Pizza Hut TROLLED the s**t out of Kanye West and it’s just brilliant
After Kanye's manic tweets about how he's in debt and he needs more money to share his creative genius with the world, one pizza chain want to bring him back down to earth.
Many fans were annoyed by his rambling since he's living in a multi-million dollar mansion, but Pizza Hut completely hit the nail on the head and offered Kanye a job:
Obviously Kanye didn't stop, so Pizza Hut didn't stop either. They proceeded to post a picture of his 'CV' on Twitter, and we're totally loving it – especially with Taylor Swift's name crossed off the list:
Oh, but it didn't stop there. One fan asked Pizza Hut how they received Kanye's CV in the first place, to which the chain replied:
Well done Pizza Hut, well done.