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You may find 'The One' straight away (lucky you!) or, like so many of us, you will have to endure the following charmers before you meet Prince Charming himself!

1. The Bad Boy
Every girl loves a bad boy. Is it the thrill of the chase or the just the danger he exudes. Does he smoke, does he drink, does he walk around with that “I don’t care attitude”…whatever it is it can be an eye opener for certain girls. Do you become a full on Bonnie and Clyde or nip it in the bud for something a bit more stable?


2. The Unfaithful
Everybody has been cheated on and it's never a nice feeling. OK, well maybe not everyone gets cheated on, but a lot do sadly! It’s usually not long before he becomes ‘unfaithfully departed’ and the relationship hits a ‘rest in peace’ kind of thing! Live and learn but don’t let it make you bitter. There are good guys too.


3. The Looker
Oh gawd….he's a model! You spend the entire relationship wondering how you bagged him before you realise there's no actual chemistry there. 


4. The Figment of your Imagination
Whether its a special someone made out different elements of celebrities, guys you’ve been with or Disney princes you watched as a girl, this guy will never exist. It’s your perfect guy…but the one you will never have. Unfortunately.

5. The Sexaholic
The sex is brilliant, but there’s no emotional connection. But it’s still the best sex you’ve ever had…this will usually filter out into the fact that one of you wants something more. You will gauge all future sex life from this relationship, even though for one of you it may not have been a relationship, more a convenient understanding.

6. The Nearly There
It's love – no doubt about that. But for some reason or another it doesn't last. 

via our content partner CT



Some things are better left unsaid.

1. Your ‘number’
Does anyone tell the truth on this one? We’ll never know. Guys lie, girls lie, it’s really nobody’s business but your own. 


2. How good your ex was at pleasing you
Ok, so he might need to improve on some things physically. Pretty much the worst way you can help him is to compare his skills with an ex’s. ‘What my ex used to do was….’ no, no, no, NO! 

3. The fact that you cheated on your ex
Howiye trust issues! Your current boyfriend should never know this, it was a mistake, you did it because something was missing in the relationship or you were just hammered and reckless. Whatever the reason, all he’ll hear is ‘I’m an untrustworthy girl’ and he won’t forget it.


4. That you suffer from really heavy periods
Periods are a big part of a woman’s life, 12 a year, around 450 in a life time. It’s a reality that we all have to deal with every month, we got the short end of the stick, the raw deal… but he does not need to suffer as well. No matter how mature a man is, he will feel uncomfortable talking about your period and not only that, he will be in no way helpful. In fact, it’s possible that you will get into an argument because of how painfully unhelpful he is. 

5. That one of his friends is hot
Not fair. He will imagine you and him having sex instantly. Nothing good will come of it, he will not get jealous in a cute way and tell you he loves you even more now. He will hate when you’re in a room together and probably accuse you of flirting when you ask him to pass the ice. Imagine it was the other way around – think of how mad you'd be!

6. That you got come on to by 6 different guys last night
When you go out on the piss without him, he’ll know what guys think when they look at you, it’s exactly what he thought when he first saw you. You don’t need to remind him that you’re hot property, it will only make him question how you conduct yourself when you’re out which is unnecessary.

7. That his friends are assholes
His friends might be assholes, but they are his friends. You have no idea what kind of history they have and sometimes the biggest di** can turn out to be the most loyal out of them all. Regardless, grin and bare them, they’re not going anywhere and their opinion of you counts for something so play nice.


8. That you dislike his Mother
Even if he has an old moan about her, under no circumstances can you refer to her as an old wagon. Ever. Boys’ relationships with their mums are sacred…back away.


via our content partner CT



Justin Bieber strikes again ladies and gentlemen!

The troubled singer was clearly unimpressed by rumours that he and Paris Hilton had engaged in some romantic behaviour while in Paris.

He decided to tackle the rumours the only way he knows how: on Twitter.

Justin tweeted: “believe anything u want but don’t believe I went out with Paris Hilton, smh just cuz we’re seen at the same event. No offense. But ew.”

He later realised how mean that sounded (or someone thought it for him) and deleted the comment. 

Also, it was noted that he could have said something along the lines of “because I have a girlfriend” or “I love Selena” but chose instead to go with “But ew”…



Our college years and twenties are a time for getting to know ourselves and what we really want from a relationship. Sadly, that means we’ll probably all go through at least one split, if not many more, before finding The One.

Here are a few types of break-ups you’re definitely likely to experience at one point or another – some painful, some just plain ridiculous!

1. The one where he just disappears
You two have been seeing each other for a few weeks, maybe you’ve even gone on a couple of dates and met all his pals. Then all of a sudden – nothing. You stop hearing from him altogether and after a couple of tentative texts from your side (any more than that is excessive!) you decide to just chalk this one down to experience and move on.

2. The one that just ran out of steam
Let’s face it, you were never really into this guy to begin with. You’ve had a few fun nights together, he’s totally sound and makes you laugh but there’s just no spark. Over time the gaps between your meetings become longer and longer until he’s just that lad who pops up on your Facebook feed every once in a while. No bad blood!

3. The one that happens by text
If a relationship ends by text it was probably never a goer to begin with – regardless of who’s the one doing the texting. It’s more of a courtesy goodbye so that the dumper doesn’t feel totally cold-hearted. Fingers crossed that the dumpee has the good sense to take it well and not spend the next few days sending song lyrics and thoughtful pieces of prose.

4. The one where you both know it’s coming
Mutual break-ups can be the most painful. You’ve both come to realise that your relationship needs to end, but discussing the reasons why can be unexpectedly painful. Expect to feel more than a little heartbroken after this, but know it’s for the best.

5. The one that goes on…and on…
This one can be a total headwrecker. First comes the break-up, along with all the tears, drama and re-adjustment, and then before you know it, the two of you are back together and trying to work things out. Which is totally fine until the whole cycle happens again two months later. Just finish it already!

6. The one with tears from all sides
Maybe one of you is moving away for work or college, or maybe it’s just not working out, but either way there’s going to be tears. These kind of break-ups are the hardest as you both end up comforting each other, which can lead to kissing, cuddling and the inevitable break-up sex. Just be clear on what each of you wants before you wake up naked beside each other the next morning!

7. The one where you never want to see him again
Think crying, screaming and possible flinging of objects across the room. Whether one party has cheated or has just been a total idiot, try to keep this break-up short and sweet rather than getting caught shouting at each other for hours about old issues.



If you say yes to the majority of these, we hate to tell you…you're totally in love!

1. You cant stop thinking about them
And fantasising about what it would be like if you lived with them as you make yourself a cup of tea. 

2. You’ve forgotten your ex
You hear you and your ex’s song and suddenly you realise you haven’t thought about them in weeks. Hallelujah.

3. Everything relates to them
Oh that’s their favourite coffee shop, better pick one up… Oh look, their favourite band is playing, I should get tickets… Oh there’s that person they despise, better go get my shovel.


4. You like their quirks
That little clicking sound that comes deep within their flem cave when they sleep… Gosh that’s cute.

5. You enjoy doing mundane things, because you’re doing it with them
Ikea furniture building? Pass me the Allen key you old sailor you.


6. You find yourself smiling to yourself when you think about them
You know you look like a complete muppet and you don’t even care

7. You don’t notice the opposite sex (as much…)
Your friends point out the hot guy who just walked into the bar and all you have to say is ‘meh’


8. You feel comfortable with them
Clipping your toenails in their face, that’s love.


9. You don’t feel like going out (as much…)
You just don’t see the point in drinking to debauchery levels when you’ll just want to go home for pizza and snuggles at 1.30am


10. You feel like planning for the future
Not marriage yet – but you’re open to discussing Easter holidays.

all-inclusive_Couples-Only_Resorts (1)

11. You clicked this link… so you must be at least in the love neighbourhood
Love is knocking my friend.

via our content partner CT



So you’ve been dumped… We’ve all been there, so the right thing to do is share our knowledge with you. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting over a break up:

1. Cry
It’s the natural thing to do, you’re going to be feeling upset so let yourself have one day of mourning and release the waterworks and then never speak of it again.

2. Eat Your Body Weight In Food
Food will always be there for you when you need it and not cheat on you with some girl in a club. Eat a lot of chocolate and pizza it really is the best medicine.

3. Don’t watch The Notebook
Or Titanic or Dirty Dancing, just don’t do it to yourself, you don’t want to go back to stage 1.

4. Go on an epic night out
Grab your friends and have a few cocktails – but be careful, you don't want to get so drunk as you cry in public!

5. Get Your Charm On
Take advantage of being single and make up for lost time.

6. Don’t Drunk Call Him
You don’t need to tell him you’re over him. Never speaking to him again will get the message across a lot better

7. Don’t Facebook stalk him
Delete/block him or hide his posts from your timeline, do whatever it takes…

8. Don’t Sleep In His Hoody
Just get rid of it, you’re not Taylor Swift.

9. Have A Girls Night (yes, again!)
Remember those friends you completely forgot about when you had a boyfriend? Yeah them, give them a call and have a girly night out and get your wing-woman skills back on, you no longer have to be the one in a relationship while everyone else is flirting with guys to get free drinks.

10. Enjoy The Single Life
You are a single pringle ready to mingle

via our content partner CT



When you’ve been seeing a guy for a while and are in that awkward place between being casual and being a full-on couple, it can be hard to tell what his intentions are.

Sure, he might stay at yours every so often, but how can you figure out if he actually wants something long-term?

Here are a few tell-tale signs to look out for…

1. Your dates aren’t just same old, same old
At the beginning of a relationship the easiest date options are drinks, dinner or a movie. When he starts talking about doing different things together or wants to show you his favourite hang-out spots, take it as a sign that he’s trying to let you into his world. You’re not just another girl, you’re someone he wants to share more of himself with.

2. He checks in with you about your plans
If he’s “casually” checking what your plans are for the weekend, it’s a sure sign he wants to spend more time with you. We’re not saying you automatically need to start spending every waking moment together, but the fact that he’s considering you in his plans means you’re a priority for him.

3. He talks about you when you’re not there
When you really like someone, they’re in your head all the time, and it’s only natural you’d start throwing their name into conversation. Whether one of your pals gives you the tip-off or whether he off-handedly mentions a conversation he had involving you, the fact that he’s chatting to others about you is a sure sign he’s into you.

4. He’s happy to sit through your fave TV shows, just because
It’s one thing to try to get into your good books before the two of you have had sex, but if you’ve already done the deed and he’s still got no problem catching up on three episodes of Great British Bake Off with you, then he’s a keeper. The fact that he’s still trying to score brownie points even though you’ve been seeing each other a while means he really wants to keep on your good side. Aaaw!

5. He stays for breakfast
If he likes to stick around in the mornings and relax with you rather than legging it out the door, it means he’s not just in this for fun. He values your time and company and can’t wait to get to know you better.

6. It’s not just about sex for him
In an ideal world, none of us would ever feel pressured into having sex with a new person before we were ready, but unfortunately that’s not always the case. If your new guy doesn’t mind waiting until you feel more secure, it shows he cares about your feelings too. Likewise, if he doesn’t disappear off the face of the earth the second the two of you actually do have sex, that’s a sign he’s not just in this for one thing only.

7. He wants to meet the people you care about
Whether it means coming along to Friday night drinks with your ladies, or meeting your parents for dinner, he’s happy to meet the people who are important to you, and he wants to make a good impression. 



The modern dating world would be nothing without Tinder, Plenty of Fish, eHarmony and co. Right? Well, maybe not!

A new study carried out by Michigan University reveals that dating online might not be the answer to finding true love.

Couples who met on the internet are in fact more likely to break up than those who meet offline, and they are also less likely to get married.

The research also showed that online dating isn't the most effective way to find a romantic partner. It generally takes couples longer to initiate a relationship if they've met through a dating site than if they've met in real life.

So that drunken shift at Coppers might be more likely to be The One than that potential date from Tinder? Possibly… but the research also suggests that the reason online dating fails is that we take it less seriously than we should.

Regardless of how you meet, the study notes that key to a successful romance is how long you spend getting to know each other and how much value couples place in their new relationship. "This leads to greater stability… which in turn increases the odds of them staying together in the long run," said the study's author Aditi Paul.

Sounds like a no-brainer to us!



You keep telling all of your friends that you and that guy are "just friends" but underneath it you know it's more and here are the signs:

1. You’re secretly jealous when they go out with someone else
You might act like you’re happy for them, but on the inside you’re jealous that theyre seeing someone else. You hope that things don’t work out…

love animated GIF

2. You go out together a lot more
You don’t see them as “dates” but if you were actually to look at it they kind of are. You might start off by going to the cinema or bowling, sooner or later you start to have dinner together, then breakfast…

3. You start to care how you look around them
Before you could wear sweatpants around them and you wouldn’t really care, but lately you seem to be putting more effort into your appearance around them. A spray of perfume here, bit of hair gel there… Stop kidding yourself.

4. Missing them more than you should
If you’re friends with someone, you tend not to be bothered so much about not seeing them. Things get messy when you start texting them if they haven’t arrived on a night out, wondering what’s keeping them, being bored until they get there.

5. Other people ask you if you’re together
People tend to notice when two people are together and when they’re not. So if your friends start to notice things and ask you about them, then clearly your relationship with each other has changed.

6. You get nervous when you’re around them
When you were just friends you never got nervous around and you were always comfortable around them. If you start to get a little nervous when you know you’re going to see them then there is clearly something there.

7. You get mad at them for no apparent reason
When you’re friends with someone there is less drama than if you’re in a relationship. If you seem to be bickering with them are get angry for no reason, then you clearly care about them and your frustrations are covering it up.

8. You feel overprotective of them
When you’re friends with someone you might advise them not to do something, but ultimately you know it’s up to them. If you secretly like them you will be protective of them and be concerned when they do something dangerous.

9. If they give you a compliment you start to blush
Friends usually tell each other when they look good and when they aren’t looking the best. You know that they have good intentions, if they mean something more to you then you might blush or act shy. If we really like someone we take compliments to heart and it makes you like them more.

10. They’re always on your mind
When you find yourself alone, your mind wanders and you start to think about them. You might think about your friends every now and then, but if you care for them, they always seem to be on your mind and you can’t get them out of your head.

via our content partner CT



Some people on Tinder need to be avoided – there is no two ways about it. 

Here are five guys you will want to swipe left on Tinder…!

 1. The guy that lists ‘’ being a full-time legend’’ in his personal info

jlo gif

This is pretty self-explanatory. We are not back in third year in secondary school and Tinder is not your homework journal. Next.

 2. The guy that thinks he can flirt

ross flirting

So your phone vibrates and informs you that you have a new tinder match. Mildly interested you open the app to see who could be your future boyfriend. He has even sent you a message. Heart racing, you open it thinking about all the cute dates you two could go on but then this is what awaits you. "Hey there nice dress but I bet it would look better on my  floor". Block him, delete him, do whatever needs to be done. No one should be subjected to such a conversation.

 3. The guy that communicates with emojis

emoji gid

Just. No. 

4. The guy that is most definitely still in school


So he may be eighteen which technically means he can be on Tinder, but seriously? A match? Aaand, swipe. 

via our content partner CT



Otherwise known as the love of your life. You could be just waltzing through your day and then… there he is. Heart palpitations, heavy sweating and emotional warfare, this is the emotional cycle of running into your crush.

1. Internal Panic Attack Upon Sighting

The one day you don’t wash your hair right? You were not expecting to see him, and yet he’s just popped up in your life today. You pause suddenly, look around at places to hide while you figure out what you are going to do next.

2. Look At Your Phone, Avoid Eye Contact

Now that you’ve attempted to hide from your crush, the natural next step is looking at your phone. Because if he does see you, he’ll think “Oh she’s looking at her phone. She’s so busy and popular. I admire her.” Or at least we hope he does.

3. What The Hell Do I Just Do?

Time is running out! Either he is going to spot you awkwardly hiding behind that plant, or he’s going to not see you and go on with his life. But you are desperate to talk to him… aren’t you?

4. Calm down! CALM DOWN!

You feel the onset of an anxiety attack. You’re dying to talk to him! But you can barely compose yourself well enough to even come out from behind that plant! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO!? Panic, so much panic.

5. DAMN! Did He See Me?

*Heart stops*

6. Can’t Look At The Ground, Then He’ll Know I’m Awkward

I was looking at everywhere else apart from you before you looked in this direction anyway.

7. PHEW! He Didn’t See Me…

Now you can now stare at him in peace.

8. Wait. Who Is He Talking To?

Is that the girl who keeps posting on his Facebook? Are they friends or? She’s too pretty to just be friends with him. He’s beautiful… they’re probably dating.

9. Sudden Onset Of Overwhelming Heartbreak


10. HEY!

That sounds like his voice. Was that at me?

11. OH GOD is he…he's walking over!

Act cool. 


*Internal high-pitched screaming*

13. WTF I Am I Gonna Say!?!

Maybe he does love me and he just doesn’t want to tell me, yet.

14. No, No Something Else!

Maybe, not that, either…

15. Ok, Just Be Coooool

I can totally be cool. Born cool. So cool. OH GOD WE’RE SHARING THE SAME SPACE.

16. When You Go To Talk

Hold it together woman.

17. All You’re Thinking About When He’s Talking To You

He’s so pretty.

18. “Well I’ll Catch You Later, Nice Talking.”

That went ok right? Time to come down from the emotional roller-coaster and day dream about your babies together.

via our content partner CT



There are some perfectly acceptable excuses for dumping your significant other, however, if those don't work – try these! 60% of the time, they work every time. 

1. You’re leaving the country
Long distance relationships just don’t work these days and you don’t have a Skype account so you should just leave it there. Lets just hope they’re not like Janice from Friends and follow you to the airport.

2. Tell Them You’re Gay
Hey, you might be – you're young you need to figure it out. 

3. You’ve Decided To Join A Convent/The Priesthood
You’re putting your faith first and becoming a nun/priest and staying together would be against God’s wishes.

Gangnam Style Nuns by Jeff Geerling

4. Your Dad Owns A Gun
If this doesn’t scare him off we don’t know what will.

5. You’re Actually Secretly Married 
Hopefully they’ll be happy for you and even buy you a belated wedding gift.

via our content partner CT
