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A dating website, MyFreeImplants.com offers women the chance of getting breast implants for free.

The surgery is paid for by benefactors the women meet and connect with through the website.

Donations are made by people who sign up to the website in exchange for the promise of meeting somebody.

The website claims to offer to women a chance to “safely network with benefactors online and earn donations to help you achieve your cosmetic surgery goals.”



He’s funny, cute and very tall.

So we can’t really blame Katie Holmes for falling for actor Jason Segel.

Katie and the 34-year-old How I Met Your Mother star are said to be dating, and the actress is apparently head-over-heels about the actor.

Jason dated Katie’s former Dawson’s Creek co-star Michelle Williams and they only split last year, but apparently this hasn’t stopped the relationship from blossoming.

The pair have been friends for a while, having met on the set of HIMYM when Katie made a guest appearance back in 2011.

But it seems their relationship only became romantic in the past few months, and now Jason is said to be eager to start a family with the woman of his dreams.

Katie, 35, already has one child, eight-year-old daughter Suri, from her six-year marriage to Tom Cruise, which ended in divorce in 2012.

Katie was last linked to actor Jamie Foxx, while Jason’s last serious relationship was with Golden Globe winner Michelle, 33.

Actor Jason Segel arrives at the premier



In the last two years dating has become increasingly easier. Most people don’t even need to leave their houses to meet new people. Since this kind of thing can be quite dangerous, make sure you know a friend of the person at least. It will seriously annoy you if they are a catfish and you will have to sit in a bar with them for 30 minutes, while you realize what a shit situation you are in. Apps have changed the dating game and most will say for the better. But here are the ones that have made the biggest impact:

1. Tinder

Probably the most famous of all, specifically targeted towards dating, in 24 languages, you could find your perfect match. Or, just realize you fancy no one that lives near you. All hail Tinder and the random hook ups it has created.


2. Snapchat

Ah Snapchat! An innocent way to send a photo of you with your boobs out to the whole population of males or females in your city. There is nothing that Snapchat cannot do. And, in case anyone was wondering, people will know who you have been Snapchatting – very territorial all together.


3. Whatsapp

Whatsapp is a device where texting is seen in a more casual manner. The group named after your cleverly titled group of friends is how you keep up appearances. Your Whatsapp photo may define you, so, choose carefully. Also, if there are any naked selfies floating about, they will fly through Whatsapp as quick as a flash.


4. Instagram

If you want to know who is the sap out of your group or if someone is in a relationship – take to Instagram. There will be couple selfies, sorry, #couplie’s. There will be presents they have received and there will be that awkward first date you both had. Liking on Instagram is also a way to know who is looking at your photos.


5. Facebook

Poke here and poke there, poking wars have become quite the Facebook epidemic. Who you talk to on chat, or who likes your photos, could be the sign of a new relationship. Numbers are exchanged and soon you will be in contact with your new date. Facebook has opened gates for us all.


6. Google

When you meet someone on a night out, on Tinder or through Facebook you will most likely Google them to make sure they aren’t a convicted felon. Google carefully and wisely. Add every single thing you know about them into the search bar – make it easier on yourself.


7. Twitter

Twitter is a very casual way to find someone. Many random people follow each other. It just isn’t as private as Facebook or Whatsapp. Anything you put on Twitter you are letting the world see. If you say where you were for dinner people will know your exact where abouts. So, don’t expect privacy on this yoke – unless your profile is fiercely private of course.


via our content partners CT



Naomi Campbell is dating Hollywood hottie Michael Fassbender.

The supermodel has proven she’s still got it by snagging the gorgeous Irish actor.

The pair was reportedly seen openly kissing and cuddling at a London restaurant this week.

Naomi had been attending the launch of a fashion exhibition at the V&A Museum in London, while Michael had pre-recorded an appearance on BBC1’s The Graham Norton Show. The two met up afterwards to enjoy a night of PDAs.

Naomi is said to be totally smitten with Michael – we don’t blame her.

Michael was very recently dating his 12 Years A Slave co-star Lupita Nyong’o, while this is the first romance Naomi has been linked to since she split with Russian billionaire Vladimir Deronin last May after five years together.

Naomi Campbell



Online dating site OkCupid, have asked their users to avoid using the Mozilla Firefox browser.

In a statement on their website, OkCupid claim that “Mozilla’s new CEO, Brendan Eich, is an opponent of equal rights for gay couples. We would therefore prefer that our users not use Mozilla software to access OkCupid.”

It was revealed that Eichs made a significant donation to California’s 2008 Propositions 8 campaign , which would ban same-sex marriage.

Last month, the storm rose when Eich was promoted to CEO of the company causing a Twitter backlash.

Mozilla Firefox released a statement yesterday in which they re-affirmed their support for LGBT equality.

In their statement, OkCupid explain their passion behind this request, saying: “We’ve devoted the last ten years to bringing people – all people – together. If individuals like Mr. Eich had their way, then roughly 8% of the relationships we’re worked so hard to bring about would be illegal. Equality for gay relationships is personally important to many of us here at OkCupid. But it’s professionally important to the entire company.”



Don’t call until three days after you get their number
Leaving it the three days is a ridiculous rule. Leave it a week, leave it an hour, do what you want. If they like you, a stupid 72-hour rule isn’t going to change anything. Don’t be a sheep.


The man must always pay
In the words of Cosmo: “When the bill comes, wait for him to make a move for it. When he does, reach for your purse/wallet and continue the payment process until he says “I’ve got it” (and then say “thanks” and drop it). If he doesn’t say it, you’ll have to split it. But don’t say, “Can we split this?” or “I’d really like to split this” because he may think you actually mean it.”
Why is it that even though society says men and women as equal, dating hasn’t moved on from prehistoric times?


Only date people with good jobs
If you’re a slacker and are just looking for someone good to have on your arm, how shallow can you be? How about making sure you have a good education and are in a position to look after yourself from your own job?

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Eat lightly on a first date
Make a pig of yourself, order the steak! What’s the point in being careful and eating a grain of rice at a time if you’re just going to turn around six months into a potential relationship with this person and get crumbs in the bed while eating toast?

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It’s a conversation not an interview
If we’re to be honest, it’s an interview. You will go through the motions of every interview you’ve ever been through -nerves, sweaty palms, resorting to pre-planned answers when you get confused, telling them you’re a team player and giving examples of times when you were able to motivate those around you.


Wait to have sex
Again, so what if you have sex on the first night? We’re all self respecting adults (I hope) and if we mutually choose to have sex on the first date then so be it.



Basically every pre-conceived notion that society has for first dates leads us all to become this person who is nowhere near who we actually are. Be yourself – if they like you for you then maybe you’ll see them again, if not then who cares? It was never going to work.


via our content partner CT




Dating apps are fun for people who are looking for love, or those who have already found it.

Whether you’re single or attached – we have a fun app for you!


1. Tinder
Swipe, swipe, swipe till you find the love of your life. This fun app uses your Facebook profile to help you find love.

2. Parship
Parship does an in-depth analysis of personality and using it as a base to match you with somebody. Fancy!

3. LoopyLove
This app is great for finding someone as fun and crazy as you are.

In a relationship

1. BetterHalf
Do you and your boy find it impossible to make decisions on movies or where to eat? This app will tell you what restaurants are near you and what movies are on when. Handy for date night!

2. 69Places
Spice up your sex life and move the love outside the bedroom with the places suggested – if you’re brave enough!

3. Avocado
This app is great for those couples with crazy schedules. Plan your dates on the calender and make sure you always have time for each other.



Revealr, the new dating app, aims to find people dates without the superficial use of photos.

Instead, the app will allow potential dates to hear a 20-second clip of one another’s voice to determine if they may be compatible.

One of the creators, Guy Harrington, has said that the idea came to him after a disastrous date he went on through Tinder: “One morning, after a Tinder date, my flat mate Paul and I were sat hungover in our underpants and thought, why don’t we do a blind date style app not based on looks but on the voice which shows their personality? That’s how Revealr was born.”

Would you use this app as opposed to ones with photos of potential dates such as Tinder?



Chat-up lines are generally considered to be cheesy and hilarious – because they are.

That doesn’t mean they can’t work for you though. If you pick the right time and an approachable guy, a chat-up line be cute and engaging and may even work, although we’re not guaranteeing anything!

These chat-up lines will show a potential date that you’re quirky, have a great sense of humour and are fun. What more could they want?

1. Did you just touch my bum? (No) Damn.

2. Did the sun just come up or did you just smile?

3. Is it hot in here or is it just you?

4. Well, here I am. What are your next two wishes?

5. My friend over there wants to know if you think I’m cute?
