In the last two years dating has become increasingly easier. Most people don’t even need to leave their houses to meet new people. Since this kind of thing can be quite dangerous, make sure you know a friend of the person at least. It will seriously annoy you if they are a catfish and you will have to sit in a bar with them for 30 minutes, while you realize what a shit situation you are in. Apps have changed the dating game and most will say for the better. But here are the ones that have made the biggest impact:
1. Tinder
Probably the most famous of all, specifically targeted towards dating, in 24 languages, you could find your perfect match. Or, just realize you fancy no one that lives near you. All hail Tinder and the random hook ups it has created.

2. Snapchat
Ah Snapchat! An innocent way to send a photo of you with your boobs out to the whole population of males or females in your city. There is nothing that Snapchat cannot do. And, in case anyone was wondering, people will know who you have been Snapchatting – very territorial all together.

3. Whatsapp
Whatsapp is a device where texting is seen in a more casual manner. The group named after your cleverly titled group of friends is how you keep up appearances. Your Whatsapp photo may define you, so, choose carefully. Also, if there are any naked selfies floating about, they will fly through Whatsapp as quick as a flash.

4. Instagram
If you want to know who is the sap out of your group or if someone is in a relationship – take to Instagram. There will be couple selfies, sorry, #couplie’s. There will be presents they have received and there will be that awkward first date you both had. Liking on Instagram is also a way to know who is looking at your photos.

5. Facebook
Poke here and poke there, poking wars have become quite the Facebook epidemic. Who you talk to on chat, or who likes your photos, could be the sign of a new relationship. Numbers are exchanged and soon you will be in contact with your new date. Facebook has opened gates for us all.

6. Google
When you meet someone on a night out, on Tinder or through Facebook you will most likely Google them to make sure they aren’t a convicted felon. Google carefully and wisely. Add every single thing you know about them into the search bar – make it easier on yourself.

7. Twitter
Twitter is a very casual way to find someone. Many random people follow each other. It just isn’t as private as Facebook or Whatsapp. Anything you put on Twitter you are letting the world see. If you say where you were for dinner people will know your exact where abouts. So, don’t expect privacy on this yoke – unless your profile is fiercely private of course.

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