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Is there love in the air? It certainly looks so for Rihanna, 27, and dashing French soccer player, Karim Benzema.

The pair were spotted yesterday in the Griffin nightclub in New York, and the duo afterwards went for a spot of late-night, post-clubbing grub (in Ireland, we call that 'the chipper').

Romance rumours have linked the Grammy Award winner and the 27-year-old Real Madrid player before.

Indeed, a year ago Rihanna tweeted at Karim saying, “I feel your pain right now,” when his national team drew with Ecuador in the World Cup. The soccer star promptly responded saying: “No pain no gain, thanks for the support.”

A source told E! News: “Rihanna and Karim were sitting across from each other,” adding that “they came separately and they were speaking French at some point”.

Wait, now she speaks French too? Yup, her talents are pretty much boundless at this stage. And while any romance has yet to be confirmed, with Ri-Ri’s busy schedule the union may not have the brightest future.

In a recent interview with V Magazine, the Diamonds singer explained just how hectic she really is: “The past two years are the hardest I’ve ever worked,” she said.

“I’ve been working on two albums, an animated film, shooting for multiple magazines, designing for Puma and Stance, a new line of fragrances, a summer tour, I launched my first annual Diamond Ball at the end of last year, and I’ve also been developing several projects to be revealed in the near future.”

Wow! If she has time for a summer romance on top of all that we will be seriously impressed. 



Irishwoman Avril Mulcahy knows a thing or two about dating. As a "modern-day matchmaker," Avril has helped hundreds of singles to find their perfect match – from CEOs to farmers and everyone in between.

Us SHEmazing! ladies never say no to some solid dating advice, so we were delighted to hear that Avril had published her own book full of tips, tricks and secrets. Go Get Him: Everything You Need To Know To Create The Love You Want is described as a "road map for falling in love with your dating life again."

Combining her real-life experience as a matchmaker with Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques, Avril's book is a great resource for anyone looking to overhaul their dating life.

Here are five key things Avril's book taught us…

1. Relationships don't equal happiness
If you're looking for a relationship simply so you can finally answer that awkward "how's the love life?" with a positive answer, then you're off to a bad start already. As Avril says, "nobody else can make you happy – only you can." Focus on loving yourself first, before finding someone to share your life with.

2. The "I am a fecking ride" mantra
Confidence and attraction are nothing to do with how we look – they are linked to how we see ourselves. Avril advises readers to change the voice in their head "from a critic to a coach," using positive self-talk to help people see themselselves in a better light and be more willing to take risks when it comes to dating.

3. Our Junior Cert Business Studies knowledge could help our dating life
Anyone remember SWOT analysis? Usually used in a business context to define a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, Avril suggests we use a SWOT system to work out what exactly is standing in our way and how we can move forward when it comes to dating. You'd be surprised what you might learn about yourself when you get it all down on paper!

4. How to stop saying "I can fix him" and avoid destructive dating patterns
We've all been there. You know this new guy is a total player who has no interest in anything serious, but you still think that if you go on just ONE more date with him that he might see things differently. Never works out, does it? While we can't control the people we date, we can control ourselves and avoid falling back into the same patterns again and again.

5. The Flirtation Formula
Flirting. Some people find it comes naturally and others would rather poke their own eyes out than flutter their lashes at someone across a bar. As ladies, we often have the power during that initial meeting, and Avril shows us how to harness that ability and use it to our advantage. "The power of flirting is not in its mannerisms, but in the fantasy it creates in a man's mind," she says. "Veer towards being a little more risqué and you'll find you get a lot better results."



It can be testing, a cinema date. While it may seems so simply just to pick a movie, go to the cinema, watch it and return home with your love, it’s not always so easy…

Here are some things that happen every time we go on a cinema date:

1. The movie decision
Which movie, you ask. Whichever one you like my love, he says. Before telling you that apparently Robotz 47 is really good. Unless there is a middle-ground movie that everyone is dying to see, picking a movie can be painful!

2. Cinema food
It’s January and he wants to get the extra large popcorn with and extra ladle of butter and two extra-large cokes. It’s not as if you’re strict with yourself on date night, but seriously?! You guys JUST went for pizza. Where does he put it… *silent resentment*

3. The sitting decision
You’d think all of the choices had been made by now, but no. You want to sit at the back, in the middle. He think towards the front is better. On what planet?

4. Sssh!
The film starts and you are super excited, it’s not that you’ve heard good things you’re just so relieved it’s not Robotz 47. Then…the rustling starts. Not just for a second, you have patience, but when people are starting to turn around and look at you and he doesn’t even notice. Ground, swallow me…Depending on how well you know him, you can either grin and bear it or slap the offending confectionery out of his hand.

5. Handsy
Is that a hand? On your knee? Good God man, we’re at Happy Feet 2 – control yourself!



Dating can be daunting and nerve-racking at the best of times – but what are just five words that would have you running out the restaurant door?

Last night, #FiveWordsToRuinADate, a hashtag started on Rick O’Shea’s 2FM show, began to trend not only in Ireland, but worldwide.

Lots of famous brands joined in on the hashtag, with Domino’s #FiveWordsToRuinADate being “I ate all the pizza” and Aldi’s “I don’t shop at Aldi” being two of just many.

Some of our favourite ones include, “How is your happy meal?” and “Want to see a body” made us feel infinitely better about our dating life.

Here are some of the hilarious submissions of #FiveWordstoRuinADate that will make you laugh:

We think it's safe to say ALL of these would have us running out the door… What are your #FiveWordsToRuinADate?



This woman just got served!

We're all guilty of being a little picky when it comes to choosing the right guy, but we hope we'd never be as fickle as this woman who posted to a forum asking for advice on how to find a man with a "$500k annual salary." 

Luckily, one clever man threw some serious shade with the perfect reply!

The woman's post began: "I’m going to be honest of what I’m going to say here. I’m 25 this year. I’m very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I’m greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York. My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you?"

What we really love though, is this amazing reply from a man claiming to be the CEO of banking and finance company JP Morgan:

"Dear Ms. Pretty,

I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor.

My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I’m not wasting time here. From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.

Put the details aside, what you’re trying to do is an exchange of “beauty” and “money” : Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.

However, there’s a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can’t be prettier year after year.

Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It’s not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worse 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a “trading position”.

If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term – same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or “leased”.

Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income.This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps.

J.P. Morgan CEO





When Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider published their dating manual The Rules back in 1995, the world of relationships was a very different place. With guidelines like, “Don’t accept a date for Saturday after Wednesday,” and “Never talk to him first”, it seems a bit laughable now that anyone would take the book’s advice to heart.

Even so, when the book was updated in 2012 for the digital age, lots of the same crazy rules still applied. “Don’t date a man for more than two years without a proposal” was one guideline. “In a long-distance relationship, he must visit you three times before you visit him,” was another. Having just found a copy of this book at my friend’s house last weekend, I was both weirded out and a little intrigued by the contents.

Although my pal admitted she’d never really taken any of the rules on board, the fact that the 1995 book was successful enough to be updated 17 years on means that someone, somewhere was listening to the author’s advice.

The world of dating has come a long way in the last few years. With the growth of Tinder and other online dating apps, we’re free to control things for ourselves. Who cares if that guy you met last week hasn’t called? He’s not worth it. Move on. We can see someone new every weekend just for fun and nobody’s going to bat an eyelid.

So let’s forget about antiquated rules like waiting for him to send the first text or for him to do the asking. Guys are just as nervous as us when it comes to dating. Next time you’re debating whether to make the first move, just take a deep breath and do it. Send that first message on Tinder. Add him first on Facebook. If anything, he’ll be grateful that you’ve set the ball rolling.

We’re often scared to make that first leap because we worry that he (or our friends, or his friends) will think we’re over-eager or way too forward. The truth is, the only person thinking that is us. And the little shot of anxiety that coming with hitting “send” is just a healthy part of dating.

As for rules like, “don’t accept a date for Saturday after Wednesday,” unless a man is in serious need of being taken down a peg or two, refusing his invite purely because he didn’t give you three full days’ notice is just a touch crazy, don’t you think?

Let’s put our worries aside for a while and just go with what seems right when it comes to dating. If things don’t work out, maybe it’s because the two of you just aren’t a good match, not because you didn’t follow “the rules.”



At some stage in our lives, we all have that fantasy idea of love and a happy ever after.

But once you actually are seeing someone or in a committed relationship, the cold hard truth hits. Being in love can be hard work. It can be tough. As well as the good stuff, there can be arguments, misunderstanding and tension.

Sometimes a relationship just isn’t meant to be. Perhaps for the first year or five, things were amazing, but now you’ve realised it’s descending into constant fighting and sniping. Cue a difficult period of decision-making, a bad break-up and heartache for you both.

At times like those it’s easy to swear off men forever. Why on earth would you want to put yourself out there like that again? What’s to be gained by finding The One? Sure, falling is love is great, but what about the pain that comes after?

In theory, closing yourself off from romance can seem like a great survival tactic and a solid long-term plan. The thing is though, love can come in many forms. By shutting down that openness and hopefulness within you, you’re losing a big part of yourself and it will probably end up affecting other parts of your life too.

Being in a committed relationship, although it can be stressful at times, is one of the main ways we begin to learn more about our adult selves. We’re not just looking out for Number One anymore, now we have someone else in our lives too. Being in love lets you see how you adapt to co-existing with someone, it lets you see just how far you’ll go for someone else’s wellbeing, and it lets you see exactly what you really care about.

Numbing past pain by closing yourself off to the dream of The One won’t make you any happier. In fact, you may find it even harder to process those issues if you don’t let yourself move on properly. Just because the partner of your dreams isn’t in your life right now, doesn’t mean he won’t pop up next year, or the year after that. Why miss out on the chance of true contentment just because of one bad experience?

As well as allowing you to learn more about yourself, love really can make you a better person. It makes you want to do right by other people, it makes you kinder and more caring. Yes, a previous relationship might have ended messily, but try to focus on the good things you got out of it, and how you can use those mistakes to help you later on.

Opening yourself up to the idea of The One might seem like a big risk, but it is actually one of the best decisions you can make. What have you got to lose? Even though it mightn’t feel like it at times, life is short. So get out there and embrace everything it has to offer – the good and the bad.



Ever wondered about how to define the perfect relationship?

You don’t have to go to all of that effort, apparently, because it’s been written down in an Internet meme that has gone viral.

Just check it out below – recognise any of these?

While we cannot deny that this meme is a pretty accurate reflection of our modern relationships, we can’t help but be a little disappointed by the lack of romance on the list!

From spending a whole lot of time glued to Facebook, to spending quality time together giving out about our best friends, some of these are just too familiar.

Indeed, maybe this meme is more of a wake-up call on dating in the 21st century than the definition of what we would call a “perfect” relationship!

What are your thoughts?



He seems perfect – but you're worried he might be a bit of a troublemaker. Well, mostly your friends are trying to convince you he is. 

Here are the signs they could well be right…

1. He contacts you on his terms
He will only call you when it suits him and acts angry when you confront him about it. 


2. He cold-shoulders you in public
He's all about you when it's just the two of you, but when you meet him on a night out with the girls he barely acknowledges you. Not on. 


3. He’s a cheat
It’s not worth it. If he has a track record and you find yourself recognising every sign so far then stop trying to delude yourself with the idea of being the girl to change him. Sure you could be the one, but if he gives you an inkling you're not, then don't put yourself through that. We've all been there and it's never fun. 


4. He’s a sweet-talker
Most guys say the wrong thing all of the time (bless). But this guy is the biggest charmer you've ever come across, to the point where it's actually a bit much. 



5. His friends warn you
Bromances are taking very seriously – so if one of his friends warns you he will hurt you, you should listen. 

bromance gif


via our content partner CT



Does that guy like you? As in, like you like you? There's a few ways to find out…

1. He Slags You Mercilessly
To a degree, of course. But generally, if an Irish lad fancies you he will slag your clothes, call you names and comment on everything you say, this is just how Irish lads flirt. Lucky us. 


2. He Talks About You To His Mates
If you introduce yourself to his mate and they already know who you are then that’s a big sign that he’s been blabbing about you to his friends. In there.


3. His Best Friend Nudges Him When He Sees You
Guys love embarrassing each other, so if you walk into the room and you see his best mate nudging him and laughing, it translates into “There’s your one you’re in love with.”


4. He Calls You Late At Night For The Chats
It’s coming up to bed time and he calls you to talk about your day or whatever, then this is a  huge indication that he both wants to talk to you outside of social hours and thinks of you when he’s in bed. 


5. He’ll Try Prove His Manliness
Whether it’s being able to carry twelve tents from the entrance of Electric Picnic to the site or simply carrying a box of beer from the off license, he will stubbornly refuse help from anyone else in your company in order to show his strength as a man.

giphy (1)

6. He Treats You Differently From The Rest Of His Girl-Friends/Other Ladies
It’s important to observe this carefully. You don’t want to mistake him fancying you for him considering you a really good friend. If he like likes you, then he’ll generally focus his attention on you in a group. Also, notice if his body is turned to you for a extended amount of time.


7. He’ll Wear A Shirt
Dress to impress. This is how most Irish lads will try to show you that he wants you to find him physically attractive and receive credit for dressing up. Say you like his shirt, it’ll make his night.


8. He’s Not Really Interested In Anyone Else
You notice that he hasn’t been texting anyone or has mentioned anyone else, and if he does it’s to see how you react. Try to notice how much he actually interest he actually invests in other women. If he’d rather grab chips with you at the end of the night than go home with a randomer at the club, then he definitely like likes you.


9. He Doesn’t Mind Sharing His Food
This is a big one. No lad likes sharing his food, so if he offers you his last chicken ball, he must really like you.


10. He Always Offers To Help You
Whether it’s just carrying your heavy bag or full on washing your dog, if the extent is too big it means he’s probably desperate for your love.


via our content partner CT 



It has been reported that Evan Rachel Wood is dating fellow actress, Katherine Moennig. 

Evan and Katherine had a few flirty exchanges on Twitter last year, but it sounds as if things have blossomed even further. 

In one sweet exchange from February 2013, Evan exclaimed her love for Katherine and how she helped her “realise” who she is: “Just saw @katemoennig at a flea market. I turned to mush and ran. Love her!!” 

The L Word actress replied, saying: “@evanrachewood you should have said hi :)” to which Evan promised she would next time: @Haha. I would have slurred my words. Next time. But yea, you are amazing. Helped me realise who i am. Big fan 😉 @katemoennig.”

Katherine is the first person Evan has been linked to since her split from husband, Jamie Bell, with whom she has one child, a son whose name has never been publicly released. 

Could this be the start of something wonderful for Evan?



After three years together, and numerous splits, Joey Essex and Sam Faiers have finally called it quits on their relationship. 

Following a brief split during a holiday in Marbella back in September, it was thought the TOWIE couple were in a good place – but sources say a “mutual” split has since taken place. 

Sources also say that Joey and Sam will remain good friends. 

Sam tweeted this morning wishing she had someone to make her breakfast in bed: “Wish i had someone to make me breakfast in the morning … That’s the only meal I always miss .. Bad bad xx.”

Could it really all be over this time around? Sounds like it!
