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So, whether you're a hopeless romantic or professional cynic, we can all agree that public displays of heartbreak and devastation are well, at little over the top.

Don't get us wrong, we love cheesy rom-coms and The Script's albums as much as the next person, but we can't help but feel slightly puzzled by this man's attempt to win back his ex-girlfriend.

Luke Howard, a 34-year-old musician who reckons he's some kind of real life Prince Charming, has set up a piano in a public park in Bristol, pledging to play the keys until his beloved 'Rapunzel' takes him back.

According to Metro.co.uk, the heartbroken romantic said it was his “last throw of the dice” after the four-month long relationship came to an end.

Image: Bristol Post 

Speaking to the Bristol Post, Luke explained that the pair's parting “wasn’t anything nasty or bad,” but merely a case of bad timing.

“If it was anything bad why we split up then I wouldn’t be doing this, but it’s the only thing I can think of doing.”

Couldn't just pick up the phone then, no? OK.

He continued: “It’s a kind of off-the-cuff thing, and I just want her to know how much I love her, to give us a chance rather than leave it there. I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet.”

And though the mysterious 'Rapunzel' has yet to comment on the situation, it seems Luke's plan may have already backfired after Twitter got wind of his stunt, and well, basically did what Twitter does best.

What do you think? Romantic or just plain creepy? 


We've all been there – you both swiped right, flirty banter ensues and the playful gif exchanges continue until one of you finally works up the courage to ask the all important question – "how about a date then?"

Of course you answer (after the appropriate amount of time has passed, of course), "sure, when're you free?"

But wait.

What are you and this mystery date going to do? You barely know this person. Do you even like the same things?

The dialouge continues: 'So, what were thinking?', to which they reply, 'I don't mind, got any suggestions?', and the vicious cycle continues just long enough to ruin the potential romance before it even began.

Wouldn't it be great to find someone absolutely bursting with cute and fun first date ideas?

Enter Ben Velzian.

The single Londoner was arranging a first date recently, and when asked for suggestions, he sent on a pretty extensive PowerPoint presentation filled with some wonderful ideas.

However, for some unknown reason, the guy Ben was trying to win over didn't appreciate his stroke of genius and promptly blocked him on WhatsApp.

But, luckily for us, Ben saw the funny side of the situation and shared it on Twitter for our entertainment. 

You know what, Ben? They are splendid ideas, and we're not the only ones who think so. 

Y'know, we reckon we could all do with someone like Ben in our lives. 

Not only is he hilarious and charming, but let's face it, the boy's got mad PowerPoint skills. 


So, if like many of us, your expectation of dating was left skewed after a few too many Meg Ryan rom-coms, you'll know just how different romance can be on this side of the pond.

Think less Carey and Big and a little more Gavin and Stacey.

According to a recent study conducted by dred.com, dating practices between the two cultures actually differ quite a bit – like the fact that an American man is five per cent more likely to pick up the bill than his European counterpart.

Here's a breakdown of some of the most interesting results:

Feeling frisky?

When it came to getting down and dirty on the first date, 76 per cent of both American and European men said they would sleep with someone if the chemistry was right, while only 42 per cent of European and 37 per cent of American women agreed.

Bad first dates

According to the survey, six per cent of European men and two per cent of European and American women have snuck away from a bad first bad without even saying goodbye.

On the other side, 40 per cent of European men said they would stay and give it a chance, while only 31 per cent of American fellows said the same.

Location, location, location

All groups agreed that the best place for a first date was either a restaurant or coffee shop.

However, a high percentage of European men (35 per cent) said that dinner at one another's home was the perfect first date activity (???).

Deal breakers

Both sexes cited bad breath or poor personal hygiene as an instant mood killer.

72 per cent of men also said they would not ask for a second date if the other person treated the waitress or bar staff poorly.

Going dutch?

Interestingly, European women are twice as likely as American women to suggest splitting the bill, while both men and women from the USA believe that the man should pick up the check.



Bad news for anyone born in 1991 – according to this Chinese magazine, you'll struggle to find love.

The state-owned publication, caused a stir online after making the claim that people born in the year of the sheep are destined for a lifetime of bad luck in the romance department.

See, in Beijing, many of the older population still believe in the old Chinese custom of matching two families based on their personalities, social class and even the Chinese zodiac – all of which were reflected in the answers given in a recent interview by Phoenix Weekly.

The magazine asked a number of parents living in Beijing what it was like to try to set their sons and daughters up with a potential love interest, and concluded that for those born in 1991, “life is not good -no children even if other conditions are appropriate.”

One interviewee even said, "No people whose Chinese Zodiac is a sheep."

The article sparked huge backlash on Weibo, with many users taking offence at the comments made about the year of the sheep. 

"My mother is a sheep, my girlfriend is also a sheep… this superstition is nonsense, sheep have the best temperament,” one man said.

So, if your birthday does happen to fall in 1991, all hope is not lost.

In fact, according to Chinese astrologer, Master George Tang, those born in the year of the sheep are “refined, cunning, aesthetic, perceptive, charming, serene and sensitive.”

You got this! 


Dublin is home to an array of incredible venues and attractions, and yet most of us find ourselves stumped when it comes to choosing a spot for a date.

Whether you want to break the ice on a first date or inject a little excitement into a 41st date, we’ve all found ourselves scratching our heads and racking our brains before eventually plumping for pints… again.

If you’re sick of the same old spots, and only dying to have an Insta-worthy day or night out, then why not wow your other half with one of the following?

1. Go steppin’

Hosted by Dublin’s swish Number 22 on Anne Street South, the Slide Step Dance Company take the audience on a journey through the incredible world of dance.

From the social dances of the past to the cutting edge modern choreography of Ireland today, the guys and gals behind the award-winning troupe will provide you and your SO with some serious entertainment.

2. Go vintage

Travel back in time on your date with a trip to the Café Society of a Saturday night.

Café Society is a 12-piece big band performing songs and compositions made famous by Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Cab Calloway, Fats Waller at Number 22, so if you’re a vintage girl at heart, this is the perfect date spot for you.

3. Go climbin’

If you and your other half are the active sorts, then why not incorporate a little exercise into your date by opting for a rock-climbing session?

Fun, exhilarating and definitely something to share on Insta, this is one date you’ll chat about for weeks to come.

4. Go rummagin’

Our capital city is awash with vintage markets at the weekend, and there’s nothing more relaxing than having a root through the stalls with your other half.

They say one man’s trash is another’s man’s treasure, so why not spend the afternoon snapping up some serious bargains?

5. Go disco’in

If you and your SO are all about drinks and disco, then it’s time to hit up The Glitter Ball at Number 22.

A throwback to disco‘s heyday, this Saturday night attraction will transport you from Dublin’s city centre to the glitz and glamour of 1970s New York.


Brought to you by

Behind the blue door at Number Twenty Two is a unique and exclusive venue that combines the Library bar, restaurant and theatre club. For more info click here


First comes love, second comes marriage, third comes… you get the drift.

But what about all the stuff that comes before love? The butterflies, the awkward dates, the 'so, what are we?' discussion.

There's a whole relationship to be had before those three little words become part of the equation and saying them for the first time is a major milestone.

So, how do you know the right time to say 'I love you'?

Well, one woman recently posed the dilemma in an online forum saying: “I think my new boyfriend wants to say it but doesn’t want me to not say it back, so he seems to be saying it in a jokey way or a roundabout way recently.”

She went on to say that she and her boyfriend had been “official” for two months and they have been dating for around four or five in total.

The woman then asked others to share their experiences in an effort to get a greater understanding of her own situation.

While most people agreed you couldn't possibly fall in love with someone right off the bat, some women revealed they had done just that.

One woman told her boyfriend she loved him after “about a week or two”, and are still together 11 years later.

Another confessed her feelings after just three weeks and revealed that she and her partner have now been together for five years and are due to get married this Autumn.

She added, “There’s no magic date because each couple is unique and special and will do it at different times. Enjoy the moment when it happens.”

According to The Independent, this advice is also echoed by psychologists, with Dr Aaron Ben-Zeév explaining that there is no precise formula for the right time to say 'I love you', but rather you should say it whenever you feel it.

So, if you've been waiting for the right time to confess your feelings, we're sorry to inform you that there is none.

Do it now. Don't be afraid!


Talking to someone you're attracted to can be a daunting experience.

Where do you look? What do you say? Are they even listening to me right now?

Picking a chat-up line that's more flirty than cringe is tricky business, but lucky for us, new research claims to have discovered what to say in order to give yourself the best chance of finding love – use a metaphor.

Scientists from the University of Electronic Science and Technology in China, have discovered that women prefer when a man uses metaphorical language to compliment them.

According to The Independent, researchers claim that compliments like “Your eyes are morning dew” or “Your smile is a naughty goblin” are better received than literal expressions like “Your lips are so sexy.”

Ehh? I don't know about you but if someone told me I smiled like a naughty goblin I'd run as fast as I could in the other direction.

The study found that men who use metaphors are deemed to be more creative and intelligent (unless you're calling a women a goblin, that's just weird).

Researcher also proved that women prefer to be complimented on their appearance rather than their possessions, however, it's important to note that this study was relatively small.

Just 116 women took part, and their answers may only reflect Chinese culture.

“The fact that Pragma (practical) and Storge (friendship-based) love style attitudes constituted 59.65 per cent and 45.61 per cent of the participants in our study may reflect both the participants’ sex and Chinese culture,” the researchers said.

“This finding is consistent with the report that Chinese women, relative to their western counterparts, view love as a companionship and place marriage over love.”

So, if your usual chat-up lines aren't getting you anywhere, just try reciting a few verses of  Shakespeare next time. 


If you've ever spent time on a dating app, you'll know just how frustrating it can be.

It's hard enough getting to know someone through a brief text/ gif exchange, but trying to figure out what exactly your match is after is an entirely different ball game. 

No one would blame you for thinking that the vast majority of dating app users were only after one thing, but perhaps we're a little too quick too judge. 

A new study conducted by Harvard University has revealed that there may be light at the end of the 'you out tonight?' tunnel after all.

Researchers surveyed a group of US adults aged between 18 and 25 and found that the vast majority were totally single or dating just one person.

Results found that less than 5 per cent of Tinder users messaged more than five people each week and just a bit over 5 per cent would expect to sleep with someone on the first date.

The other 95 per cent either said they would be completely against getting intimate with someone on the first date, or it simply just wasn't something they were looking for.

So, contrary to what you might think, it looks like most of us serial-daters are actually searching for something more long-term.

The study reads: ‘’What we found — and what our report describes — stands in stark contrast to the common story in our culture about young people’s romantic and sexual experiences.’’

‘’Research indicates that a large majority of young people are not hooking up frequently, and our research suggests that about 85% of young people prefer other options to hooking up, such as spending time with friends or having sex in a serious relationship.’’

So, if you're after something more than a one-night-stand, don't give up hope just yet.

But knowing our luck, we'd still manage to find that 5 per cent. 


They made their red carpet debut at the Met Gala, and now Selena has finally opened up about her love for her new fella.

The pair have been dating since January, and while they've been pictured together numerous times, this is the first time the singer has commented on her romance.

In an interview with Miami's Power 96.5 FM, Selena told the hosts, "I'm taken."

Image result for selena gomez and the weeknd

"I'm the kind of girl that loves tremendously big. I just have always been that girl," she said.

"I will give my heart and my soul to the person I love. It's just how I operate. With that comes a lot, you know?"

It seems like they're pretty serious!


Fried chicken is basically one of the best comfort foods there is out there.

Our tastebuds are just tingling thinking about it.

And it turns out, the delish cripsy-ness is the way to our hearts too.

Brown Fried Chicken Wings on White Serving Paper during Daytime

Confused? So we were, but there's a pretty legit explanation for the findings.

A new dating app in the US, Hinge, surveyed 8,000 users and asked what kind of first date would lead to a second.

Of course, the most popular first date is going out for drinks, with 37 per cent saying it would lead to a second date.

However, 24 per cent claimed that if the date included fried chicken, they would definitely be up for a round two.

Trip to KFC, anyone? You might find the love of your life there.


There's not a woman in the world who hasn't encountered an overly persistent man. There you are having drinks with the gals when Mr 'can't take a hint' rocks up to spoil your evening. 

But apparently, there's an actual scientific reason why they can't comprehend our obvious disinterest. 

A study by Psychonomic Bulletin & Review found that a huge proportion of straight men have major difficulty interpreting signals from potential female partners. 

According to Medical Daily, the results suggested that the more attractive a man deems a woman to be, the more he will think she's into him. (what?)

Apparently, the phenomenon occurs because the male projects his own sexual interest onto his love interest.

As part of the study, male and female participants were shown full-length photos of women and were asked how sexually interested she was. 

The options ranged from 'extremely rejecting' to 'extremely sexually interested' and everything in between.

Half the group were instructed to look out for body language and expressions while the other half were given no instructions at all. 

Both groups were then asked how the women's choice of clothing and perceived attractiveness influenced their decision. 

The difference in answers between the male and female participants were pretty much what you'd expect. For the most part, females used emotional cues and facial expression to make their judgements while males put a much greater emphasis on how attractive the women were .

What's more, the male participants were also deemed much more likely to assume sexual interest based entirely on what a woman looked like or what she was wearing. 

The results may not come as a huge surprise but they do confirm the existence of a rather disturbing and prevalent attitude towards sexual coercion. 


Let's face it, there are few among us who haven't endured a woeful date.

Whether it was a blind date, a first date or 'not even sure if this is a date' date, navigating the scenario as it unfolds can be agonising at best and soul-destroying at worst.

Thankfully, Twitter knows how to own their own hideous experiences, and have no qualms about sharing them with the wider world.

And here are just some of our favourites…

Ah, now.

Of course, he was.

Sorry, what?

No, he did NOT.

It's important to stay informed.

 He's probably just locked in, babes.

The classic 'no offence' move. 

We can't believe it either. 
