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So, when you first get into a new relationship, or start seeing someone, it’s exciting. Exciting, and nerve wrecking. Here are a few signs that you are well and truly over that stage.

1. Bodily Functions

You both break wind in front of each other and act like nothing happened – this includes farting.

2. Eating

You will eat anything, and everything, and not care how unattractive you look. The more food you can fit in your mouth at once, the better.

3. Time Passes

You can go a day or two without speaking, and it doesn’t bother either of ye.

4. Hand Holding

The need to hold hands/have a hand draped around shoulders as you walk down the street is gone. You may notice that this makes life easier for anyone else wanting to use the footpath.

5. PDA

FINALLY you've grown out of the ‘must-shift-the-face-off-each-other-in-public’ phase. This makes every single pringle on the planet happy, keep up the good work!

6. Sex

kellitoris:</p><br /><p>Mila Kunis, mm.<br /><br />

It changes. Not to say it becomes bad or boring, it just lacks spontaneity, and sometimes can be a little too like an army drill. No charm necessary, take your clothes off and await the intercourse.

7. Borrowing clothes


You don’t wear his shirt to be sexy, you wear it because its the first thing you came to when you rolled out of bed.

8. Friends & Family

You can only pretend to like your other half's friends for so long. After a while of dating you’ll begin to let your true feelings show. He probably knows his mate Dave is an asshole already, you’re just reminding him…

9. Your friends start to like you again

Now that you don’t talk about him/herself all of the time, your friends will be much more readily available to spend some time with you. Welcome back!

10. You don’t care


You’re perfectly comfortable with your other half seeing you without make-up and sometimes even with sudocreme slathered all over your face. 

via our content partner CT



It seems like it was all so easy in our grandparents’ time. Meet “The One,” be courted for a while, get married, have kids ASAP, live happily ever after. Okay, I’m sure it wasn’t quite so clean-cut as that, but there’s certainly something to be said for the simplicity of love back then.

We have much more freedom these days when it comes to finding our Mr. Right – and if someone isn’t perfect for us, we can just move on. But I’ve a feeling that if my grandparents looked at the dating scene today, they’d say that we’re all too picky, that we don’t try hard enough, that we’ll never find the right one if we keep hoping that something better is just around the corner.

Maybe the problem lies in how we initiate our relationships. If we’re meeting someone on a drunken night in Coppers, or with a quick swipe-right on Tinder, is that really a solid foundation to base a future on? Sure, you might exchange numbers but in most cases it never leads to anything more than a random hook-up. Ah, true love.

Even with the most devoted of couples, the advent of smartphones and on-demand TV means there’s not really a huge need to ever engage in conversation with your other half. We now consciously need to set aside time to talk to one another and to resist the temptation of sitting side-by-side on the couch and scrolling through Facebook.

Constant access to the virtual world means that we can never really devote our total, undivided attention to the person sitting next to us… and with that can come a huge breakdown in communication.

So the next time you’re chilling out after work with your significant other, put your iPhone away and force yourselves to chat, or at least to just appreciate and enjoy each other’s company. Take time to do thoughtful things for one another. Put the same effort into your relationship as you do with your Instagram profile.

If you’re single and finding that you keep hitting dead ends with a string of random one-nighters, consider trying to meet new people in an environment that’s not online or fuelled by alcohol. If that guy next to you in the queue for coffee looks cute, make a comment about the weather, or how much you love this café, anything to strike up a chat. It’s easier than you’d think – and I reckon our grandparents would definitely approve.



If One Direction fans have their way, Harry Styles and Miley Cyrus could be the new hot couple in town!

In a recent poll, it was found that Miley was the one woman Harry’s fans would most like to see him with!

Well, we certainly didn’t see that one coming!

Miley beat many other strong contenders in the poll conducted by Plusnet such as Katy Perry, Taylor Swift (been there), Selena Gomez and Kendall (been there too). Oh, she also beat Nigella Lawson too.

Of all these women, Miley came out on top – could there be a future romance on the cards?

Remember the time Miley snuggled up to Harry’s cardboard cutout?

Then again, we all do that, right?

Or that time Harry dressed up as Miley for Halloween?

We sense some lovin’ on the horizon…



In a twist familiar to many, many episodes of Friends, Britney’s ex boyfriend has gone all Ross Geller on us as he claims he didn’t cheat on Britney because they were on a break. For two days. 

Britney confirmed the news that David Lucado, her boyfriend of almost two years had cheated on her while on stage in Las Vegas, announcing: “Well, by now everyone knows by boyfriend cheated on me. But the best part of breaking up is going on first dates.”

We can’t say we agree with her there but we do love her upbeat attitude – you go girl! 

A video of David allegedly kissing another woman was bought by Britney's dad who then showed his daughter, which is totally bizarre if you think about it…



Geordie Shore star, Charlotte Crosby, has opened up about her recent break-up.

Charlotte had been with boyfriend, Mitch Jenkins for over a year and a half, before he ended things – over text…!

The reality TV star opened up to MailOnline about the difficult break-up, saying they were supposed to be having a chat regarding their relationship: “I was meant to be calling him at 9pm. And I just got a message on my phone saying ‘Charlotte, it’s obvious you don’t want to be with me anymore, so i’ll just cut the bullsh** and I’ll finish things now.”

Charlotte was left heartbroken when she then had to enter the Geordie Shore house without her mobile and the two haven’t spoken since: “It was a bit upsetting when I came out of the house and he didn’t even try and text me. That hurt me the most. We haven’t spoken since.”

Poor Char – we wonder if Gary will be there to comfort her?! There could be trouble ahead…!



Sometimes a break up can seem like a rash decision and when you think about it, you see it was probably a mistake. Even though you might feel this way, your ex could feel completely different and has actually started to move on. At first you might have kept getting back together, but it seems like this time it’s really over. Here are the signs that your ex has finally moved on:

1. You’re always the one that contacts them
If you ring them, sure they might talk to you and humour you, but you seem to be one that always rings them. If they were still interested in you they would initiate things and take the time to get onto you.

2. They treat you like a friend
When they’re around you, they act as if you are one of their friends. They don’t single you out from the group or pay special attention to you. There clearly comfortable with just being friends, and are trying to help you be comfortable with that.

3. They don’t make any physical contact
If you are still attracted to someone you won’t shy away from physical contact, if they have moved on then they don’t initiate it. Their body language can say a lot as well and if they don’t stand close to you, then they don’t see you the same way anymore.

4. They always seem to be preoccupied with something
If they were into you, they would make time for you, but if they are always busy with something then they have moved on to other things. They don’t shy away from telling you what their up to and how happy they are.

5. They don’t show any signs of regret
Break-ups are never easy and sometimes after the dust has settled you can see things more clearly. If they don’t seem to be affected by it or don’t express any regret, it’s likely that they have turned the corner.

6. You don’t see them as often as  you used to
If you have mutual friends that you hang out with, then you might not see them as much. You might seem them out every now and again, but most of the time they are with other people.

Trying to avoid my ex at a party. sub for more funny pics and gifs.. i never run into my ex at parties because ive never had a girlfriend and i never get invited to parties

7. If they’re not uncomfortable being around you
Anytime you do see them, they seem to be comfortable in your presence. This is a very clear sign, if they still had feelings for you they would be a little nervous and apprehensive after what happened between you.

8. They don’t get emotional around you
If they don’t seem to be emotionally attached or express their feelings with you, then they have taken the next step. If they still had feelings for you, they might open up or talk about how they are feeling. If they’re emotionallly distant it’s definitley a sign that they have moved on.

9. They post loads of photos of themselves on Facebook
If they post loads of photos of themselves with other people, they are trying to show you that they have moved on. They don’t need you anymore and they are enjoying life as it is. As bitter a pill as it is to swallow, this is a sure sign that they are leaving you behind.

10. If they talk about other girls they’ve met
If they still felt something for you, then they wouldn’t bring up other people they like, when they’re talking to you. If they are comfortable with telling you about someone they meet, then they clearly only see you as a friend.

girl animated GIF

11. They are seeing someone else
People break up and get back togetherso they could be with someone for a while and realise they want you back. If they have been seeing some for quite a while, then there is clearly no going back. They have found someone else and you’re no longer in the picture anymore. You need to get over it.

via our content partner CT



There are certain things about men that can only figured out after being with one for a considerable amount of time. To say that they’re an odd species would be a serious understatement. The phrase men are from Mars and women from Venus, only really sank in after about a year of being closely in contact with one on a regular basis. We deserve a medal, no joke. 

1. Men Have Man Periods

FACT. Women get all the bad reputation for being moody and those moaning Michael’s get away scott free. It’s just not on really. Maybe it's sympathy cramps. How very kind of them.

2. Towels Apparently Dry Really Well On The Floor

Who needs a drying rack/clothes line when you have a floor, said every man ever. 

3. Perfect Tea Makes The Perfect Man

If he can make you a great cup of tea then the rest can be taught along the way. If, however, he’s one of those sickos who puts the milk into the cup first then do yourself a favour and cut him loose now. Tea is no laughing matter, after all.

4. His Friends Bring Out His Idiot Side On A Whole New Level

One minute he’s all loving and sensitive and shit, the next he’s harping on about boobs with the lads and you don’t really know where to look. Simply whip out the last soppy message he sent you and the lads can join you in berating him for being a sellout. Winning.

5. Dominos Plus A Film Equals The Best Date Ever

At the start he tried to impress you by pulling out all the stops. Dinner in somewhere with actual place-mats, a great film, some inventive and interesting activities. Then he got you officially and considered pizza and tracksuit bottoms to be a big deal. Admit it though, you kind of like it.

6. Men Who Can Cook Are A Rare And Exotic Breed

If you have managed to land one of these, then hold on tight. Also, men who can actually cook like to do so all by themselves. Meaning we can sit back and get our latest tv fix. What’s not to like?

7. Conflict Is Sometimes The Only Way To Communicate

Men are sometimes so blind to their surroundings that you’d practically have to wipe your tears on him for him to realise that you’re upset. So failing that, a little shouting/door slamming is bound to get his attention.

8. Men Don’t Feel The Need To Share Plans

This is a very cleverly conducted plan about planning. It’s always because they’re planning something that they know is likely to infuriate you. For example: “I’m going out tonight with some girls from work”, said as he’s going out the door. Remain calm.

9. Football

This needs nothing more then that one word. Football has become the bane of my life. “Want to do something?” “Ok, once the match is over.” Ugh. 

10. Being Farted On

It takes a little while to actually get to this stage but once you do, there’s no going back. Women apparently fart fairy dust and glitter. Men fart 75 times a day. Each with a growing sense of pride and worsening smell.

11. A Snoring Sleeper

You’re just drifting off to the land of slumber. Drifting, drifting, drift…Oh wait, he’s started to snore like a pig in heat and no matter how many times you hit him, he won’t shut up. The same goes for the twitchers, talkers and sleepwalkers.

12. Being Poked Awake

You’ve finally fallen asleep beside sow man himself, when, about one hour later (or so it feels), you’re woken up by what can only be described as a serious poke in the back. The morning glory is up and ready which means that you should be too, apparently. Swat it away.

13. They Never Really Stop Being Mammys Boys

You’ll never, ever be the number one woman in his life, not as long as his mother is around. She’s raised him, cared for him and loved him long before you ever came onto the scene, so the best thing you can do is try and get along with her.

14. Man Flu Is A Real Thing

Every girlfriend dreads hearing the words, “I don’t feel too good.” This generally means one thing, a serious and imminent onset of man flu. There is no known cure for man flu other than growing a pair and manning up. Preach.

15. Cover Control Is An Ongoing Battle

It’s battle of the fiercest out there. In bed. If you frequently wake up at the edge of the bed, cold and shivering beside your warm, starfishing slumber partner, than you my friend, have long since lost this battle.

via our content partner CT



Could there be a future for Miley Cyrus and her ex-fiancé, Liam Hemsworth?

Well, according to Miley, she still loves him! Not only that, but the Hollywood hottie apparently feels the same way about her!

Miley made the comments during an interview with Australia TV show, Sunday Night, when she was asked about her relationship with Liam: “I love Liam, Liam loves me.”

While Miley could have meant this in a positive, friendly way, neither Miley nor Liam have been in an official relationship since their break-up, perhaps this is why!

The singer also went on to describe the importance behind the hit single, Wrecking Ball, and what it meant for her relationship with Liam: “It’s about finding yourself. I had to set myself free.”

Miley began dating The Hunger Games actor back in 2009 and became engaged in 2012 before breaking up this time last year.

While Miley may divide a lot of opinion, they were super cute together so who know what could happen in the future?! 




Just when we couldn’t be any more confused about Chloe Moretz and Brooklyn Beckham’s rumoured romance – she goes and tells us she thinks British guys are ‘really crazy’!

Chatting about dating guys from the UK, the actress said, “UK boys are way more dangerous that American guys because they seem really nice, they seem really cool and then it’s like a sneak attack.”

She added, “They’re cobras. You meet them and they’re really quiet and then they’re secretly really crazy.”

Hmm … surely she’s not talking about lovely Becks junior!

The 17-year-old star continued, “I’m just saying, I learnt this a couple of times. American guys are kind of like ‘I’m really crazy’ or ‘I’m really aggressive’ and you kind of see it, but Brits are really quiet so it’s kind of like you’ve got to figure it out.”

“It’s cute and mysterious but It’s also kind of scary. With Americans it’s all out there, they’re like ‘well here’s my book, read it’,” she added.

The Carrie actress is said to have been dating Brooklyn for three months, and went to the Teen Choice Awards with him.

But she was seen recently holding hands with her ex Julian Moraes before rocking up to an Ed Sheeran gig with none other than Brooklyn.

What is happening?!



Is there anything quite like the Irish proposal? The nerves, the setting, the reaction, everything! Not that we're biased or anything, like. 

This man decided to propose at the Aviva Staium, but it’s the lead-up to the proposal we loved best.

This girl knew something was up and with classic quotes like: “You seem like you’ve been drinking” and “you’ve a big f***ing cheeky grin on your face,” this has to be our favourite proposal video ever!



It seems like all of Hollywood are going there separate ways this week! Following news of Sarah Hyland's split from Matt Prokop and Bella Thorne calling an end to her relationship – soon only Brangelina will be left!

Now, it has been revealed that it is all over for Big Bang Theory star, Johnny Galecki and actress, Kelli Garner. 

The couple had been dating for almost two years but ended their relationship amicably, a source told US Weekly: “Johnny and Kelli are still best friends.”

It wasn’t all that long ago that Johnny and the former Pan Am actress were seen looking very much in love in Mexico.

Johnny also attended the wedding of his co-star and former girlfriend, Kaley Cuoco, with Kelli in January.




Following Sarah Hyland and Matt Prokop’s break-up, there must be something in the air over in Hollywood!

Disney sweetheart, Bella Thorne, has revealed that her relationship with Tristan Klier has come to an end.

The former couple had been dating since 2012.

The star confirmed the split over Twitter recently when she responded to one followers question as to if they were still together, replying simply: “no, I’m not.”

Bella also hinted that things perhaps went wrong due to a lack of honesty of Tristan part when one follower spoke about the split, saying: “I’m so sorry to hear that Bella… One day you’ll find your Prince Charming” to which the star cryptically replied: “or honesty.”

Eek – we wonder what he has been up to?!

Tristan also confirmed the break-up over his social media, writing: “Whether it’s trips to different countries or an awesome beach house, uve done it all. I know I wasn’t always the most appreciative but know it’s meant the world and more to me and I couldn’t have enjoyed it any better. I’ll never forget it, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”
