’t rule anything out!
Thakfully Charlize had a fool-proof plan (hmmm) which she revealed. “I’ll get her drunk tonight and make her sign a contract,” the 39-year-old proposed.
Although it doesn’t look like anything is going to be in the works anytime soon, Gillian has said that she wouldn’t rule out a second film in the future if she could get David Fincher, Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike back on board.