Ah, the world of romance is interesting, especially in your early twenties.
The motley crew of guys that you cross paths with during these years are an interesting bunch.
And, believe it or not, you learn something from every one of them – even when you think that you didn't.
So, let's dive in and see what the f*ck we were thinking…
1. The Friend
Okay, let's just get this one out of the way first.
While some people escape their early twenties without having fallen foul to this, then fair play to you.
However, a hell of a lot of us do end up sleeping with a mate because, tbh, you spend a lot of time with them and you guys are MATES i.e have chosen to voluntarily spend time with each other.
And if they look like Nick from New Girl, then you, my friend, are a goner.

2. The Ex
This is a risky little one here now.
You finally decide to split up after weeks of shittiness only to end up having sex when you go over to his to get your stuff?
What are you, stupid?
Well, yeah, yeah you are…that's all there really is to this one.
3. The Hot Bartender
Even if you haven't got it on with the hot guy throwing cocktails shakers in the air behind the bar, don't EVEN act like you've never wanted to/thought about it.
I think there's deffo some law somewhere that says that all barmen are immediately hot because they are barmen.
They're usually either shit craic or cheating on their gf's, so I personally wouldn't bother…but you will anyway.

4. The Please-Can-I-Erase-That-From-My-Mind One
It doesn't have to necessarily be someone you really don't fancy to slot into this category.
Maybe he was a co-worker and now you've to sit across from him in the Monday morning meeting or he could be a pal of your ex or something.
Best thing – deal with it like a grown up by ignoring it…should work.
5. The Exotic One
It might happen on hols in a dodgy Portuguese bar, or it could be a Tinder date with a fab Frenchman or you could be backpacking around the world and stumble into the most gorge person from who knows where and fall madly in lust.
Whatever way you do meet this exotic creature, it'll be memorable because culture-clashing is a real thing.
And who gives a sh*t if you can't understand a word they're saying when they look so…tanned?

6. The F*ckboy
C'mon – who hasn't crossed over to the Dark Side?
That Side is usually occupied by a guy with a man-bun and a massive ego but we, for some reason, swoon like eejits.
Look, just think of it as a rite of passage and try not to feel too guilty about it.

7. The ''Ick'' One
Made famous by Olivia Attwood on Love Island, the ''ick'' happens – without warning or reason – in the early stages of seeing someone.
The guy that you thought was cute mere days before has suddenly in your eyes morphed into the most unappealing person EVER and your skin crawls at the thought of being near them.
Harsh, but true. And you will forever associate the ''ick'' with them – soz guys.
Of course, mixed in there are some amazing guys, fab flings and brilliant boyfriends – so enjoy every minute of it!