‘I just wanted to tone up… TOWIE diet pills sent me to hospital!’
Twins Dino and Georgio Georgiades of The Only Was Is Essex are reportedly weathering claims that a young woman was hospitalised after taking their weight loss pills.
Naomi Leach, a 23-year old hairdresser, collapsed minutes after taking the Burn Bullet capsules she bought online from the brothers’ Grilla Fitness business.
She was brought to hospital as she was suffering from heart palpitations and had lost feeling in her limbs. Her doctors found she had suffered a severe adverse reaction to an ingredient in the diet pills called Brazilian cocoa prep.
Mario Falcone, also a Towie cast member, was suspended from the show for promoting the the pills in May.
The Mirror reports that Naomi said: “I just decided I wanted to shift a bit of extra fat that I'd picked up and get myself under 10 stone."
Her doctors then told her that her “heart was beating at two beats per second” – far above the average for a woman of her age.
The reality TV fan thought that she would give the pills a go to help her have more energy for the gym.
And Naomi’s mum said she was terrified when she realised she needed to bring her daughter to the hospital.
She said: “I thought the pills were affecting her brain. I know she's learned her lesson even if it does mean learning the hard way."
A friend of Naomi was quick to contact the Grilla Fitness owners to let them know what happened.
And Dino has since responded to let her know that they would be looking into the incident.