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It’s one thing to like someone or be attracted to them. but it’s another to be completely obsessed with them. Not only do you think about them all the time, but you always fantasize about being with them as well. You might still think that you just like them, but really at this stage it’s more than just liking them. Here are signs you’re obsessed with your crush.

1. You always have your eye on them in class/work
The first thing you do when you go into your lecture/workplace is look around to see where they are. Once you spot them you will always have a glance over to see who they’re sitting with. You know where they usually sit so you’re seat is always in a position where you have a good view of them in class. It isn’t just a coincidence that it keeps happening.

2. You always seem to be daydreaming about them
It seems like you day dream more and more and you probably don’t even realise. No matter what, you will always end up thinking about them one way or another. You might start off thinking about something random like what you’re going to have for lunch, but sooner or later your mind goes back to them.

3. The only reason you go anywhere is to see them
If you hear they'll be at the library, you go. They're going to see that gig tonight, weird, so are you!

4. You get disappointed when they’re not in
If they don’t end up going to class or call in sick to work you’re severely disappointed and you feel let down in some way. 

5. You check their Facebook an unhealthy amount of times a day
If you always find yourself on their Facebook page, then you’re clearly creeping. You always have to check in on them and see what they are up to. Of course, every status that they put up, you will  always be the first one to like it.

6. You spend more time than usual getting ready
You obviously want to make an impression so you put extra effort into looking good. It’s mainly onthe off chance that you will actually bump into them, which is probably unlikely because there is so many people in your class. There is no harm in looking good, but if you seem to put way more time into how you look you clearly have a thing for them.

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7. Anytime you hear someone say their name your ears perk up
If anyone even mentions their name you will always listen in on their conversation. It’s more of a reaction and even if they say something that slightly resembles their name you will want to listen in on it.

8. You seem to always be talking about them to your friends
Your friends know a lot about them and they haven’t even met them. You always seem to be talking about them to your friends and even when you don’t mean it, they always seem to come up in conversation somehow. 

9. You wonder if they think of you, even though you don’t know them that well
You have talked to them a couple of times, but it’s always just been small talk. Then you wonder if they think of you even though they probably have forgotten your name. If you got to know them a little better than maybe they would think of you, but at the moment they probably just vaguely remember you.

10. You start to get into the same things they do
So you have a snoop around their Facecbook page to see what kind of stuff interests them. Then you start to get into the same thing they do, so you have something in common with them. 

11. You do in-depth research on people who post on their wall
“Are they just a friend, or something more?" You have to find out. Most of the time it is just a friend or their sister, but you will go to great lengths to see if they have any romantic connections with anyone else.

12. You start to compare yourself to TV couples
Along with fantasizing about being with them, you compare yourself to couples in tv shows. Ross and Rachel, Jess and Nick or Ted and Tracy, you always compare yourself to them even though you’re not even in a relationship.

13. You get really defensive when someone else talks bad about them
They might say something as small as ” I think they used to be skinnier in school” you will come up with some excuse for them as if you know everything about them. Literally any bad thing that someone says about them is a reason for you to get hot under the collar.

20 Signs You’re Obsessed With Your Celebrity Crush

14. They could literally do anything and you would still fancy them
They could be in court for drug charges and you would find some way to spin it,  as if they’re an entrepreneur. You’re blinded by your affections for them so it doesn’t matter what they do, your opinion on them won’t change.

20 Signs You’re Obsessed With Your Celebrity Crush

15. You read way too much into what they say to you
You think that what they say to you has some hidden meaning behind it and that their true feelings are underneath. If it’s only small talk then chances are, there is nothing more to it and you are just trying to make some out of nothing.

via our content partner CT



It would appear as if Kendra Wilkinson is the forgiving type as she has taken back husband, Hank Baskett.

Hank was accused of cheating on Kendra while she was pregnant with their second child, with the news becoming public knowledge mere weeks after Kendra gave birth.

According to reports, Kendra no longer believes that Hank cheated on her calling it “totally absurd”.

It had been said that upon hearing the news Kendra flushed her wedding ring down the toilet and was immediately on to divorce lawyers – but it seems she had a change of heart!

The couple have been married since 2009 and have two children together, a boy Hank Jr. (5) and a girl Alijah (5 months). 

We hope for her sake that the story is totally absurd. 



What are the qualities guys look for (but never openly talk about) in a girlfriend? Men are simple creatures but it’s a mystery to most girls because the male population generally don’t like to let out any of their insecure thoughts, feeling or emotions. Here are some qualities many guys will look for in a girlfriend: Checklist!

1. She takes an interest in your hobbies
She knows that you play guitar, listen to a particular type of EDM music, play for a rugby team and asks about your hobbies, even if she is not particularly interested in them.

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2. She can be more fun than one of your best guy friends
You can have just as much fun, if not more, with her as you can with your closest friends. Now there’s a huge sign that she’s a keeper.

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3. Her dad really likes you
Her dad thinks that you’re doing something right and feels at ease knowing that you’re with his daughter. You don’t mind watching football with him or hearing his stories of when he was your age. He might have even mentioned to his daughter a couple of times that you guys would make a great couple.

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4. She imitates you, and she does it well!
She notices subtle yet simple things that you do or say, and does a cute impression of it. People who really like one another become incredibly observative of what the other is doing. She may have noticed things about you that nobody else has ever brought to your attention.

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5. She boosts your confidence
She pays you sweet compliments and always makes you feel good about yourself, and not because she feels like she has to. She does it because she wants you to know how she feels about you.

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6. She makes you smile
As cheesey as it sounds, you can’t help but crack a broad grin the moment you see her. Try and fight it next time and see – you won’t be able to keep it in!

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7. It’s so natural and easy to have a good time with her
It’s so effortless to have fun with her. There’s no forced awkward conversation between you and you vibe and bounce off one another so naturally. In essence, she’s like your best friend, but you’re also really attracted to her.

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8. She pushes you to be successful
She motivates you to strive to be the best you can be. She is always there for you when you need a pick-me-up and only ever contributes to your overall happiness and confidence. She never puts you down.

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via our content partner CT



It’s official – Lucy Hale IS dating Lawson drummer hottie, Adam Pitts.

Rumours about the pair dating have been circulating for a few weeks now but we reckon this hand-holding just about seals the deal!

While Pretty Little Liars actress Lucy is still acting coy on her Instagram account, her drummer boyfriend has no problem sharing photos of them hanging out together.

Aww, very cute you guys!



Coronation Street actor Ryan Thomas has slammed reports that he and his girlfriend, Amy Jackson are over.

The Sun newspaper had reported: “Things suddenly started to go wrong between them in the past few weeks.”

However,  Ryan, who plays Jason Grimshaw in the soap, has laid these rumours to rest, tweeting: “Annoyed that @thesunnewspaper has made a story up about me today. @i_am_amyjackson and I haven’t split up – We are very happy together! #fact.”

Amy is also an actress best known for her roles in Bollywood films such as Madrasapattinam and Thaandavam. 



There are some traits that guys have that make you automatically tick them off your list. Here are some of them:

1. He's too cocky
Girls like a guy who is confident, not cocky. Arrogance can be used as a guise for humour if stated in a sarcastic demeanour and it’s crystal clear that you aren’t being serious.  

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2. Overcompensation
Okay so they seem like a great guy, until they start name dropping and boasting about how great they are. Next!

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3. He doesn't like a "chase"
You have to work for this now come on!

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4. He's a better friend
You place him in your friend-zoned list – bummer but he needs to step it up. 

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5. He only cares about sex
And he's not subtle about it. 

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6. He lacks confidence
He's sweet and cute and good-looking but if only HE knew that!

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7. He's TOO nice
We're not saying we like a bad boy, but if we are being really mean then he shouldn't be the one apologising…

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via our content partner CT



We know there are a LOT of proposal videos out there – but this one has to be up there with the best.

This vlogger has clearly been planning his proposal to hid girlfriend, Chyna, for a really long time now as he spelt the words out over a space of videos that eventually read: “Will you marry me?”

His nervousness adds to how lovely his unique proposal and he writes: “It’s been a long time coming. And I really stressed over what this video should be. But I think I came up with something that will really ring true….”



No one is perfect, but there are some things to look out for if you’re looking for a boyfriend. There are small signs that you can look out for that make them a firm candidate for your next significant other. Here is the quintessential boyfriend checklist.

1. They have good manners
They don't have to be a good little Catholic school boy,  but manners in general are definitely something to look out for. What it comes down to is respect and having respect for other people no matter who they are. Steer clear of the pretentious douchebags and look for those that actually treat people properly.

2. They have a great personality
Let's face it, you're going to need things to talk about so boring just isn't going to cut it…

3. They make you smile
This one is very simple, but is definitely an important one to have on the list. Sometimes you don’t even have to say anything, and they just make you smile. They might say something funny or they might not, but if being around someone makes you happy then it’s a definite reason to get with them.

4. Being openly generous
If they actually think about others instead of just themselves, then it’s a good reason. They’ll have no problem with helping others and sometimes forget to put themselves first

5. They’re passionate about something
Even if it’s just a hobby, when they have something that they’re really passionate about then it really gives you a sense of what they’re like. Sure, they might work an office job and get good money, but if they don’t have something that really gets them going then what are they actually living for.

6. A good group of friends
Everyone needs people to support and care for them ,but if their friends couldn’t care less about who they are seeing, then they’re not good friends. If someone talks about how many friends they have then they’re clearly covering things up. It’s better for them to have a few close friendsthan loads of kind of friends that they only see every now and again.

7. Being trustworthy
Even if it’s with the smallest things, being able to fully trust them is a big thingObviously no one wants to date someone unfaithful, but if they can show that they can be trusted then they should be considered. 

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8. Having a plan in life
Things don’t always turn out the way we want them to, in fact, they never play out exactly as you think. You need someone that has some ambition and even if they might not be in the job they want at the moment, they have a vision for their future. You need someone with a level of determination and a belief that will get where they want to be.

9. They make an effort to like your friends
They won’t get along with everyone, but at least if they make an effort your friends will like them. If someone doesn’t try to get to know your friends and just dismisses them maybe you need to reconsider . It’s a good thing if they make an effort  and we all know that once you have your friends approval it’s all signals go.

10. They challenge you
You need someone that has a different perspective on life and that has different views than you. If you both see things exactly the same way then you won’t grow and learn together. You will learn to like different things and maybe even something that you once hated.

11. A sense of humour
Seriously, there are some people out there who can’t take a joke and never crack a smile. Humour is necessary when looking for a potential boyfriend,  especially if they have the same sense of humour as you. Sometimes things just click and you get each other’s peculiar humour.


12. They’re able to cook
Whether it’s them making breakfast for you when you’re hungover or being able to make you a romantic dinner. Being able to cook is an incredibly important asset for someone to have if you’re looking for a boyfriend. It’s more common for girls to be able to cook so a guy that can properly cook is a rare breed.

12. They know how to scrub up
It’s one thing to judge someone on the day to day, but if you see them when they scrub up you will see a lot more of what they’re about. Then later down the line you won’t have to worry what they will look like when you’re introducing them to your friends and family. It may seem like a small thing, but being presentable is an important factor.

13. They are content by themselves
If someone can get enjoyment out of just being by themselves it means that they won’t be needy. The last thing you need is a clinger that hangs on your word and can only be happy when they’re with you. It’s not a healthy way to live if you’re always dependent on someone else to make youhappy. Find someone that is content by themselves, but is happy when you’re together.

14. They give you their full attention
It’s seems nowadays we can never just talk to someone, we have to be on our phone at the same time as well. If they give you their full undivided attention, then you should really consider them. If they actually make an effort to listen to you without doing anything else, then you know you can be honest with them and you will make the effort to have conversations with them.

via our content partner CT



As friends, you’re required to be there for the dumpee, no matter how much their personality changes in the process. It’s tough but it’s good karma so stay strong and remember, it’s only a phase…hopefully.

1. The Drama Queen/King
Things like “we were soooo good together,” when they clearly were not, as well as remembering things not quite the way they happened are key to your mate becoming ‘The Drama King/Queen’.


2. The Bitter One
They can no longer see anything good in the world and the relationship itself has become the reason why everything is just so terrible. They will belittle everything and anything they can on the way to becoming the grinch. Pull them back and show them that there is hope, in the form of tequila.

robin himym

3. The Drunken Mess
Okay, so many of us head straight to the bar when a relationship breaks but this person takes it a step further with stained clothes, lack of showering, constant drinking, Adele on repeat and lots of crying. 

4. Gender Hater
Their girlfriend/boyfriend has dumped them, therefore all women/men are absolute bitches/bastards.

5. The Hopeless One
Nothing makes sense, the world is a dire place. While it may feel like the worst, the break-up doesn’t mean that they’re condemned to being forever alone. It’s just hard for them to see  that they’re going to be fine when their heart has recently been broken. It will fade away though, but you’ll probably have to motivate them to go looking for someone new.

6. The Recluse
Hiding behind curtains and not keeping any form of respectable hours. Respect is something they will probably lose for themselves for a while. Trying to feel something, anything, by any means necessary. Keep an eye on them now that you have identified the symptoms.

7. The Black Sheep
You haven't seen them for the entirety of their relationship but now that's it's over, they're back. 

8. The Cray Cray
Nightvision goggles and an unhealthy amount of Facebook stalking mean that this one needs a close eye indeed. 


9. Eat, Sleep, Break Up, Repeat
This person has the ability to move on at almost record speed and will probably have had a LOT of relationships. 

via our content partner CT



There are some things that guys just don’t say because they know what the repercussions will be. Whether it’s just to their friends or their girlfriends there is a lot that guys lie about. If it’s with their mates, it’s usually just trivial details that they lie about, but if it’s to their girlfriend then they will lie just to keep the peace. Here are the things that guys will always lie about.

1. How much they’ve had to drink
If they get particularly drunk one night, they’ll always try particularly hard to hide the fact that they are. They will say that they had one or two, when in reality it was 6 pints, three jägarbombs and a naggin of vodka. 

2. How many times they go to the gym
Whether it’s to their mates or when they are trying to impress a girl, they will always fabricate the little details. Even though they seem to always be carrying a gym bag around with them it doesn’tnecessarly mean that there are going to the gym all time. They want to give off the impression that they have a healthy lifestyle, which they do, but maybe not to the extent that they say.

3. How many girls they have slept with
Well, this is quite an obvious one, guys will always stretch the truth in terms of how many girls they slept with. If they say it to their mate, they will greatly exaggerate it, but if it’s to their girlfriend they say less. Either way guys will always change the number.

4. Whether or not you look fat in that
You really shouldn’t ask a guy this question in the first place, but even if they think a certain dress makes you more filled out they won’t say it. Guys will never say yes to this question unless they are gay or are a platonic best friend. If a guy is in anyway romantically linked with a girl the answer will always be no.

5. How busy they are
 A lot of the time thought it basically means that they would just rather be alone. Sometimes they just need a little me time, which basically means watching football or playing the Xbox. 

6. How interested they are
If a guy has to actually say “That is really interesting” it means the exact opposite of that. When they say it, it means that they have zoned out and have completely lost interest in the conversation. If they were actually interested in the conversation they would contribute to it. 

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7. Where their career is going
Guys will always pretend that there is some direction to their life, when someone asks what are you going to do after college it’s always hard to answer. Usually we just say something we’re interested in and not what we are actually going to do, which is sit at home in our pyjamas watching Breaking Bad all day.

8. If they like your friends or not
You don’t get on with everybody you meet, but if a girl asks a guy what he thinks about her friends he will always say he likes them. Most of the time there are always one or two that they don’t like, but they will never say it. It’s all an attempt to keep the peace and to not stir up any unnecessary drama.

9. How tired they really are
When a guy says he is tired, they just say it so they can get ourselves out of doing something. Fact. 

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10. If they’re actually listening to you
If a girl asks a guy if he was listening, then he was most definitely not. Girls can sense when guys are thinking about something else while they’re talking. 

11. That they would rather be with you
Sometimes they might say they would rather be with their girlfriends when if fact all they want to do is hang out with the lads. 

12. Why they didn’t text back
A lot of the time they have every intention of texting back and then their minds wanders and they completely forget about it. 

13. How much they think about sex
It's a LOT, basically. 

via our content partner CT


“So how’s the love life?”

That awful question, usually asked by some well-meaning aunt at a family event. Oh, it’s not that we MIND answering. It’s just that she’s the fifth person to have asked this evening.

Being single in your twenties can make you feel like you’re constantly having to prove yourself to others. Yes, I’m single. Yes, I’m happy. No, I haven’t met the right person yet. Yes, I’m fine with that. Even though Irish couples are now getting married far later – the average age of an Irish bride is now 32, and for grooms it’s 34 – there’s still that unspoken expectation that we should be thinking of settling down by now.

What we need to realise though, is that our twenties are a time when we should be embracing our lack of ties. These years are the ones we should be using to make whatever decisions we want – bad or good. If you’re single with no significant other to consider – that’s a good thing, not a stumbling block. Our twenties are the years that we should be figuring ourselves out, and there’s no better way to do that than by being by ourselves.

It was once believed that our brain was fully developed by our early twenties and that by 21 we were fully-fledged adults. Research published by the Wall Street Journal however shows that our brain development is still unfinished during early adult years.

The period between 18 – 29 is now being termed our “emerging adulthood” – the transitional time when we are still moving from one stage of life to the next. So, if you’ve ever thought “Is THIS adulthood?” you can calm down a little because you’re not quite there yet.

Relationships can be tricky, especially in your twenties. One thing that any single twenty-something needs to accept is the sorry truth that you will fall for at least one guy that is totally, utterly wrong for you. In fact, it probably won’t just be one. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

Having your heart broken mightn’t seem like a barrel of laughs at the time but if you come out the other end realising that you’ll never settle for less than what you deserve, well, that’s a pretty solid life lesson.

Being single – whether you’ve just gotten out of a long-term relationship or whether you’ve never really had one – can sometimes feel a bit lonely. Other friends or colleagues seem to have their act together, why can’t you? But being single should never be about feeling alone or unwanted – you have your independence, you can make decisions that benefit you and only you, and you know what it is to love yourself for exactly who you are. That’s powerful stuff.

Make the most of your twenties, whatever your relationship status. Our generation has been given a get out of jail free card for this decade – unlike our parents and grandparents, settling down in our twenties is just one option out of many. Don’t force things – just roll with the punches and enjoy the process!



It sounds as if all of those rumours about Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martin may be far from just rumours after all!

The new hot couple in Hollywood were seen enjoying a romantic date at Beverly Hills restaurant, La Dolce Vita.

A source for People says that the two looked very much the loved-up couple: “They were super cute together. They were laughing a lot and Jennifer was acting all goofy!”

It’s nice to hear that Chris is able to lift Jennifer’s spirits following the ordeal she has been through in recent weeks.

The news comes following the breakdown of Chris’ marriage to Gwyneth Paltrow back in June and Jennifer’s split from actor Nicholas Hoult during the summer.

Meanwhile, Nicholas has been seen spending lots of time with Kristin Stewart as they film a movie in Japan together. 

We're not sure we can get used to all of these unusual celebrity pairings! 
