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Have you ever wondered if that guy actually wants to pay for the meal? Here are some things a guy is thinking during a date – from a guy's perspective!

1. Do I really have to pay for everything?
It should be half and half this day in age – no?

2. What was your name again?
Tinder=lots of dates, don't judge too harshly. Eek.

3. Are you going to finish that?
You don’t want to sound rude, but sometimes a girl will order food and not finish it and it’s lying there going to waste. You will just make do with what you have, but if you could, you would eat their leftovers, even though half of the meal is still there.

4. Do you actually find that funny or are you just humouring me?
They say it’s a good sign when a girl laughs at your jokes, even the bad ones. Sometimes though, girls will just be humouring you.. It would be good to know if she genuinely finds what I’m saying funny or is just trying to make things less awkward.

5. Does this shirt do anything for you?
It can be hard to tell what a girl is into, so we just stick on a nice shirt, some cologne and hope they like it. If we could, we would actually ask if they think it’s a good shirt or not. The only clue we can get if she says that she actually like it, which is always a good sign.

6. Is the cologne too much?
Guys will usually have that trusty cologne that they always resort to when their going out. Girls don’t usually comment on a guys smell whether it’s good or bad, so it’s hard to know. Sometimes we might put on a bit too much and overcompensate, so if we could we would ask if them if we put on a bit too much.

7. What do you think of my hair?
This might sound like a very vain question to ask, but it’s really more about whether or not she actually likes your hair. Guys spend the most time on their hair than anything else, so it would be actually good to know what they thought of it. If we asked this question, she would automatically think we’re incredibly self -centred and vain…

8. Do you have to order dessert?
It can be awkward if you’re ready to leave after the main course and she is intent on ordering dessert. It’s nice to get a heads up so we know that we will have to fork out the extra cash on a cheesecakebefore you only eat half of it an say “I’m so stuffed”.

9. Do you really have to keep tasting my food?
I get that you want to have a little bit of everything, but I ordered the steak for a reason, because that’s what I wanted and presumably you ordered the pasta for the same reason. 

10. Why do you keep going to the toilet?
It's been like three times and the starters just arrived…

11. Are you even listening to what I’m saying?
It would be nice if you acted like you cared about what we were talking about y'know. 

12. Can we please stop talking about your last relationship?
It’s good to know when the last time you were in the relationship was and how long you have been single for, but we don’t need every intimate detail about it. You clearly still have some feelings for him if you’re still talking about him this much, maybe you’re not ready to start dating again?

iron man animated GIF

13. Could you please stop looking at your phone every two seconds?
This kind of stuff is infuriating, when you’re trying to talk to a girl and they keep checking their phone. There should be a place in restaurants where you can put your phones, so there won’t be any Instragam pictures of your food and so people can actually talk for once.

14. Do you have any clue where your life is going, or is that just me?
You don’t want to tell them that you have no clue what you’re doing with your life, but it would be good to know if she was the same. You only went to college to keep your parents happy and have no real exit strategy either. There is no nice way of asking this so it’s better just to keep this one out of the conversation.

15. Are you one of those girls that take ages to text back?
When we text a girl it drives us mad when she takes hours to text back “Hi”, you might as well have not texted back if you’re going to come out with that crap. We’re not going to buy the excuse that you forgot because we know girls are glued to their phones.

via our content partner CT



Hollywood actor Jeremy Renner has revealed that he is actually a married man in a recent interview!

The American Hustle star referred to Sonni Pacheco as his “wife” in the interview but refused to disclose when or where the couple tied the knot, saying: “Privacy issues are important because I want her to go about her day without being bothered.”

Jeremy and Sonni have one child, daughter Ava Berlin who was one in March.

Wow – congratulations you guys, that’s lovely news!



Many people are quick to say that it's best to be single during college – but just because you're not doesn't mean you will have any less awesome of a time! Here are some benefits to having an other half while in college:

 1. Sex

Oh come on, it was always going to be number one. 
2. No Heating? No Problem

If that boiler breaks down for the 100th time this month just throw on some warm clothes and snuggle up to your other half. Heating is overrated. 

3. Guaranteed presents

Who doesn't love a good birthday/Christmas/Valentine's present? And nobody is under as much pressure to do good by you as a boyfriend. 

4. To Go Out, Or Not To Go Out? That Is The Question

We love a good night out, but at least if we opt out we can still have a nice cosy night in. How bad. 

via our content partner CT



First impressions count, and so it's only natural that we'd want to put our best face forward on a date with a new man.

What that usually amounts to though, is thinking before we speak… god forbid we'd be ourselves on a first date!

The folks over at Buzzfeed have made this hilarious video documenting what we'd all be saying if we really COULD speak our minds during that first rendezvous.

"This food is making me gassy – unfortunately for you 'cos I was gonna put out…" Yup, sounds about right!



The supposed real reason behind Taylor Swift and Harry Styles’ break-up has been revealed and it’s pretty sad to be honest.

As every Taylor fan will know by now, the singer invited fans over to her house for a listening session of her new album, 1989.

The singer told her fans at the event that they could share anything EXCEPT song names or lyrics – which mean all the gossip was game!

A fan who was at the session revealed that Taylor explained a bit about the break-up to them, saying: “She (Taylor) described it (Haylor) like trying to build a fire out of two twigs and everyone is yelling at the fire ‘i hate your fire’ and blowing out the sparks.””

Aww, poor Taylor – it sounds like the pressures of all the hate for her and Harry just got to be too much!

However, Taylor also added that they are really good friends which squashes all of those nasty feud rumours – yay! Although she did say it took time too which maybe means they ended on bad terms.

We bet Ed Sheeran was the one who brought them back together!

Now we’re left wondering what could have been – why did people have to hate their fire?!



It has been reported that Lucy Mecklenburgh has been dating TV presenter Gethin Jones for the last few months – they kept that quiet!

The TOWIE star and the former Blue Peter presenter have been going on dates and are taking things “one date at a time” according to sources.

Gethin was once engaged to Katherine Jenkins but the couple split after four years together back in December 2011.

Lucy was in a high profile relationship with Mario Falcone that many TOWIE fans will know about from the show. They were engaged on the show in June 2012 before a messy split in February of last year.

It sounds like Gethin and Lucy may have found love again – and they do make a lovely couple!




If you feel like that guy might be using you for booty calls, do a quick check. If most of these ring true, it may be time for you to find someone who actually appreciates you!

1. They never talk about anything personal
Conversation is very ‘top line’, you talk about the weather, a recent film, maybe even a bit of college work, but they never discuss their friends, family, past relationships or experiences.


2. They never want to hear about your life
You can see the glazed look whenever you bring up something about your own personal life. They nod and smile but quickly chance the subject to either something about them, or sex.


3. They never want to talk on the phone
You call, they text ‘what’s up?’

4. You only meet in places where sex could potentially happen
Cinema is off limits, ‘why not a DVD instead?’ they suggest. 

5. Every time you see each other, all you do is have sex
A movie might be put on, but the opening credits are barely finished before it’s pants off dance off.


6. They only text you at ungodly hours
Drunken texts at times you know the club has cleared out and it’s slim pickings

7. They’re really sweet before you have sex but as soon as it’s finished, they become cold
During the foreplay it’s all ‘you’re so hot, I love your smile’, after the big finish it's all downhill. 


8. They never sleep over or allow you to sleep over till morning
They might dance around the subject of breakfast and possibly a day date but as soon as the shows over, it’s Hailo time

9. You don’t share meals together unless it’s left over pizza
You don’t even go to get a a quick bite together, not even a McDonald's…

10. They call you names like ‘pal,’ ‘buddy’ or ‘mate’
…And initiate things like a fist pump


11. They have casually brought up someone else they fancy or are seeing
So not on. 

12. They can be a little cold when you bump into them in public
‘Oh hey, yeah… so, I’m late for…. pizza… See ya’

Dump their sorry ass because you deserve SO much more!

via our content partner CT



Prepare to have all of your pre-teen dreams crush around you as it has been revealed that Bow Wow is enagaged to girlfriend of six months, Erica Mena.

Bow Wow, whose real name is Shad Moss, shares a stunning image of the ring he presented to Erica, alongside his diamond encrusted Rolex (because, obviously).

Erica previously confirmed their engagement at this weekend’s BET Awards when asked by an E! News reader if they were officially a couple, she replied: “Uhh…he’s actually my fiancée.”

Congratulations to the couple on this happy news, but we prefer to remember Bow Wow like this – so adorable!




It has been reported that Russell Brand and Jemima Khan’s relationship has come to an end.

The comedian is believed to have been dating the journalist since September of last year when he spoke about a relationship in an article for The Guardian.

Russell told Jonathon Ross earlier this year that his relationship with Jemima was incredible and even brought Jemima’s dog Brian on stage with him – cute!

However, it is now reported by the Daily Mail that the relationship has “run its course.”

Russell was previously married to Katy Perry but filed for divorce in December of 2011.



One fourth of pop supergroup, Little Mix, it appears Jesy Nelson has a new love interest!

It was reported during the summer that Jesy and her longtime boyfriend, Jordan, had split. 

But now it seems she is ready to let go of the single pringle lifestyle as she has been spotted with Rixton bandmember, Jake Roche. 

Jake is also the son of EastEnders' star Shane Richie (Alfie Moon) and Coleen Nolan, of The Nolans. 

Jesy and Jake (how good does that sound?!) have been sharing Instagram snaps with their followers, and although they may call each other "mates" it certainly seems like love is blossoming!

A source also told The Sun that things are getting serious between the two: "It's early days but Jesy and Jake seem smitten with each other."

Aww, they are cute together!




Being single can be a lot of fun, once you embrace it and stop being such a miserable fool. You’re young, you’re free, you have nothing stopping you being totally wild. Which type of single person are you?

1. The Single Still Mourning Their Last Relationship
Your last relationship was a doozy: a tale of passion, love, and resentment. You might feel like you need a few years to tend to your depleted emotional wells after that break-up. You’d rather talk about your last relationship to your (very patient) friends. Don’t worry — we’ve all been there.

2. The Single Who Is Painfully Aware of Being Single
You see yourself as being single above everything: in your mind, it’s your defining characteristic. Maybe you start to avoid the topic of dating altogether. You start to feel like the prospect of dating is hopeless — and it will be, unless you turn your attitude around, and start seeing yourself as a person, not just a single person.

3. The Single Who Is Eternally Single (And Content With It)
Work life? Check. Friends? Check. Cool hobbies, interests, clothes, apartment? Check, check, check, check. You seem to have everything in your life, except, for some reason, a relationship. But you don't care – why should you? Your life is amazing!

4. The Newly Single Person Who Doesn’t Really Mind Being Single
Ah, single again. Well, no big deal, you know the routine.  It’s sort of nice to be on your own for a while! To have quiet nights in by yourself, and wild nights out with your friends.  You totally appreciate the positive side to being single, which is good, because you’re usually not single for long.

5. The Single Person Who Loves The Thrill 
Single? Of course you’re single. You wouldn’t dream of  being tied to just one person, not when dating is this exciting! The thrill of the chase, the butterflies, the flirting: you are good at the dating game, and you know it. Maybe someday you’ll settle down, but not while you’re having so much fun.

6. The Single Headhunter
There is an opening in your life, and you’re looking to fill the position of Significant Other ASAP. You take a serious, almost business-like approach to finding a partner. You date consistently, and use any method available to you to find dates, which is usually just Tinder… basically you’re just a Tinder fiend!


7. The Single Who’s Not Really That Single
Yeah, technically you’re not dating someone, and your Facebook status might proudly say “Single.” But secretly, you’re completely wrapped up in someone else, and you’re not really interested in playing the field.

via our content partner CT



It’s bad news for ladies everywhere as Chris Pine has reunited with his ex-girlfriend, Zoe Kravitz.

Although the couple have never actually officially confirmed they are together, but are said to be have been an on-off couple since 2010.

Zoe’s long-term relationship with Penn Badgley (that’s Dan Humphrey to us) ended last year.

Zoe, who stars as Christina in Divergent, and the Star Trek actor were seen together at Coldplay’s concert in LA two nights ago – the same one Chris Martin’s rumoured girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence was at.

Now that’s a star studded event!

We must say, this lady has a very good taste in men as she also went out with out very own Michael Fassbender in 2011 – now that makes us green with envy!

