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Max George has a new romance AND a new hairstyle it would seem!

The former member of boyband The Wanted has been spotted hanging out with Oklahoma beauty queen, Carrie Baker and the couple seem smitten with one another. 

Max has been living in Los Angeles for a few months now, and if this relationship keeps blossoming – he may never come home!

Carrie shared a sweet photo of her and her new man on Twitter, writing: “Had the best birthday I could’ve asked for … Thanks to all my best friends and boyfriend! I love you @MaxGeorge.”

Max was once engaged to Michelle Keegan from 2010 until their break-up two years later in 2012. Michelle is now engaged to be married (very soon!) to TOWIE star Mark Wright. 



While we try to always be as honest and open as we can with the people in our lives, there are still some lies we tend to tell from time to time…

1. "I’ll be ready in a minute"

We're going as fast as we can – promise!

2. "I’m fine"

Probably the most well known lie that women tell. We all know its not true. "Fine" is girls-speak for: "if you don’t figure out what’s wrong by yourself in the next 10 seconds you’re in for it." Whatever you’ve done start making up for it now. 

3. "It wasn’t that expensive"

It totally was, but we look amazing in it, so no judgement from you ‘Mr I Only Ever Shop in Penneys’. We deserve it every once in a while. We don’t complain to you about those ugly-ass runners that cost a stupid amount of money. Not to your face. We’d like you to do the same.

4. "I don’t mind"

Oh we mind – but we're trying to be nice. 

5. "Him? He’s just an old friend"

Erm apart from the year when you were fourteen – but that hardly counts now, right?

6. "I just don’t want to be in a relationship right now"

You're just not her type but she doesn't want to hurt your feelings, soz. 

7. "I woke up like this"

Nope, she got up an hour earlier and snuck on some concealer and mascara – boom. Oh that minty fresh breath? It's just natural. 

8. "You don’t have to get me anything for my birthday/Christmas/Anniversary"

Yeah, I know, we’re frustrating. She says it but you’ve got this niggling feeling that that can’t be right and you’re correct. No way will she be pleased if you come up empty handed. If you do and you say: "But you told me you didn’t want anything." You’re supposed to smarter than this.

9. "I’m not jealous"

She’s jealous. Probably while you two are out in a bar and some sweet young thing sidles up next to you and starts getting a bit too friendly. She wants you but you’re taken. Act like it.

10. "It was so annoying, they wouldn’t stop hitting on me"

It wasn’t annoying, she loved it. The only reason she’s even mentioning it is because she wants to get a reaction out of you. Like jealous rage and confessions of undying devotion. It never works because if you don’t act jealous she’ll get annoyed and if you act too jealous then you’re being the insecure annoying one. It’s a lose-lose move, if only we’d stop saying it…

11. "Sure, go on have fun"

It’s not that she doesn’t want you to have fun, she  does. But just doesn’t enjoy the idea of you having fun without her. She’s not going to stop you but you’re going to have to tell her how much you wish she could have been there. And you missed her. And she’s great.

via our content partner CT



High School Musical star, Corbin Bleu has gotten engaged to his long-term girlfriend, Sasha Nicole Clements.

In what may be the cutest proposal story of all time, Corbin popped the question of a lifetime in front of Cinderella’s Castle at Disney World in Florida.

To make an already impossibly sweet story even sweeter, Corbin presented the ring to Sasha in a glass slipper.

A. Glass. Slipper.

The actor told People magazine how excited he is about the engagement: “I’m very excited to begin this next chapter of my life with the woman who stole my heart.”

The couple have been dating since 2011. 

We can't wait to see the wedding – will it be a High School Musical reunion extravaganza?! We can dream at least…




Getting mixed messages? Not quite convinced that he’s into? Or have no idea at all? Fear not! We have the low down on the lads. Here are the tell tale signs that he’s into you *wink* *wink*.

1. You Always Catch Him Looking At You

 This is a great indicator that’s he’s into you! If you catch him checking you out on the regular, it means that he likes what sees *nudge* *nudge*. .

2. He’s Always Really Loud Around You

 When any guy is into someone, he’s always gonna try and show himself off. In lad land this means cracking jokes, being smart and an overall showcase. Think of monkey trying to attract a mate. He’s doing it all for your attention.

3. He Always Says Hello To You First

Whenever you see him, he always says hello to you before any of your friends. This is his subconscious acting out. He’s so excited to see you, that he mentally directs all his attention on your arrival. You can see the joy in his eyes. Prepare for a major hug and a massive smile. If he does this, he’s definitely into you.

4. His Mates Have Heard Of You Before You’ve Even Met Them

If one of his friends says: "oh, I've heard about you from Ben." This is a BIG sign that he’s been talking about you to his friends! Ask yourself this: how much would a guy have to talk about you to have his friends remember your name? A lot! You certainly have left your mark on him if this happens.

5. The Flanter Is Serious Between You Two

“Flanter” – the combination of flirting and banter, for those who have not heard of it. And it’s exactly what it says on the tin. They’re are your guy mates that you’re able to have a laugh with. But with this guy, you’re all over each other, without actually being all over each other. But still, you’re constantly winding each other up, play fighting and smile like idiots around each other.

6. He Texts/Calls You All The Time

You can’t go an hour or two without getting a message from this lad. This shows that you’re in his mind pretty much all of the time. But above all, that he enjoys talking to you. Also, this is a really good way to tell if he’s just into you for your looks. It’s normal for guys to say you looked good in class today, but to go into detail and then ask you out, that’s a red flag. See if he interested in getting to know you.

7. He Blushes Everytime His Friends Tell You He's Crushin’ On You

Boys will be boys. Which means they love showing their mate up in front of the girl he likes. Don’t be surprised if your walking by himself and his friends and they start yelling “Hey there’s *so-and-so’s* girlfriend, or “Hey *so-and-so* isn’t that the girl you’re in love with?”. If his face goes bright red then… well… it doesn’t take a brain surgeon.

8. The Compliments Are Non-Stop With Him

It almost as if he can’t help the words from falling out of his mouth. Even if it’s just a sly compliment while the world is turning around the two of you, it’s a tell tale sign that he can’t help but think you’re gorgeous.

9. Your Girlfriends Constantly Tell You That He’s Into You

If it’s just one of the girls telling you, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to her. But if it’s all of the girls, then they’re probably right. If you’ve been denying it up to this point, well then open your eyes girl! He’s well into you.

10. He’ll Always Offers To Get You A Drink

A most convenient way to tell if he’s into you is if he offers to get you a drink! Two things are for sure when this happens; he’s definitely into and you’re gonna have a great time tonight.

via our content partner CT



Relationships can have their ups and downs, but if you find yourself agreeing with most of the below – you might just be meant to be!

1. Your humour is so in sync

You frequently say the same jokes at the same time, or make references to TV shows that have most people scrambling. You love the same movies and shows. You both think the other is hilarious. They can make you laugh like no other person can. When you’re down all they have to do is say something funny and you’re all better.

2. You each have lives outside of the relationship

You have your own friends so you don’t spend all your free time together. You’re not one of those couples that are constantly hanging off each other that everyone hates. You both have nights out with your friends, neither of you lets your relationship get in the way of your friends. 

3. He's nice and kind to you AND your friends

The girls and your parent love him; he's thoughtful, kind and generous to not only you but to those you love. 

4. Intelligence & opinions

You can have intellectual conversations and will listen to each other and give your opinions. You respect each other’s intelligence and don’t patronise them or try to make them feel stupid. Because they aren’t.

5. Passions

You each have interests outside of the other. They liked other stuff before you came along and so did you. 

6. You do things together

Not just sexy things…You go out on dates, or stay in for dates depending on the state of your bank balance. You go away together and both get involved in the planning and execution of those trips. You try out new hobbies, new food fads, new movies. You love sharing new experiences with them.

7. Honesty & trust

You don’t have any illusions about the other person. You can talk about anything and don’t keep stuff from the each other. You don’t push for information, because you know that they trust you enough to tell you when they’re ready.

8. No cheating or games

You know you would never cheat on them, and you can only assume they feel the same. 

9. You just know

Cheesy but true. You don't need an article to tell you that your relationship is in a good place – it just is. And even if you go through a rough patch from time to time, you always come back full circle. After all, if the light bulb breaks in a house, do you move house, or just change the light bulb? 

via our content partner CT



Zac Efron is officially off the market ladies, as he’s been spotted cosying up to his new girlfriend, Sami Miro.

The new couple were first seen together back in September and it looks as if things are going very well indeed as the actor has shared a cute photo of them on his official Instagram account.

Everyone knows an Instagram snap makes it official!



Thx to @ReneRedzepiNoma and team @Nomacph. You've created a sophisticated, one of a kind culinary experience I'll never forget. You rock!

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Zac ended his short-lived romance with actress Michelle Rodriguez back in August after two months together.

As much as we hate to admit it, Zac and Sami do make a very sophisticated and lovely looking couple!



All couples will argue. We guarantee it. It’s a fact of life. Your friend/colleague/sister might look like she has the perfect relationship, but you’re only seeing things from the outside.

As long as you’re not at each other’s throats every moment of the day, don’t worry. A little bit of arguing is healthy – and making up isn’t too bad either!

Here are nine things you and your partner have definitely had a spat about at one point or another, just like every other couple on earth!

1. Whose turn it is to do the crappiest chores
“Well, I just went to Tesco to buy milk so you can take out the bins, okay?” Those are NOT the same thing! Certain chores are definitely less desirable than others – namely anything to do with bins, smelly laundry or gone-off food.

2. Hogging the bed/duvet
This argument usually happens about 3am and you probably won't even remember it in the morning. It starts with angry grumblings from one of you, along with a sharp yank of the duvet back to the “right” side of the bed. MINE!

3. What to watch on Netflix
Having hundreds of films to choose from might seem like a good thing but it’s actually the devil’s work. Aside from picking a film, there’s the added stress of finding the comfiest couch position, deciding what to eat and of course poking your partner in the arm anytime he looks like he’s falling asleep.

4. Having your phone out at inappropriate times
There’s nothing more romantic than sitting in silence at a restaurant while your other half scrolls through Facebook on their phone. “Just two more minutes, I need to finish this WhatsApp group chat about training tomorrow night.” Great, so you should be finished in time for dessert?

5. Flirty Facebook comments
“Why did you write ‘Great picture!’ on her photo? What does that mean? Are you two friends or something?” We all get a little jealous and irrational from time to time and social media can make things even worse. There’s no way around this one except for a little understanding from both sides.

6. The snooze button addiction
If one of you is a natural early riser, it can be hard to get used to your other half’s insistence on pressing snooze five times each morning. That beep-beep-beep sound will haunt you for the rest of the day!

7. Not making an effort with your partner’s friends
This is a hard one to work through as it takes a lot of compromise. Much as the two of you might get along, that doesn’t mean he has to click with your friends, too. Even if they’ll never be besties, it’s important to make an effort all the same.

8. Excessive farting
Usually from his side, we hope! Whether he cracks one out loudly while you’re eating dinner, or unleashes a Dutch Oven on you in bed, there’s no escaping the fact that men seem to adore their own farts. Grin and bear it – at least he wants to share!



There are certain dating rules that need to be thrown out the window and let go. Like these for example:

1. Don’t call until three days after you get their number
No games – if you like him then call him! 


2. The man must always pay
Why? We're all for gender equality here so get that purse out missy! That said, if he says it's his treat, let him go for it, you can get the next one or buy him a few drinks after. 


3. Only date people with good jobs
If you fall for someone then fall for them and date them – not their job, their money or their position. You should concentrate on your own instead!

a_560x375 (1)

4. Eat lightly on a first date
Listen, you may as well let him see you in all of your chicken wing, ice-cream sundae eating glory if this is going to go any further. Now, pass me 10,000 napkins. 

EMT fuck a salad

5. It's a conversation not an interview
It is a little bit of an interview, no? But the position is very rewarding after all. 

6. Wait to have sex
Again, so what if you have sex on the first night? We’re all self respecting adults and if we mutually choose to have sex on the first date then so be it. Society isn’t going to tell you otherwise and you don’t have to feel ashamed either. You might want to wait so that you can get to know each other a bit better and build it up a bit, resulting in better sex, but it’s totally up to you.

7. Dress to impress
Be yourself – no need for fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes and all of that (unless that is you of course in which case go for it!) Of course you want to look nice, you're not going to turn up to the restaurant in pyjamas (the dream) but no need to stress about it either. 

via our content partner CT



Events like birthdays, Valentine’s and Christmas are great excuses to show our other half just how much they mean to us. But for the rest of the year, it’s easy to slack off when it comes to our relationship.

Little touches like a sweet note or a surprise gift don’t take much effort but they go a long way toward keeping that spark alive.

Here are some random occasions that we believe should be celebrated or marked in some way – if anything else it’s an excuse to have some fun together!

1. The anniversary of your first date
Forget the day you two met or became a couple, your first date was where it all really kicked off. Why not re-create the night once a year? It’ll be much more fun without that first-date awkwardness, we promise!

2. A “skipping the gym” night
No matter how much you enjoy that post-workout buzz (if it even exists) sometimes you both just need to take an evening to relax, eat pizza and enjoy each other’s company. Maybe you do this every night, anyway – it’s still worth celebrating!

3. Laundry night
Woo-hoo, dirty clothes! Throw on some epic Eighties power ballads, get the washing and drying done and sit around in those weirdly-fitting trackie bottoms you always wear when nothing else is clean. Who needs glamour, anyway?

4. An “I can’t be bothered to cook” night
When you’re wrecked after work and really can’t face the kitchen, make a date night out of it! Head out for an impromptu dinner, order in, or if your bank balance is low have a bit of craic making weird sandwiches out of whatever’s left in the cupboard. Tayto and banana sambo anyone?

5. The end of your period
It’s over for another month – get to the bedroom! Enough said.

6. Your “moving in together” anniversary
You’ve survived each other for a year (or two, or three), it’s time to celebrate. We reckon this one calls for a bottle of wine and a delish dinner together at the very least.

7. The anniversary of your first takeaway
It’s a big thing ordering in together, you know. It means you’ve let your guard down and are willing to let him see just how much Kung Pao Chicken you deem as “one portion.” What better way to mark this very significant event than with more takeaway?!

8. Your 100th Tuesday together
If you find official “one year” anniversaries a bit cringey, wait a bit longer and celebrate your 100th week together. One hundred is a pretty huge number – we reckon it’s worth making a big deal out of it!


It happens to most of us at least once a day. We walk past a stranger, fleetingly make eye contact, decide they're our one true love and that we want to marry them, and then… SNAP. They're gone. And with them your dreams of Prince Charming!

A new (only slightly weird) app aims to help you turn those passing crushes into something real. Crush Feed allows users to post descriptions of people they randomly fancy – be it someone on the Luas, the bus, at a gig or in Tesco. 

If someone's new post matches your physical description, you'll get an alert. You can then choose to connect and chat with your admirer, or you can of course back out and say no more about it.

There's also a public wall where all recent posts can be seen and voted on – so creeps won't be tolerated, hopefully!

The whole thing seems like a bit of a long shot, but we can still see ourselves sneakily checking it out on the 46A tomorrow morning!



It has been reported that Orlando Bloom has his eyes set on a leading lady…none other than Wolf of Wall Street's Margot Robbie!

Apparently The Hobbit actor has been sending the Australian beauty gifts in a bid to get her to go on a date with him.

It has been rumoured that they had been spotted kissing at a Golden Globes party back in January but things have been quiet until now.

Only one thing stands in the way of this couple becoming hot Hollywood property – Margot’s boyfriend.

He may have his work cut out for him on that one – let’s hope this doesn’t end in fisticuffs like it did with Justin Bieber



It has been rumoured that Justin Bieber’s mom, Pattie Mallette has branded Kendall Jenner a homewrecker.

While it’s true the pop star’s mom did tweet about a homewrecker, there is nothing to suggest she was talking about Kendall, but it seems that’s what people are assuming.

Pattie tweeted: “I know you love him. I know you need love. But… #DontBeAHomeWrecker.”

The tweet comes after Justin was spotted having dinner with Kendall in Paris during fashion week after which Selena flew home early and sent out tweets that alluded to another break-up between the two.

We're sure Pattie knows better than to get involved in her son's torrid love life, perhaps she was just watching a particularly gripping episode of Fair City.

